Chapter 3 - Rejected, but not Broken

Chapter 3

Gabi’s POV

My school week went by quickly and we are in high gear at the packhouse, as it is Saturday, and I am really happy because tomorrow is my one day off each week. Luna is super excited because her son is coming home with his mate next weekend. Soon-to-be Alpha Derek is going to be back next Friday night and will be bringing his mate, Piper Lowell, with him. Piper is the only child of Alpha August Lowell, and Luna Olive Lowell, of the River Bed pack. They are close to us. If you are in wolf form, you can just cut across the forest to get there in about an hour in wolf form, but it would take you almost 4 hours in a car. You would have to backtrack out of here, and then go over, costing you precious time. They are actually our neighbors, as we are in the same Shasta Trinity National Forest as well. She was there to learn as well, as they also trained them to be Luna at the Alpha Training. The only stipulation in them going is that you have to be the child of an Alpha for you to be able to go there. I have heard that quite a lot of deals and treaties have been made while there and now that we are getting into the middle of March, everyone is about to come home for their last school break before we graduate in May.

I am finishing up with my laundry as I have already changed and made up all the beds, and I am washing the dirty laundry in the industrial washing and drying machines. I feel a hand come up and slide across my waist and turn me around before a mouth descends down onto mine, taking me into a kiss. I jerked back and look up to see Jack with a smirk on his face before he bends his head again to give me a second kiss. Now that I know it is him, I am willing to kiss him back and put my arms around his shoulders and fit myself up to him. He makes a growling noise from deep in his throat and presses into me even harder and I felt him resting on my stomach as he breaks the kiss and tries to curb his excitement of our kiss.

“Gabrielle, why are you making me wait? Do you not care about me? Don’t you want to sleep with me, baby? I love you and I want you. I want to grow old with you. What are you waiting for?” Jack asks me as he keeps pressing his hardened dick into me.

“I do care for you, Jack. I truly do, but I don’t know if I love you, or if you are my mate. Imagine how my mate would feel knowing that the only thing that I had to give to him, had been taken by another. He might be mad enough to reject me on the spot for it. I am not going to take that risk. I care for you, and it is only like 8 more days. Can’t you wait for me for 8 more days to find out? Please, baby? We just started kissing at the end of January. There is no need to keep pressing me to go further when we only have another week to go to see if you are my mate.” I told him.

Jack nods at me and then pulls me in tightly to him and sniffs my neck and then into my hair as he groans again in frustration. “I am only willing to do this for you baby. I am going to go train for a while in the gym to work past this problem I now have going on”, Jack tells me, and then gives me one more kiss before he takes off to go to train, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he exits the laundry room. He trains a lot, and I guess that is normal for our warriors. He does it quite a bit, but as an Omega, I cannot train, so I just support him the best I can, by not nagging him about it when I don’t know what he needs to do to stay a warrior.

He has really been pressuring me a lot in the last few weeks. I keep asking him to be patient, but he is ready to sleep with me now. I may surprise him for a minute by sticking my head in the gym when I go to reload the freshly washed towels. I am loading up my carts. I wash more towels than anything here, as with the daily training, with Sundays off, we go through a lot of them at both the gym and here in the packhouse. I am really glad for the industrial washers and dryers we have here as they really are great time savers. I got all of the washers loaded and started, grabbed my rolling cart full of clean towels, and I headed down the sidewalk to go reload the towels in the gym. I have to do this trip 3 times a week, but I only ever load up outside the shower area. They just grab them from the loaded cubbies on the wall where I place them and put them on a hook near the shower to grab after they are done. As for werewolves, we are more open about our bodies, and as we are usually in peak shape from all the work we do or training for the ones who can, we are all pretty attractive as a group. Not that I look a lot, but I noticed while I was at Jack’s training that 85% of our men have the V cut. They all look pretty good, but Jack’s 6-pack is an attention-getter, and he has a little fan club. I know the school bicycle, Story Coleman, almost drools when she sees him, and she is at every practice that I have ever been at to watch him. She is really pretty with brown hair and blue eyes; she is petite at 5’5” and always seems to have a smile on her face. She doesn’t wear a lot of makeup and has never been mean to me, we just don’t talk. She always smiles at me and tells me how lucky I am to be dating Jack, and I always give her a nod, as I do feel lucky to be with him. He is attractive and nice, and I pray to the Goddess that we are mates. I truly would be a very lucky woman. I load up the folded towels in the women’s locker room first, and it is a ghost town, no one is here and there is really nothing to do, but re-fill the towels. All the soaps, lotions, toilet paper, and hygiene items have stayed fully stocked since the last time I did this on Thursday.

