Chapter 32 - Rejected, but not Broken

Chapter 32

Gabi’s POV

I had just been told who my parents were, realized I have a mean girl for a sister, and what had happened to me when I was a baby. All this in just the last two hours. I am on sensory overload, and I needed to spar to help me get back to something normal, for me, and take my mind off how this day just went off the rails.

Flashback to earlier today in the Alpha office:

Luna Liz begins to tell me a crazy story about all that Alpha Monty had done,

“Gabi, I have already told Alpha and Luna Wilson some information earlier that I had found out recently. We wanted to protect you until you were free from your rejection". Alpha Wyatt growled at hearing his daughter had been rejected, and Luna Everly tapped him on his leg to stop the growling. "You may not have known this, but Alpha Monty had a thing for your mom, Luna Everly, who was mated to Alpha Wyatt, your father. He had attempted to attack Alpha Wyatt from behind, but Wyatt was strong and younger than Monty, and he was not successful in the attack and ended up running away. Monty had set his sights on me as I had come from a strong pack that was very financially stable. He killed my mate after I turned him down to be his chosen mate and Luna. He returned a short time later and asked again, and after losing my mate, I just didn’t care about anything anymore and was deeply depressed, so I agreed to be his chosen mate. I got pregnant with Derek fairly quickly and he was the bright spot in my marriage. After I found out about Monty’s indiscretions, I refused to sleep with him anymore. I stayed on as Luna only because I cared about the people in my pack. Monty was a horrible Alpha. I just didn’t know that he was so terrible. He got his Omega mate, who was in our pack under my very nose the whole time, to come here and take you, Gabi, from Crimson Shadow right after your second birthday. Luna Everly needed help as you had just turned two years old, Stone was 16 months old, and Taylor was 8 months old and really needed some help with three small children and Luna's duties. The Omega took you and was smart enough to hide you, as Monty had told her that if she took one of Wilson’s children, thinking it would tear them apart, that he would make her Luna of our pack. But he lied to her and ended up killing her so no one would know. He searched for you but never found the baby, as Percy and Claire had already found you. You remember that you and Derek played together all the time. Heather was jealous, but I allowed it even after her mother interceded on her behalf. Her father, being the Beta, complained, and Monty finally took a real look at you and realized that you were Everly and Wyatt’s child. This is why he forbade Derek to play with you anymore and then Alpha commanded him to be abusive towards you. It was the main reason that he did nothing to Jack when he attempted to rape you. I was shocked by his behavior, and I couldn’t allow you to be abused like that anymore and I took you to Heath and Von to be raised. Monty had done several things, but these were the worst, and I took this information to the werewolf council myself to start the proceedings on a trial for Monty. He has done so many things, but I want him to pay for having someone take you and for killing my mate. I have reached out to a few others who also had things that Monty had done, including my noticing about 10 Omega women in about a ten-year span all noted as having left the pack, but none of them did. They just disappeared one at a time, and their families never heard from them again. So, I am checking to see if we can find where he has put their bodies, as he has always had a problem with Omegas. He has a couple of other pending charges, but I needed support from others who knew of what he had done and could speak to the werewolf counsel as well. Luna Everly remembered him stalking her and continued to try to get her to come with him even after she had repeatedly told him that she was mated. Monty had been here in their pack the day that Alpha Wyatt was attacked from behind. They are helping us now and if we need to go to war to make Monty pay for his crimes, they are willing to help. I am getting everything together and we will take it all to Red River and have a trial for Monty in the very near future.

Flashback Ends

The word had been put out that we were going to do a little training and it was available to anyone who was interested. Suddenly, we were inundated with a bunch of guys of various ages, who all took one look at me and decided that I was the one to beat. I was fine with it as I had been busy putting men on their asses for over 2 hours and I am just now calming down.

