Chapter 29 - Rejected, but not Broken

Chapter 29

Gabi’s POV

I entered the office and looked to see where I could sit. Luna Liz is on the couch against the wall and Von goes over to sit next to her, so I took the seat in front of the desk next to Heath.

I heard an intake of breath as I glanced up to look at the Alpha and Luna behind the desk. They were a very attractive couple, and they were both looking at me with frowns on their foreheads. I looked at Heath and he reached over and grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. I nodded at him and then looked back at the couple.

The Alpha had dark brown hair and blue eyes. He was a large man, even sitting down, and had a very handsome face. He was studying my face for some reason, and I wanted to squirm under his scrutiny. I have never had someone look at me so hard in my life. I glanced over to the Luna, and she was looking at me strangely too. She had light brown hair and green eyes and she looked exactly how their daughter had looked. Only the daughter bleaches her hair blonde, but they have the same green eyes. The Luna was a beautiful lady and looked to be in very good shape, just like her daughter, as they were both 5’9” and curvy.

I don’t say anything, and I am now getting really uncomfortable with the silence. I started to rub the satin lining on the baby blanket when Luna Everly snapped her eyes down to the items in my hands and said, “May I please look at what you have in your hands”. I nodded to her and handed them to her to look at. She unfolds the blanket and then makes a strangled noise in her throat as she looks at the outfit, and then her eyes snapped right back up to mine with tears in her eyes.

“Where did you get these?” Luna Everly asks me.

“My parents at Red River gave them to me on my 18th birthday. Well, not my birthday. It was March 12th, and they just used it as my birthday as they said I looked to be 2 years old when they found me tied up in a tree. So, they just celebrate it as my birthday from then on”, I told them. I heard another strangled noise from Luna Everly, who looked at Alpha Wyatt and her eyes started filling up with tears.

I looked at Heath, as I did not know what was going on right now and he pats my hand and links me, “Everything is fine little one, no one is going to take you away from us”. I smiled and nodded at him and then looked back at the Alpha couple sitting across the desk from me, looking at me again.

May we approach you please, Gabi?” Alpha Wyatt asked, and I nodded and now I am frowning at them.

They both come to my chair and bend down to sniff me, at my neck and my hair, and now I do not know what the hell is going on at all. I reach over and take Heath's hand in mine, and he covers my hand with his other hand and pats it, trying to comfort me.

They both went back to their chairs and looked at Von and said, “You also said that you had another method of proof, did you not”. She nodded at them and said, "We need to go outside for this one".

We all headed outside and to the woods. I am walking between Luna Liz and Von right now and I don’t know what we are doing at all now. I hear Tala in my head telling me “Give it a minute, you are about to find out. They needed to bring me forward as I am the last piece of the puzzle that they needed to see". I feel better knowing that this is almost over and that Tala knows what is going on.

Alan, Hudson, and Beta Moore are following behind the group about 20 feet behind us when Luna Liz and Von take me further into the woods to help me phase. I hadn’t been phasing as I was supposed to keep me and Tala on the down low, until Heath and Von told me I could start showing my wolf. Tala agreed with them, so I haven’t been phasing into my wolf, just training in my human form regularly. Tala said that we are one and that she already knows what to do with a threat, so I haven’t missed much with training with her. She is very confident in her skills, and I trust her completely.

I remove my clothes and I go to bring Tala forward. Luna Liz gasps when she sees me and nods at Von and they walk out of the forest first in front of me, back out to the waiting Alpha and Luna.

I heard several gasps as only Heath and Von had seen me up until this point and I saw Alan and Hudson’s stunned faces before Hudson did his usual humor bit and said, “There you go Alan, that is how she beat us all, she is an Alpha wolf”.

Alpha wolf? What? What the hell is he talking about? Tala mindlinks me and said, “Yes, Gabi, we are the daughter of an Alpha wolf. Look at the Alpha and Luna”

I look at them and they are both crying, and Luna Everly's hands are shaking now. Why are they so upset? Do they not want me here? Why are they so overcome?

“Come with me Gabi, we need to get you changed back over and dressed. No one else needs to see you out here. We still have things to talk about back in the office”, Von said to me, and she and Luna Liz took me back to where we left my clothes.

We come back out and I am immediately grabbed and hugged by Luna Everly and then by Alpha Wyatt. Heath and Von see the confusion on my face, and Von tells me, “All will be answered in the office”. We all headed back into the packhouse. We entered the kitchen and we all heard Taylor calling out to her mother.

“Well, thank the Goddess mom, can you tell me why you canceled the live band for the end of my birthday party?” Taylor said as she walked up to the group.

“Taylor, we spent enough on your party. We already had a DJ; we didn’t need a band too. As a matter of fact, we are not through, so please, we will discuss this later when our meeting is complete”, Luna Everly said to Taylor and started walking away back to the stairwell for us to all go back up to the office.

“Well, at least tell me if Tanner is coming, I wanted to get to see him tonight” Taylor yells after her mom and then growls in frustration when her mother just keeps going up the stairs. I glanced back at Taylor, from the stairs, and she gave me an ugly sneer and waved her hand at me like telling me to go away. Yes, I am really glad I don’t have to stay here.

“I see that you are full of surprises,” Alan tells me in a very low tone. I glanced back at him and whispered back, “I was told not to show my wolf to anyone”.

“Yes, that was smart, as anyone seeing you would know who you are, and who you belong to” Alan whispered back to me.

“What do you mean” I whispered back, and stopped at the top of the stairs.

Very few wolves can phase and still keep their human eye color. I know of only one, Alpha Wyatt. Now I know of two. So, I am assuming that you are the long-lost daughter of the Wilson’s”, Alan told me.

Why wasn’t I told? Why did they keep it a secret? Why couldn’t they trust me to keep it a secret? Crap, that means that I have a mean girl for a sister. That absolutely ruins my day, and I don’t want to go into the office. I stood at the top of the stairs with Alan and Hudson. I didn’t sign up for this. I don’t want to come and live here. I certainly don’t want to live with that Taylor girl, she is horrible. So, I just stay where I am. If I knew how to get there, I would go to my room. I don’t even want to stay for the party now. I don’t care how cute my dress is.

Von comes back to me and holds out her hand towards me. I shake my head no. I didn’t want to go back into the office. Why didn't Heath and Von tell me who I was? I don’t want to be here now, and I would like to leave. I am angry and confused.

“Honey, we couldn’t tell you, we had to protect you. This was the reason that Monty was so horrible to you. The lower the number who knew who you were, the safer you were. I am sorry that we didn’t tell you, but we were trying to protect you”, Von tells me with tears in her eyes.

“Little one, come with us into the office, you are not staying here. You will be coming back with us, no matter what. They may want you to stay, but it is your decision whether you do or not. We will always have a spot for you in our home, even if you want to stay here for a little while to get to know your parents. But we are prepared to go to war if necessary to keep you with us. So come on and stay with us as we finish this. You need to be in there and hear what all is said, it will fill in the blanks from when you were a baby until now”, Heath tells me.

I slowly stepped forward and followed them to the office. Before I entered, I stopped and looked back at Alan and Hudson, who both gave me a thumb’s up. I sighed out loud and then entered the office. I really don’t know if I want to deal with this today. This is a LOT to take in, so much has changed today, but I take my seat in front of the Alpha’s desk and then reach over to take Heath's hand in mine. That movement was not lost on them, and I saw that Luna Everly’s smile faltered some, but she put it back up and smiled brightly at me again. Time to get to business.