Chapter 15 - Rejected, but not Broken

Chapter 15

Gabi’s POV

“No, we are still going to the mall today, Gabi. Today’s shopping trip will be on us. You can call me Von, please Gabi. You can call Heath by his name as well. We have already decided that we will be your guardians at least for your first year here, and continue on after that if you will allow us”, Luna Yvonne told me as she let me go and stepped back into Alpha Heath’s arms. They both smiled at me and looked like they were waiting for me to answer them.

“Yes, we have several stops that we need to do today. So, we can leave as soon as everyone is through with their meal”, Luna Liz said and went and grabbed a biscuit, put some gravy on it, and sat down to eat quickly so we could go. Everyone else was done as Von and Heather were already done when she asked to speak with them. I asked when the bathroom was on the first floor and was told that it was around the corner to my right and down that hallway.

I went to use the bathroom and quickly came back, as I didn’t want to run into anyone just yet. I am feeling overwhelmed right now by all that has happened in the last 24 hours. I feel stressed and unsure of what is to come, and that is an unsettling feeling.

Everyone is waiting for me when I come back into the dining room, and we head outside where Luna Liz’s Escalade has been brought back upfront and a Suburban has been parked right next to it. I get into the back seat of Luna Liz’s Escalade and Justin gets into the front seat and we head out about a minute later, following Alpha Heath as he navigates us out of the pack and heads for the mall. I had never been to one before. I have only left the packlands before to go with mom to the farmer’s market, or to help with a catering event. Thinking about that makes me miss my parents and I sit quietly in the back looking out the window, but not seeing anything, as the tears in my eyes blurred everything that we passed. I stayed quiet in the back seat and just listened to Luna Liz and Justin speak quietly in the front seat. We traveled for a while and Luna Liz parked next to Alpha Heath at the mall. It was massive. We had parked at the center of it, but it spanned out in both directions and was two stories tall, and a lot bigger than I thought it would be.

“Ladies, I would like to request a time limit on this shopping adventure, if I could. You guys can do a shop ‘til you drop on a later date, but today, since I do have work to do and I also want to get Gabi set up for training as well, I will need some time with her in the sporting goods store as well. So please have mercy on us. This will not be the only shopping trip that you ladies will ever have together. Liz said she would come back every month to check on Gabi, and you guys can go shopping each month then, OK?” Alpha Heath said and both Eli and Justin looked like they were relieved that he had said it. Von looked at him like he had grown another head and Fawn arched her eyebrows at Eli, who shrugged his shoulders, but didn’t say anything.

“Sorry, Heath, we will try to be quick about it, but Gabi needs a whole new wardrobe, shoes, undergarments, and at least 4 sets of workout clothes. It won’t be all day, but it is going to take us at least 2 hours to get her stuff picked out. With the four of us, I am sure we can get it done in a timely manner”, Luna Liz said and then headed towards the mall with us all tagging along behind her. She headed straight to Forever 21. They headed for the jeans first and Fawn picked out 4 pairs and we headed into the changing room. I tried each of them on with one pair of skinny jeans being the winner. They were a little loose in the waist, but they made my butt look great. Plus, Fawn said that with me getting to have regular meals, and three of them, I should gain a few pounds, or not, depending on how much I train. Fawn put the other three pairs up and kept the one I wanted and Fawn grabbed a second pair in stonewash, and she picked up another one in black. And then Luna Liz showed up with three bra and panties set for me to try on over my bra and panties. The bra was a tight fit, as it did have my old bra under it, but Luna Liz said that would be fine, as it should be perfect after the set was washed and I didn’t have a set underneath it. She went out and picked out a total of 8 sets for me, with a 34C bra and size 6 panties. They were all pretty and she got two white, two nude sets, two black sets, and two “fun” sets, as she liked to call them. One was a black and tan set that was the sexiest looking thing I have ever seen, with the tan base and black lace covering it, and a cute baby pink set with a darker pink ribbon running across the top of the cups with a bow on the center of the cups, and the ribbon ran across the top of the panties with a cute bow on the front of the panties.

I got several t-shirts in cute spring colors, a few band t-shirts, and three nice shirts that were dressier. I ended up with about 16 pairs of socks, 4 high ones for boots, and 8 pairs of athletic socks that absorbed sweat and moisture. And 4 regular socks. I got a lower pair of boots that came to my ankles, a tall pair of boots even though it was spring, and winter was over, and two pairs of nice sneakers and one pair of slip-on flats. I thought I was done and headed out of the store, but Luna Liz just told me to pass the bags off to the men and we all went to the sporting goods store where I went with the men and the women, now that they knew my size, went to get me workout clothes.

