Chapter 8 - Prince Reagan

I step closer to my bed to take a good look at it after Gina angrily stormed out of the room. It was neatly laid just as I had left it last night. The only thing different about it was the claw marks on the pillow. I lightly brushed my fingers over it, a frown on my face, creasing my forehead in confusion.

"What happened to my pillow?" I ask, diverting my eyes to Lana behind me. She purses her lip before glaring back at the doorway, where Gina just went through.

"Gina did." She snarls. "She was so upset about last night that she wanted to trash all your stuff with her claws. I quickly stopped her, though." She explains while I take a seat on my bed. Lexi has her eyes skimming the room with interest on the wallpapers that are of wolf pups. Lana had picked them.

I shake my head, still lost, "But why?! I didn't do anything to her last night." I do remember the death glare pointed at me when Reagan had called me into the packhouse. I hadn't known the reason then and hadn't taken it seriously.

Lana stares at me before sighing softly and coming to sit beside me.

"You didn't do anything." She places one hand on my shoulder.

"She's just pissed and jealous that His Highness announced you his mate. You see, last night when you weren't in the ballroom, His Highness was introduced to the High Table along with the others. Gina went ahead to serve them drinks along with the rest, and she specifically went to the Prince. In a flash, he stood up and started sniffing her neck like one would his mate. I guess Gina thought it a good sign and glued her body to him, but the next thing that happened, he pushed her off and snatched your scarf from around her neck. Man, you should have seen the look on her face when he asked for the owner instead, which was you." She snickered at the last part, swatting the air with her palm.

"Anyway, she didn't quickly talk right away, and that got him really angry. I swear he was going to choke the life out of her, that's why I jumped in then and said it was you. Then he ordered I call you there right away, and you know the rest." She shrugs at the ending before standing to finally close our room door since Gina had rudely forgotten to do that.

Now I know why Gina had glared like that at me yesterday and today. She thinks I stole the Prince from her. She-wolves are naturally drawn to power, so it's not a surprise she's pissed at me. Hell, I'm sure a lot of other she-wolves that were at the ceremony are also pissed at me.

When Brad had made Stacy his mate, many of them also hated her and gossiped behind her back. A whore had seduced the future alpha of their pack. But they never said it to her face, not wanting to get on the bad side of their supposed future Luna. They were nice to her out front but spoke disgusting things about her behind her back.

Now, a Prince has laid a claim on me. And from all the gossips I heard outside, most weren't happy about it. I wasn't exactly popular among my peers, got no friends to prove that apart from Lana. So my enemies would be more.

"Bitch kept whining about it last night, calling you names the whole ride home." Lana groans in annoyance.

"She irritated me so much. I yelled for her to drop me in the middle of the road and called a cab instead. She then stormed into here this morning, rudely might I add, without knocking. Next thing I know, she went for your pillow. I quickly pushed her back and told her to leave, but she wouldn't listen. If you guys hadn't walked in when you did, I would have thought her lesson for fucking with my roommate."

I sighed before muttering a 'thank you' at her. "If you hadn't stopped her, I dread what she would have done to my belongings."

Lana sends a smile back at me before shrugging, "Don't mention it. I'm wondering how I put up with a bitch like her for so long. She crossed the line when she threatened you."

"Would you like Reagan to know about this?" Lexi suddenly asks, after quietly listening to Lana's narration.

"No, it's okay. It's just a small issue." I assure. I didn't want to get Gina in too much trouble even though I hate her now. I doubt His Highness would go easy on her. Besides, I can fight my own battles.

"It doesn't look like a small issue." Lexi points out with an eyebrow arched at my slashed pillow.

"She threatened a future Princess. That could warranty a death penalty back at the Palace."

I widen my eyes at in shock at this information, and so did Lana.

I despise Gina right now for her little stunt, but I don't want her dead. Even Lana's eyes snap to me in alarm. She doesn't want that either.

"I'm fine." I quickly say. "I can handle her myself. No need to take it too far."

Lexi shrugs in return before standing straight from where she was leaning on Lana's desk.

"No problem. I won't inform Reagan. We're going to be late for class, anyway. Are you coming, or do you want to stay some more?"

My heart aches at the possibility of not seeing Lana, my mum, my dad...maybe I could skip class and visit them instead. They would be worried sick, but they will be at work right now. I'll have to message them both then before getting a location of when to meet them.

"I'll stay a little more. You can go ahead." I advise.

She nods, "Okay, type in my number." She calls her number for me while I give her mine.

"Call me immediately as your classes are over. I don't want to get into trouble with Reagan." She sternly informs me.

"See you later, Ellie." She moves towards the door but pauses to stare at Lana. "And you too, Lana."

Lana perks up before nodding her head as a sign of respect, "B...bye, Alexia."

"Please, don't be so formal, call me Lexi." She says before closing the door shut behind her.

