Chapter 30 - Rejected, but not Broken

Chapter 30

Taylor’s POV

This is supposed to be my day, the whole day. I got to see my parents at breakfast, but some group showed up and they have been “in a meeting” for like 2 hours now. What could be so important that they are willing to ignore me on my special day? I mean those guys in the hallway were hot, I mean really hot, and if Tanner doesn’t show up, I will have to see if I can get that big guy to ring in my birthday with me. But the rest of the group can leave.

I am furious that mom canceled the band. Every year she lets me do what I want, and I have already told people at school that we are going to have that band here, as well as the DJ. I am going to look like an idiot and a liar about this to my friends at school. I guess the DJ will be good enough. We do have some awesome swag bags with my friends all getting new tablets and some great makeup in them. My ten closest friends will be coming, and they are super excited to be here for it.

I had told them that Tanner was going to be there, and I was praying to the Goddess that he would be. Mom still hasn’t answered me, and they had blocked my linking them, so when I saw them coming in from outside, I had to stop her and ask about Tanner. What the hell were they doing outside anyway? Was this some kind of stupid field trip or something? Why were they walking around outside? That girl with them looks a little familiar, but I know for a fact that I don’t know her, her scent is not one that I am familiar with. She may have been with one of the two hot guys, she was sitting with the slimmer one, so that may be her boyfriend. I guess we will see tonight. I can take the big guy away from her anyway. I am gorgeous, and being truthful is not being vain, and I will look even better tonight. I give her a look as she glances over at me on her way up the stairs and I hope she doesn’t come and ruin my party tonight. She looks like a bore, and my party needs to be awesome tonight. I have been planning it for months. My friends that I don’t get to see a lot are all getting to come as I sent out e-mail invitations, as some have moved in with their mates in their packs, and I didn’t want to miss anyone.

I got the most beautiful dress I could find. It is an emerald green color, and it is a couple of shades darker than my eyes, and it fits me like a glove. The neckline has a deep V, and my curves are highlighted in it. Mom and dad still haven’t seen it after I took it in to get it altered. They just saw and approved the original version.

I have a pretty good allowance and when I took it in to get altered, I assured the lady that my parents were aware it was being altered. They in fact did know it, they just didn’t know by how much. It was too late now to get a different dress and my breasts looked great in this dress. I was in great shape thanks to my mother because I didn’t train. I don’t need to anyway, because I am going to be the Luna of the Blood Rose pack. I am going to marry Tanner Wright, whether he wants me to or not. I had taken pictures of him when I got in bed with him a while back before he woke up. It made it look like we were together, together, and had just had sex with his tousled bedhead. He looked so cute sleeping. I hated that I woke him up. I was trying to snuggle back up to him so he could spoon me and that was when he woke up and started yelling at me to get out.

I don’t know what the hell his problem is, but I am doing him a favor. I am beautiful and I love him. Well, I want him, I can grow to love him. He is gorgeous and we would make beautiful and strong pups. He is so hot. He was sleeping in just his grey sweatpants, and he was in great shape, everywhere.

What am I worried about? All my friends within a 200-mile radius know that he is my man, and to stay away from him, or they will answer to me. It doesn’t stop them unless I am around, but they have all been warned. I planned on finding out which room he is in tonight and making sure he drinks enough to wake up with me in his arms. I also have something for his drink if he is resistant to me again.

I don’t know what his problem is. I am a catch. He would always have our pack as a backup if his pack gets threatened, or if someone declares war on him. He should be claiming me right now as his. He seemed like he would be smart enough to take me up on the offer of being with me, not put out about it.

I head back to my room, and I see the hot guys standing in the hallway as I am going to go up another flight, so I stop to speak to them.

“So, where are you guys from?” I asked them in my most pleasant voice.

“Ever Green,” the big guy tells me.

“How old are you? I am 17 today”, I told him.

“I am too old for you, plus we are on guard duty while we are here. So, we need to pay attention to who is all coming and going”, the big guy tells me.

I like it when they resist me, I like a good chase, and I need to make sure I have a backup in case Tanner doesn’t come or is cold to me while he is here.

