Chapter 12 - Rejected, but not Broken

Chapter 12

Derek’s POV

I felt bad, I had just rejected my mate and I want her back. I want to take it back. I want to tell dad that I no longer want to go with the treaty or the contract that we drew up. I changed my mind and I just want to let Gabi be my Luna now. My heart hurts from rejecting her, and she couldn’t even accept it as the pain from it made her pass out. She was so happy when she realized that I was her mate. She didn’t even hold me hurting her in high school against me. I didn’t even have to tell her that it was an Alpha command by my father, and I couldn’t stop myself.

I mind-linked my dad to see if he was available to speak and he told me to come to his office. I entered and waited until he was done with what he was working on to speak.

“I have changed my mind dad,” I told him right off the bat.

“About what?” My dad asked me.

“Mating Piper and expanding our pack with this treaty and agreement between us and the Rived Bed pack,” I told him.

“If this is about other women, just wait for a little while. You can start back up as soon as you get your Luna pregnant. It is no problem. They get busier after they have children and their regular pack responsibilities too. You will be able to have women on the side, you just have to pick women who can be discreet” my dad said, and I suddenly realized that my dad had been doing that the whole time with mom. He got her pregnant with me, and I am their only child. There has to be a reason why.

“No, dad. I met my mate. I rejected her, but she hasn’t accepted it yet. I would like to take it back. I want to be with her, not Piper”, I told him, and hoped that he would see my side of it. Now that I have seen Gabi, and she knows that I am her mate, I want her so much. It is like I have magnets under my skin pulling me to her. I can feel her emotions, she is upset right now, she must have just woken up. She is probably remembering what Jack did, and then what I did. I suddenly remember that I needed to tell dad what Jack did and tell him that I needed him to punish Jack, and Alpha command him to leave Gabi alone.

“It is too late, Derek. You already signed the paperwork. We would forfeit our pack if you were to back out of it now. We cannot lose our pack. You were all in on us doing this. I understand you met your mate, but you can just keep her on the side. She cannot be your Luna. Piper will be your Luna, son, it has already been decided”. My father tells me.

“What about the threats, dad? Obviously, someone is upset about our being chosen mates. I don’t think that it is wise for me to mate and mark her. It will always cause problems for us if we pursue this. I think that if her parents agree as well, they will let us out of it. I wasn’t aware of the threats, as you downplayed what they actually were. I found out after the fact. What if people died because you ignored the threats?” I asked my dad.

“People die every day, son. We haven’t lost anyone for a really long time. It will be fine, just someone talking shit and blowing off steam. Nothing will happen, mark my words. Was that all you wanted to talk about?” Dad asked as he went back to doing his work.

“No actually, we have another problem,” I told him.

“What is it?” my dad asks while he looks at his paperwork.

“Mom and I need you to Alpha command Jack Walker,” I told him.

“Why, what did he do this time? Dad asked me.

“He attempted to rape Gabrielle Emerson today,” I told him.

“Today, I thought he did that yesterday and we already took care of it, then,” dad tells me and starts looking back at his paperwork again.

“No dad, he did it yesterday and today, again, worse than yesterday, as he had his friends in the hallway running interference with him and he almost raped her in the laundry room. He didn’t get punished for his actions yesterday, so he tried again, as you don’t like Omegas and won’t punish him for it. I had to Alpha command him and tell him that if he hurt her, I would kill him. I had to warn him two times with an Alpha command before he opened the door, dad. He disrespected me by not complying the first time. He is emotionally and physically scarring our pack members. His friends stopped fighting to protect him at the door, but he never stopped. He needs to be dealt with dad” I told my dad and waited to hear what he said.

“It isn’t that serious. He tried, but he did not succeed. So, it is over son. Let it be. His dad is a good friend of mine, and I am sure he will talk to him, and straighten him out about it” my dad said and kept doing his work.

“Dad, mom was there and said that she has come to you on several occasions concerning the physical and emotional abuse of Gabi Emerson, and you have done nothing each time. She said you refused to do anything about it or Alpha command people to stop abusing her. Something needs to be done, dad, this is ridiculous. She has never done anything to you, so why would you allow a pack member to be abused like that? You even Alpha commanded me to be abusive to her and that started the ball rolling for others to think that it was OK. Why did you do it?” I asked him.

“That is none of your damn business, Derek. She is an Omega and Omegas are expendable. I don’t care what Jack does to her really, and you need to let this go, son. It really isn’t any of your concern”, dad tells me and goes back to his work and ignores me. I cannot believe what my dad just did, he totally blew me off, and ignored me. Why does dad hate Gabi so much? There has got to be a reason for it, but I know that he will never tell me why.