Lana is left stunned, staring at the closed door for a while. If only Gina was here to see this. She would be furious that Lexi was so warm to Lana while she was a total bitch to her.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you." She unexpectedly jumps on me. "I was petrified last night, of course, I feared that something terrible might happen to you like being shipped off to Canada so soon. But here you are, glowing and looking better than ever." Her eyes scan my whole body in awe while she caresses my cheeks and arm.

I giggle at her comic express, "Lana, I'm still the same."

"No, you're not. I think your boobs are bigger." She curiously pokes my breast, and I swat her hand away in response. "And your hair is shiny..." She strokes her fingers through my hair. "And what kind of lotion are you using for your skin to glow so much and feel so smooth." She's inspecting my face with her hands now.

"Okay, now you're over-exaggerating." I roll my eyes at her as I move back.

"I'm serious. You look...different...and smell different too." She sniffs the air around me. "You are different." She suddenly moves back to study me more. "Is that a hickey on your neck?!"

I blush then and use my hair to quickly cover the lovebite.

"Wow, you guys didn't waste any time to get to it, huh?" She teases while wiggling her eyebrows.

"We didn't get to anything." I quickly defend.

"Tell me. Is he big down there?" She ignores me.

"I don't know..."

"How long did he last?"

"We didn't do anything..." I'm beginning to get frustrated at her pestering.

"I heard Lycans have better stamina than..."

"Oh my God, shut up! Nothing happened, okay?!" I snap, suddenly feeling irritated by her persistent questioning when nothing happened. Her questions are making me slightly uncomfortable and putting erotic images of a particular Prince and me in my mind.

Lana immediately shuts up and blinks at me before shifting backward, away from me.

"What?" I ask, still slightly irritated.

She stares down at her fingers, fidgeting with them. "Your aura is different too, and you're making me feel slightly uncomfortable."

I frown at that, "I'm making you uncomfortable?"

"Yeah, almost like how Alpha Benson does to the whole pack whenever he's angry. Guess I shouldn't be surprised since your mate is a Lycan." She stares at me through the corner of her eyes.

Yeah, my aura will start to change and be more intimidating to an average wolf.

"Hell, I doubt Brad or Alpha Benson will be able to keep up with you." She laughs, but I don't join her.

"Speaking of Brad, Alpha Benson withdrew from giving him the Alpha position after you guys left last night. Something about breaking the sacred bond between his mate. When His Highness claimed you, why was he against it? Is he..." She didn't have to complete her statement for me to know what she's asking. I'm surprised Alpha Benson also mentioned the reason for Brad not bring inaugurated.

I nod in answer, making her eyes go wide.

"So the rumors are true. Why didn't you tell me this before?!"

"Oh, come on, Lana. And get shamed for being incompetent to keep my mate. You know the only reason people aren't going to say that now is because someone of higher authority claimed me as his."

"But still...I wouldn't have mentioned it to anyone. Heck, I would have kneed Brad in the balls for you." She stands to demonstrate her words, making a smile grace my lips.

"No, you wouldn't."

"No, I wouldn't." She agrees with a nod and sit back to cross her legs on my bed.

She turns to me when I ask, "Afternoon class?"

"Kinda, are you going to yours?"

"No, too chicken to face all those stares. Maybe I shouldn't have come until the gossips died down." I sigh before lying down on my bed to stare up at the ceilings.

"Yes, but they would have just risen up when next you came back." She points out.

"So better face them now than later. Don't worry though, I'll hit any bitch in the boobs that says shit about you." She then moves to lie beside me.

"Don't get into a fight with a she-wolf because of me. You know how we can be." I warn her, knowing how dangerous she-wolves can be when riled up.

"I do, but I'll be damned if anyone drags my awesome roommate's name down in the mud." I turn then to hug her, catching her off guard, grateful she's here to support me.

"Thank you," I whisper in her ear.

"Anytime, girl."

We stay flopped on my bed for some time, quiet and lost in our thoughts before she announces she had to go shower. I remain there and take out my phone after she leaves. I dial my mum's number, and she answers on the second ring.

"Ellie, sweetie? Is that you?" Her urgent voice is the first thing I hear.

"Yeah, mum."

"Oh, thank the moon. Where are you? Please tell me, dear, and I'll come and meet you right away." I can hear the relief and concern in her voice as she exhales.

"I'm fine, mum. I'm actually at school. Where are you?"

"You're at school?" The shock is evident in her tone. She definitely didn't think I would still be in California or even allowed to walk around so freely by now.

"I'll explain everything later. I'll be at home in thirty minutes. Please tell dad to come too." I say before telling her bye and end the call.

Usually, from home to school is more than an hour, which is why I decided to stay in the school dormitory. But if I run in my wolf form, I should make it in thirty or maybe less.