“I don’t think that you are too old for me,” I said to the big guy as I ran my nail down his chest, down to the top of his pants. He takes a large step to the side to get away from me and I trail after him.

“What, you are scared of little ole me, honey? I won’t hurt you, I can treat you right if you let me”, I purred at him and advanced on him again.

“Leave him alone Taylor, you heard him” I heard my brother Stone say behind me, and I whirled around to talk to him.

“I am just messing with him, Stone; he is a big boy. He could stop me if he wanted to. He is much stronger than I am, aren’t you, big guy?” I said and got right back into his chest again.

“Taylor, if you don’t stop, I WILL tell mom and dad about you. He is obviously uncomfortable. Hell, I am uncomfortable with what you are doing. Please stop, you are embarrassing yourself in front of him, and making our pack look bad, chasing after him like that. Just leave him alone, OK?” Stone said and rolled his eyes at me. He is being a jerk. I was just messing around with the big guy, just playing around. Stone cannot take even a little joke. Sometimes I can’t believe that we are related.

I toss my hair over my shoulder and walk away towards my room and hear the guys start up a conversation again as I leave. I don’t care if he doesn’t want to talk to me, I don’t need him for conversation. I just needed him to help me out for about 20 minutes, and then he could go, but from how he acted when I was checking out his chest and abs, you would have thought he didn’t like it at all. I don’t care, I want Tanner anyway. I have plans for him tonight. I would only need this guy for backup if Tanner either doesn’t show up or leaves early.

I get to my room, and it is like ten minutes to eleven am. I think I will take a nap as I plan to be up until like 3 am tomorrow enjoying my birthday. I go grab a shower and get in my nightclothes as I want a good nap, and it helps me to relax. I lay down and I am out in like 10 minutes. I get up a little after 1 pm, grab a cute outfit, and head down for lunch. I plan on changing my outfit again for my beautiful dress, but I went shopping at the mall a week ago and I had picked up like 8 new outfits, and I want to show off as many of them as I could on my birthday weekend. I have a cute leather miniskirt, a white camisole with a built-in bra with a cut black tank on top of it, and a pair of heeled lace-up boots that hit between my calf and my ankle. My outfit looked really cute, and I headed down to get something to eat for lunch. I look over to where my parents are sitting, and I see them having a discussion with Stone, who also has a completely serious look on his face as well. I go grab my food and come over to eat with them. I was busy eating and not listening to what they were saying when I heard Stone say, “And you are sure that she is our sister”.

My head snapped up quickly and I was all in on this conversation. It is a well-known fact that I get the bulk of the stuff that I have gotten because of their misplaced guilt over my sister who was abducted right after she turned two years old. Stone was 16 months old at the time, and I was only 8 months old. Mom had hired a nanny to help her out as it was tough getting her Luna duties done with three very young children. One day, the nanny took my sister to the pack doctor to get her 2-year-old shots, and she never came back. We all assumed she was dead. Shit, that dark-haired girl outside mom and dad’s office, that was why she was so familiar to me, she looked like me and mom. This is trouble with a capital T. I won’t be getting everything anymore, because they are going to have to make up for her bad life if her clothes and shoes were anything to say about it, and this takes things from me, a lot of things from me. Shit, this is really bad. I was looking around the table and they looked totally convinced about it, so I had to ask.

“Um, how do you know it really is her? She had been gone for a long time. We all thought she was dead. How can you be sure it is her? I think she is just trying to con you all, and you guys are falling for it.” I pushed my opinion at them in desperation.

“We are running DNA tests here at the pack doctor. They will be done in a few hours, which is what we were told, but your dad and I already know it is her Taylor”, my mom tells me.

“How the hell do you know that mom?” I asked because that stupid DNA test was going to cost me everything. I could see it by looking her in the face.

“Because we saw her wolf, Taylor. Her eyes do the same thing that both your father’s eyes and Stone’s eyes do, and she is a large black wolf. There is no mistake. Your sister has returned home” my mother said, and totally ruined my birthday.