We have dinner and it is a mess. Gabi’s mom took her home with her dad to take care of her and some of the roasts got overcooked. The lower ranks got the dry meat and dad had the ones in the warmers that weren’t overcooked to be used for the higher ranks to eat. I see my mom is still not speaking to dad, and I know that she wasn’t joking around. I never realized until today what a royal asshole my dad is. He truly doesn’t care about anyone but himself. I never saw it coming, and he totally set me up. He sure set me up when he Alpha commanded me. I wonder if he knew that Gabi was my mate, not because he would have gotten even madder at me over that. Because he sure has it in for her. I am going to have to Alpha command Jack and his two friends as well, because she won’t be safe here anymore. I had gone down to speak with the two friends, with them telling me that Jack had gotten pissed off that she broke it off with him, with her only being an Omega, and he had told them that if they would help him, they could have her after he was done. My stomach had churned hearing this, and I really don’t want men like this in our pack. They are all three warriors and stronger than the she-wolves. They need to protect their fellow pack members, not sexually assault them. They also told me something that I didn’t know. Jack had approached Heather to break the lamp so her dad would have to leave and go get the lift to fix it. She had gotten her friends Lisa and Irene to distract Gabi’s mom, as she was staying right with them and Jack couldn’t get her alone, so he got the girls to help. I am disgusted that they could hate her enough to participate in something like that. Did they not realize what he was planning on doing to her? Did they think that she deserved to be treated like that? I know that I am going to have to Alpha command several people concerning Gabi right now, because I cannot allow them to continue to abuse and terrorize her like that. I will have to leave to go back to Alpha training for two more months and she will be left alone and not be safe. I have to be able to protect her.

We are all at the town hall meeting with me introducing Piper as my mate, with the words feeling wrong in my mouth when the alarm for rogues sounds. It is just like a tornado siren but was used to let people know of a rogue attack, so everyone could get to safety. My mom looked scared and looked at my Beta Justin, who nodded at her and we all headed to the shelter to get everyone to safety. Since almost the whole pack had been at the meeting, we were able to get everyone secured rather quickly, and the warriors went out to secure around the packhouse along with me, my Beta, and dad. We saw about 30 of them coming toward us, but we saw a lot more of them standing in the tree line. We took care of the thirty and we only lost two of our guys, and the men we saw in the tree line seemed to be watching how we fought during this short fight. The warriors on the territory perimeter we all noted stationing themselves in the tree stands that we used to keep watch occasionally, used more for when we hunted than for rogues, so they never looked up and the warriors on the perimeter advised that there were 48 more of them that had just left and went towards the NW. We had not been attached in over 10 years, and now that I am set to mate with Piper, we get attacked. It cannot be a coincidence, and we hurry to let everyone out of the safe area. It is in the basement, and we hid the entrance to it with a bookcase and used a special scent to cover up the wolf’s scents when hidden in there. It is all over the books and the wall to mask that there is room for over 300 people to be hidden in that area. It also has a tunnel area that backs out into a mine about a mile away, in case they just need to use it to escape. At the end of the tunnel, it has a locked gate that has an alarm on it when it is approached on the outside, or if either of the two locks attempts to get picked. You will need both keys for the gate to be unlocked. I realized that the door to the safe room had been unlocked and the women and children were being assisted back upstairs, but my mom and Justin are not there on the property anymore. I mindlinked to Justin, who advised that he was assisting my mom and that they would be back soon. I don’t really care as this attack has me worried, I just didn’t want them getting hurt by the rogues. I suddenly remember who was missing from the town hall meeting, and I pray that Gabi and her parents are OK. I would feel like it was my fault if they had gotten hurt, and her being my mate, was the reason they didn’t come to see me announce that I would be mating with another girl. I can’t blame them for wanting to skip it. I will apologize to them all tomorrow, as I want to speak to Gabi anyway to see if she would still like to be with me, just not as my mate tomorrow when I go to visit. I may wait until the end of the week, as she may be angry with me for rejecting her. I know she cares for me, and she may love me enough to look past me having to mate with Piper when I really just want Gabi.

I went to head to bed to be with Piper when I felt a bond break with Gabi, who rescinded her position in the pack, and being a part of this pack. She is gone and I cannot feel her as part of the Red River pack anymore. I know dad will feel it too, and I hear him yell out in frustration as he can tell who broke the link as well.