Chapter 38 - Rejected, but not Broken

Chapter 38

Gabi’s POV

Seeing those pictures Taylor had on her phone of Tanner was terrible, and I almost cried myself upon seeing them. But Tanner had been honest the whole time about everything he said. She was on the far side of the bed, and right on the edge of it, and clearly, she had not been sleeping as she looked great. I was so proud of my dad for telling Alpha Wilson that we were going to pack up and leave if Taylor didn’t stop lying. I just wished she would come clean. Since I knew she was lying now, I relaxed onto Tanner and snuggled in a little bit and that helped him to relax as well, as I felt him relax right after deeply sniffing into my neck. Taylor got even madder seeing that but didn’t have time to act on it, as she was Alpha commanded to answer the questions truthfully.

“Taylor, we will start with something easy. Did you accidentally drop your phone, or did you throw it at the vase and break it?” Alpha Wilson asked Taylor.

“I broke the phone and the vase when I threw my phone down onto the table. Tanner had just come back from getting a shave and a haircut. He looked scruffy when he got here today. I liked that he got himself trimmed up for me as it would look better in the pictures that I was going to take of us together. Then Tanner said that he had found his mate, and she wouldn’t like him dancing with me, and for me to have a good night”, Taylor responded.

“Taylor, did you go into Tanner’s room the last time he was there and got into his bed naked?” Alpha Wilson asked.

“Yes, I got the key to his room off of the Omegas cleaning cart. I let myself in and took my clothes off to take the pictures of him to make it look like we had been together”, Taylor answered him.

“Taylor, did you have sex with Tanner?” Alpha Wilson asked, and I could tell that he and Luna Everly were both tensed and waiting for this answer.

“No, he woke up when I got into bed with him, and then he got mad and ordered me out of his room”, Taylor answered. I saw both Alpha and Luna Wilson blush at hearing from Taylor’s mouth that she had lied and stuck with her lie so convincingly that they had believed her.

Taylor, why did you lie about sleeping with Tanner?” Alpha Wilson asked her.

“I wanted to be a Luna. I deserve to be Luna. I don’t want some Omega or Warrior, they are fine for fun, but I needed to be mated to a higher-ranked wolf. I need to be the chosen mate of a Beta or Alpha. I deserve it because I am beautiful. I need to be taken care of and to get nice things. I don’t want my fated mate if they will be poor, or if I will have to work. Tanner is hot, and I wanted to sleep with him, and all my friends would be jealous if I was his mate, so I took a shot”, Taylor tells us. I can tell she is trying to fight telling the truth, but she was Alpha commanded by her own father and you can tell she is furious at having to tell the truth to the group.

“Taylor, did you lie to Gabi, to get her to break up with him, and reject him?” Alpha Wilson asked her.

“Yes, I wanted her to get mad and reject him. I was waiting for her at the bathroom, but they locked the door when they went in, so I couldn’t show her the pictures and get them all mad enough to leave. When she came out, I couldn’t approach her because those big guys were with her and immediately took her back to the table”, Taylor admitted, and she is gritting her teeth in frustration right now.

“Taylor, did you inappropriately touch their warrior in the hallway, and continue to do so until your brother threatened to tell us what you were doing?” Alpha Wilson asked Taylor.

“Yes, he was cute, and I didn’t know if Tanner was coming or not, so I needed someone to ring in this birthday with. I mean, I had to have a backup plan, didn’t I?” Taylor said and Luna Wilson’s mouth dropped open. Taylor was almost shaking in anger at having to tell the truth and she was fighting to stop, but she couldn’t.

Luna Everly touched Alpha Wyatt on his chest to signal that she had a few questions of her own.

“Taylor, how long have you been having sex?” Luna Everly asked.

“Since two weeks before my 16th birthday,” Taylor told her. Luna Everly gasped, and I could see tears forming in her eyes before she toughened up and sat up higher in her chair.

“Taylor, are you angry about Gabi being her, and us finding your sister again?” Luna Everly asked.

“Yes, we all thought that she was dead, as she had been gone for over 16 years. I wish that she were dead. She has ruined everything for me. She took the Alpha that I wanted, and you are going to spoil her now. I will be losing money because you will now have to make it up to her, for her stupid bad life. I don’t care what she went through. I only cared about my birthday party and getting Tanner, and she ruined them both for me. I had everything and then this bitch showed up. Why couldn’t she have just stayed “lost” for another week? I was the only daughter of the Alpha and Luna of Crimson Shadow because you were taken away from here. I was given everything because you two felt so bad about what happened to her. I wish you had stayed away forever. I hate you”, Taylor told me, and I knew my mouth was hanging open from all the venom that she had just spewed.