I was fighting a fan from a neighboring pack when suddenly I smelled fresh soap and the clean scent after a hard rain as I was reaching down to help the guy back up. It hit me all of a sudden and it was strong. Much stronger than what I had felt with Derek. I felt like I had been slammed by a tidal wave taking me under and I couldn’t do this right now. I looked around and met the eyes of a Greek god standing just outside of our sparring area. He was absolutely gorgeous with his 6’4” frame of steel as he clearly worked out, his black hair, and his eyes that looked like stormy skies, right before the rain came. I needed some time to process this and ran away, like a chicken, to the packhouse and flew up to my room to Luna Liz. She called out for Von as soon as I shut the door. I didn’t want to call out to Heath, as he would probably go down there and hit him. I was telling them what had happened on the field, when I felt angry all of a sudden. I went to the window and looked down on the training field and I saw Alan and my mate almost nose to nose with each other and a fight about to break out. I linked Hudson, who I saw immediately step forward, and told them to stop. I saw my mate step back from Alan first, and he left, heading to the packhouse. I saw Hudson looking up to my room and Alan’s eyes followed up to look at me too, and I stepped away from the window.

“Was that your mate Gabi?” Von asked me. I nodded at her and she smiled at Luna Liz.

“You were right, you are always right,” Von tells her, and they both start laughing.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked them.

“Because Liz is always right, she has a sense about things. Kind of like Déjà vu where you see a little vision of something, and Liz has a high accuracy rating on it”, Von tells me and laughs and shakes her head again.

“I saw you meeting your second chance mate here for this event. That was why we needed to get you unhooked from Derek, so you could meet your second chance mate”, Luna Liz tells me.

“This feeling is actually much stronger than what I felt with Derek,” I said in a low tone.

“Honey, getting Derek as a first mate and being rejected, sometimes the Goddess gives you an extra bonus as kind of a gift for going through so much. Your new mate is gorgeous, take it and run with it” Luna Liz said.

“He left” I whispered.

“I bet he is going to look better for you honey. His hair was long and needed to be cut, and he needed a shave too, to make a good first impression. He hasn’t left you, baby girl. I am going to go talk to Heath about it right now so he doesn’t scare him off trying to protect you”, Von said, and before she could take a step, Heath stepped into the room, looked around and he calmed down when he saw me standing blocked by Luna Liz and Von.

“There she is. I was worried. I just got a mind link from Alan, followed almost immediately by a mind link from former Alpha of the Blood Rose pack, Dawson Wright, who would like for us to speak with him and his Luna, Aria Wright, and his son, current Alpha, Tanner Wright, tonight. Apparently, Tanner had met his mate out on the training field a little while ago. Dawson wanted to sit with us and speak about Gabi being Tanner's mate. Dawson said that Tanner has it bad, like he was struck with a ton of bricks. I know Tanner, he is a good kid, with a good head on his shoulders. He runs a strong pack and his parents have been together for a long time. Dawson said Tanner lit out of here to go get a haircut and a shave but wanted us to know that he has clear intentions for Gabi, and he wants her as his Luna”, Heath said and came over to me and took me in a hug, and then looking me in the face.

“Now, little one. Do you feel the same for Tanner? Did you feel anything, or were you scared of him and ran?” Heath asked me.

“I felt it, it was really strong, like being swept up in and I was out of control. It was really powerful, and I couldn’t breathe. I got scared and ran because it was so powerful", I told him. They all nodded and looked at me with a smile.

“You are not alone, and I am sure Tanner will give you a minute to get your bearings before he asks you to come to the Blood Rose pack”, Von tells me.

“I am not ready to leave you and Heath yet. My home is with you two. I don’t want to stay here. I hate to say it, but I really am not a fan of my sister”, I told them in a low tone. Luna Liz laughed out loud and said, “Honey, I don’t know of anyone who is. Now I will tell you that I have heard her ask three times if Tanner was coming tonight. So, I think she has a crush on him, and after seeing him, I cannot blame her. We need to nip this in the bud. You will need to speak to Tanner, and we can try to get this ball rolling. I don’t want to leave any room for problems or issues, and we will have them tonight. I don’t know what it will be, or what it will be in the form of, but I feel anxious, and I know something bad is going to happen tonight”.

Von and Heath look concerned, and Heath looks at me and said, “Remember Gabi, you stay with us, in our group tonight. You can dance with Tanner as well, he can be trusted as your mate, but that is it. No one else. Especially do not walk away with Taylor, because if she has her sights set on being the Luna of the Blood Rose pack, she will be gunning for you tonight as soon as she sees that you are going to be Tanner’s Luna.”