Chapter 21 - Fated To The Alpha (Complete Fated Series collection)

"You don't believe me? I wouldn't lie to you."

Is it just me or is there a thread of sadness in his words?

We're interrupted by the air horn blaring and signaling the night's end. I look away from Ezra and over the trees back toward the Packhouse. "We should go back," I suggest.

Ezra scoffs. "Mateo can handle it." He laces his fingers through mine and the warmth works its way through me again.

I swallow and gingerly remove his hand from mine.

He frowns. "What's wrong?" he tries to grab my hand again.

"Nothing, but I thought you said you don't mess with Pack wolves," I remind him, turning slightly to look at him.

"I don't," he says.

"Then what's this?" I motion to the way I am practically sitting on him.

"I'm not messing with you Kat, as you put it," he protests. I don’t know what to think of his bizarre words because his actions say otherwise.

He grabs my legs, draping them over his and turns me sideways, his hand cups my cheek while his thumb brushes under my eye softly.

"I'm not messing with you," he insists before leaning forward and pressing his lips to mine.

The tingles from before are nothing compared to the sparks that shoot through me. Sparks and fireworks. His lips are soft yet demanding against mine. He drags my bottom lip down and lightly nibbles on it before his tongue traces the same path, pressing against the crease of my lips.

I open up to him, his tongue gently twines with mine as he brings one hand behind my neck to cradle me closer. He moans and sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, before pulling completely back and kissing me chastely again. He pants like he's run a race.

My first kiss is with my Alpha? The fire continues to zip through my lips. I stare at him, unable to form a coherent thought.

He chuckles at me and rubs his nose against mine. His hand cups my cheek and his thumb brushes over the lips he just kissed.

"But, you said-"

He laughs, cutting me off. "It's not messing around. It's different."


“I kissed you. I didn’t steal your virginity. It's still safe for your mate,” he replies, chuckling at my bright red face.

I stare at him. My brain is short-circuiting. My still very naked Alpha had kissed me!

“Come on, we should head back and I will keep my lips to myself,” he promises, about to stand.

“Wait, can you shift back? My parents might get the wrong idea if I walk out of the trees with you naked," I blurt out.

“And what idea would that be?” He asks, my face grows hotter. “I’m playing Kat, you embarrass too easily, but yes I will shift back, so you don’t ogle at me,” he warns, with a peck to my flaming cheek.

Shuffling forward, I hear the rearranging of his bones as he shifts quickly, only to be shoved forward when his wolf collides with my back. I roll, trying to get out from under him, as he attacks me with his giant tongue licking my face.

“Ew, gross, you said you would keep your lips to yourself,” I tell him, trying to shield my face.

“Yes my lips, never promised to keep my wolf off you,” he teases me through the mindlink.

“He is slobbering all over me,” I squeal, when his tongue licks inside my ear making me squeak, while attempting to scramble away.

“Maddox, leave her be,” Ezra orders him. I think it is a little weird that he leaves the mindlink that far open where I can hear him talking to his wolf. It’s like hearing his inner monologue. His wolf growls at him, annoyed, not just in my head but out loud, before he gets his heavy butt off my chest and allows me to sit up.

I try to flatten my hair as I stand, pulling twigs and leaves from it before using my shirt to wipe my face of his wolf’s slobber. “That was disgusting,” I scold, with a nudge. Maddox nudges me back, only for me to fall face first into the dirt. He's way too strong compared to me.

He laughs as I haul myself up. I glare in response. “So cute when you're angry, like an angry mouse,” he taunts playfully.

I shove him, making him fall on his side before taking off into the trees, heading toward the Packhouse.

“Now you’re gonna get it, Kat. Run little mouse,” he calls and I pick up my pace. Adrenaline surges through me as I try not to run into a tree in the darkness or trip over my own feet.

The chase is on.