I felt Tanner’s chest start to vibrate before I heard the growl tear through the room. Tanner is furious and he is about to phase into his wolf right now. I can feel him and so can Tala. Tala links me, “Gabi, you need to kiss him right now, he is about to phase, and he will kill Taylor if he does. His wolf Rafe is out for blood, for what she said to you”, Tala told me.

“I don’t know how to kiss someone, Tala, what do I do? Jack has only kissed me, and I don't know how to start it” I ask asked, scared I didn’t want her blood on my hands, but I was done with Taylor.

“Just grab his face and put your mouth on his, he will take care of it. Hug him around his neck. Move it, now, he is fighting Rafe, but Rafe is furious”, Tala tells me.

I turned in Tanner's lap, and he looked up at me surprised, and then I leaned down and placed my mouth on his, and the rumbling completely stopped. Tanner bit my lower lip and when I gasped, his tongue came into my mouth, and then he tipped me backward in the chair. I put my arms around his neck to keep from falling, but I know he has got me, as I feel his strong arms banded around me. Tanner deepens the kiss and I move my tongue into his mouth to tentatively try to explore his mouth. He groans deep in his throat and picks me up and turns me around towards him with my dress riding way up and my slit making a visible appearance as he goes to kiss me again.

I hear several throats clearing in the room and realized that our parents, all of them, are watching me kiss Tanner, and I immediately try to get up, but Tanner has both arms locked around my waist and I cannot move. I put my face down as I am completely embarrassed at what had just happened, and Tanner starts laughing at my embarrassment.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed, baby, you are my mate. We love each other, it is only natural that we kiss”, Tanner tells me, and hugs me to his chest to sniff my neck again.

“That was the first time I kissed someone. I didn’t know what I was doing, but Tala told me that Rafe was coming out, and I knew you would hurt Taylor if I didn’t distract you. I never thought I would have my first kiss sitting in front of both sets of my parents. That IS embarrassing. Jack has kissed me a few times in the last month, but I would stop him if he went too far.” I told him.

“Tala was right, I was about to kill Taylor. What she said to you, I cannot even deal with it right now, but rest assured I will not forget what she said to you today, ever. Wait, I had the first kiss you initiated, good, and I want to be your last kiss too.” Tanner tells me and he seems pleased about being my first kiss.

I leaned to his ear and said, “Please let me up, I am showing too much skin sitting on your lap like this”. Tanner looks down and sees me straddling him and, with my skirt riding up, you see a lot of leg showing. I straighten my dress and sit back down on Tanner’s lap, and he pulls me close again.

“If you all wouldn't mind going back to the party, Everly and I would like to ask a few more questions that don’t have anything to do with Tanner and might have an embarrassing answer to them, and we would like to spare Taylor from any more embarrassment as I am sure she has been lying to us for a good long while now, and her birthday party is over for her. She is grounded for the foreseeable future, so you will not see her again tonight. We will be down shortly after we get through speaking to Taylor” Alpha Wilson said, and Luna Everly was nodding in agreement about it.

Taylor was angry when we got up and headed to the door and called out to Tanner, “Don’t leave Tanner, I can change. I promise”.

Tanner stiffens up and turns around slowly and looks at Taylor, who put a big grin on her face that he had stopped. Tanner said, “Can you actually change and be a better person, Taylor?” Taylor stopped smiling as she forgot that she was still under Alpha's command.

“Why should I change? Any man would be glad to have me”, Taylor said before slapping her hand over her mouth.

“Exactly, you care about yourself, not anyone else. A liar to the very end. You almost caused a war in which innocent people would have been killed, lives lost, and for what? You to get your spoiled little way. You are not a good person Taylor, and one day, you will feel bad about all that you have done. Your own mate may not want you anymore, for your actions of only caring about yourself, and what you can get, over finding your own true love. It saddens me for you. Alpha Wilson, I will be getting back with you over this later. I really hate that it took you to have to Alpha command your daughter for us all to finally get the truth. That shouldn’t have had to happen here. I see the lack of faith you have in me and my word.” Tanner told Alpha Wilson and shook his head in disappointment.

“I am truly sorry, Tanner. I did not know Taylor had such a problem with telling the truth. I would have thought she realized innocent lives could have been lost by her words and actions. But I see now, that in our horrible guilt over our oldest child being taken, we have really spoiled her as the baby, and as our only remaining daughter. We created this monster, and we will fix it. Taylor will learn that her life is going to change from this day on. I promise you” Alpha Wilson said.