I go into the men's side, and I hear something in the shower area, and since it is occupied, I stick my head into the training room area to see if Jack is still working out or done. I didn’t see anyone working out inside the fully stocked gym, and the room was completely deserted. So, I may be in luck and that is Jack in the shower and maybe we can go get food together when he gets dressed. I put all the towels up, as I am not going into the shower area, I don’t care if we are dating or not. I am not ready to move to the next level yet, especially when I am this close to my 18th birthday. I am still hoping that my wolf will come to me then. I pray to the Goddess over that too. I want to get to know her and spend time with her. She is the other part of me, and I am so ready to meet her. I hope I get her on my birthday.

I heard a loud moan followed by a loud, “Faster, Jack, faster. I am almost there”. I hear sounds of something lightly slapping in the shower and then a scream of, “Jack, OH yes, OH Goddess, yes, baby, YES!!” from the girl.

I feel like I am about to get sick. We have been together since school started in August. I have wasted 8 months of my life with this fucking jerk, and he is cheating on me. I felt the bile roll up my throat and I heard Jack roar out his release after she got hers. I know I will be sorry for this, but I don’t have time to leave without being seen, so I quietly roll the cart to the back of the lockers, as I now see two piles of clothes sitting on the long bench in front of the first set of lockers. I sit there behind the third row of lockers and try not to lose my lunch while I wait for them to come out and get dressed.

“Baby, I am glad that you called me, but I thought you were going to try to stay with Gabi for the rest of the school year?” I heard a familiar voice say.

“I am, but she refuses to sleep with me until she knows if we are mates or not. I have been really trying but she is not willing to sleep with me unless she knows that we are mates. That is the only way. I have really been pouring on the charm, but so far all I have gotten is kissing and some petting, which she always stops too soon”, Jack said grumbling.

“Give her time, she is about to be 18, you never know, you two could be mates. But you know I am always available for you, whether you are or not. I enjoy our “training” together, Jack”. I heard her say and I peeked around the corner to try to see who it was. I can’t see her from this angle, and I am getting frustrated.

“We are not mates. I already know. That is why I have been pressuring her to sleep with me before her birthday. I will be 19 in two months, and I already found my mate 4 months ago, while I was out at a club. She is just an Omega, and I want at least a warrior as my mate. I want my pups to be strong. If my second chance mate doesn’t end up being a warrior, I will just reject her too, and then take a chosen mate”, Jack tells her.

“I haven’t found mine yet, but since I do a lot of “training” he might very well reject me when I do find him. I hate you missed out on getting to be with your mate. I have heard it is the best feeling in the world when you are with them”, I heard the girl say to Jack.

“When did I say that I didn’t get with her? I gave her a bogus name at first and we danced for a while, then I took her to the women’s room and locked the door. We had sex in the bathroom. I asked her name while I was kissing her goodbye. She gave it to me. It was like Evie or Erica or something like that. I just rejected her and left her lying on the ground in the bathroom crying out, and left the club. I had got what I wanted from her anyway. I hope she doesn’t get pregnant with my pup; I would hate for my firstborn to not be with me, especially if it is a son. But I won’t be going to look for her. We are done. I have rejected her, and I don’t need her anymore”, Jack tells her, and then I hear him laugh. He crushed someone and used them in the worst way, and they just left them. From the sounds of it, he didn’t use protection either. He is disgusting and I really feel like I am going to throw up at any moment. I have truly dodged a bullet with this guy, and I am so thankful that I made him wait. He is just looking for another notch in his belt, and I am not going to be playing along.