I can't run or hide from Reagan, so I decide to pack some of my stuff in a duffel bag. Some clothes since I can't continue using Lexi's, some shoes, my hair products, and some other necessities. When I'm done, Lana comes out of the shower to see me packed and ready to go. I explain I'm going to meet my parents and luckily spend some time before making it back to school to follow Lexi back to Reagan's. Guess I won't be able to attend any of my classes today.

Lana nods in understanding but made me promise to call her if I needed any help. I bid her goodbye before going out the door. I had replaced my jacket with a hoodie so I can hide my face from everyone else before making it to the woods at the back of the campus. I still receive some stares, probably because of my new strange aura, but they flatly ignore me when they see the hideous hoodie I'm hidden in.

I can't express the amount of relief I feel when reaching the woods. I walk further in, listening for any sign of movement with my werewolf hearing before undressing. I dip the clothes into my duffel bag when I'm done before crouching to shift. My bones crack into different positions that are humanly impossible before I finally turn to my wolf with brown fur. I pick my duffel bag with my canines before beginning the race to my home.

My wolf is still the same as before, little and plain-looking because of her fur's brown color, but her speed isn't the same. I notice I can run faster than before, the trees passing by me in a blur with the wind blowing through my fur. My senses are even more heightened, and I can pick up the slightest movement from miles away. I soon see the backyard of my home and pick up my pace to reach there. I stop a few trees away to shift back to my human form and put on my clothes.

I can hear the house is silent even before I walk in, meaning no one is home yet. I find the key to the back door under the mat like mum always kept it, in case I came home when they're not. My nose catches the scent of brewed coffee, and I can see a half-eaten sandwich on the dining table. I decide to also make a sandwich since I haven't really eaten. I dive into the fridge and brought out some ham, vegetables, and butter before proceeding to the kitchen counter.

I'm done and sitting at the dining table, chowing down on the ham sandwich when I heard my parent's car pull into the driveway.

"Ellie?! Ellie, dear. Are you here?" I hurry out of the kitchen to see my mum in her nurse uniform. A look of relief washes over her face when her eyes land on me. She rushes over to engulf me in a warm hug, and I breathe in her familiar scent of peaches. Dad comes in behind her and smiles when he sees me. I go to hug him, and he places a kiss on my forehead in return.

We then take a seat on the sofa, and I'm bombarded with questions from my mum, asking if I was alright or being treated alright where I was. Her eyes and hands check my body for any sign of injury.

"I'm fine, mum," I assure her with a smile, moving away so she won't see the lovebite on my neck.

"She does look alright, Sonia." My dad adds.

"Oh, honey. Why didn't you tell us about Brad?" Tears pool in her eyes, and I can see the concern she holds in them. I look away in shame, not wanting to see the disappointed look on their faces.

"I'm sorry, mum, dad. I didn't want you guys to think I'm not good enough to keep my mate." I sulk while fiddling with my fingers.

"Nonsense." I hear my dad's angry voice speak up opposite me.

"If anything, that boy was stupid to reject you. If he wasn't our Alpha's son, I would have mutilated him for doing that to you." I can see his irises glow a bright blue as he grips the arms of his chair in rage. His jaw clenches as he lets out little growls.

"Calm down, Grey. Let's not do anything stupid." My mum's soft voice is heard as she walks over to him, caressing his arm so he would calm down.

"Mum, Dad? I don't know what to do. How is His Highness my mate?" My voice comes out weak as I look at them for help.

My mum sighs, "Oh, dear. I'm not sure either, but you know the same rules for us don't apply to Lycans. Tell me, dear, do you feel anything for him?" She asks with her eyes soft and soothing.

"I don't know, I can't really explain what it is that I feel. It's all muddled in my brain."

"That's normal since your wolf is still recuperating from that shithead's rejection." My dad spits, making my mum send a sharp glare at him. "Sorry." He cringes

"Don't worry, hon. Everything's going to be alright. We are here for you." My mum comes to sit back beside me, holding my hand. I smash into her arms, yearning for her warmth to keep me sane. I feel my dad sit beside me, stroking my hair while my mum pats my back.

This was what I needed when Brad threw me aside and went for Stacy. Now, I wish I had told them earlier. Then I wouldn't have gone through all that heartache alone. If my aunt hadn't been there to console me, I doubt I wouldn't still be depressed by now.

I stay in my parents' arms for some time before the doorbell goes off. We all go rigid at once, wondering who it could be. Anyone we're acquainted with would know we shouldn't be home by now. If I hadn't called my mum, both she and dad would still be at work. And I would be at school. So who could be visiting us at this time? My dad motions for my mum and me to wait in the sitting room while he goes to answer the door. My mum and I both stand up with her arms on my shoulder, and we watch him twist the doorknob open. I can't see who the person is but a familiar scent hits my nose, and I can feel goosebumps begin to rise on my arms in response.

Even my wolf perks up at the scent, wanting to see through my eyes.

"Your Highness?!" I hear the surprised voice if my dad from where I stand.