Alpha Heath took me to the gun area, and I was wondering if he just needed a new one, so I stayed silent and waited. The man assisting Alpha Heath was a pack member and knew who he was. I stood there as they spoke quietly together for a minute and then Alpha Heath reached out towards me and motioned me to the counter. Three guns were sitting on the counter in front of me and Alpha Heath told me, “None of these guns are loaded, even knowing that you never put your finger on the trigger unless you are willing to shoot someone”. I nodded and looked at the three guns. They all looked scary to me, but that was because I have never used one, or was taught how to use one.

“Pick each one of them up and I will show you how to hold them. I just need you to let me know which of these three feels the best in your hands, Gabi. You cannot shoot well unless the gun fits well in your hand. You need it to feel comfortable. I picked out these three guns. All are good options for you, but it comes down to what feels best in your hand. The grips are all different and this is a big choice. When rogues come, they usually come in great numbers, like our pack. We have 758 people in it, counting you. We have about 350 warriors, the rest are children, the elderly, or people who are injured and cannot fight right now. Everyone trains in our pack as we don’t want anyone to be unable to protect themselves” Alpha Heath pauses and looks at me for a moment and then motions towards the guns for me to pick up and hold.

I picked up the first one and held it. Alpha Heath showed me how to hold my trigger finger straight with the gun and showed me where the safety was and how to turn it off and then back on again. I was given a choice between the Smith & Wesson M & P Shield, the Smith & Wesson M & P 380 Shield EZ, and the Springfield Armory Hellcat 9mm. The Smith & Wesson Shield 9mm and the Springfield Hellcat were my two favorites out of the group. I was most comfortable with the Springfield Hellcat in my hand, and it felt more natural for me in my hand. Alpha Heath gave it to the man assisting us and I smiled at him, as I knew him now to be a member of our pack. Alpha Heath also ordered several other things, giving a list to the man who wrote it all down and then went to fill out the list. He came back with two cardboard boxes with all kinds of things inside. I was curious as I saw unusual things in the second box and Eli and Justin grabbed a box each. After Alpha Heath paid for our stuff, we headed out to meet the ladies who were sitting in the food court and drinking the coffee they got from Starbucks.

Would any of you like some Starbucks?” Fawn asks and gets up from her chair. Eli nodded and I knew she knew what he wanted. Justin asked for a Venti strawberry vanilla Frappuccino and Alpha Heath just wanted a large plain coffee with a little half and half in it to cut the bitter taste. They all looked at me and I shrugged, “I have never had Starbucks, I don’t know what I would want”, I told them.

“I will get you a Grande of what Justin is getting. They are pretty good. Do you like strawberries?” Fawn asked me. I nod and she takes off to go get our drinks.

“Oh, no, Heath, can you not let her get comfortable with being here in her first few days with us?” Von said as she looked into the boxes that Eli and Justin had sat on the table.

“Von, I will be helping her to be comfortable in her own skin and running her own life. Nothing makes you more comfortable than being confident in who you are meant to be. Gabi is a warrior. I can feel it in my bones, her wolf is strong, very strong, and I can feel it down to my soul that Gabi needs this, her wolf wants this for her. Gabi needs to be built up right now. I know what I am doing, and I always dreamed of instructing my own children on weapons someday. So even though we didn’t give birth to her, as far as I am concerned, Gabi is mine now, and anyone that wants to hurt her, will have to come through me to do it. I will not allow anyone to hurt her ever again“ Alpha Heath said.

It makes me so happy to hear him say that, that I start to cry and Von hops up and comes over to me to see if I am OK and give me a hug.

“I am OK. I am just really happy that I am safe now. I’m actually really looking forward to being taught by Alpha Heath. I’m excited about it”, I tell them.

“Good because your training will start tomorrow as soon as you get home from school. I will take you there myself. When you get home you can do your schoolwork, and grab an apple or banana or something, and then we train. I am glad you feel safe with us, but please Gabi, you are allowed to call us Von and Heath. Or one day when you feel comfortable doing it, mom, and dad. If you never get there, that is fine, but we both consider you to be ours, regardless, right now. I will protect and train you as my own, little one” Alpha Heath told me, and I turned to give them both a joint hug. I don’t know about calling them mom and dad, as I just lost my parents yesterday, and I don’t know them well enough, but I can call them Von and Heath, and I am truly thankful to them both.