Chapter 29 - Fated To The Alpha (Complete Fated Series collection)

Neither of them says anything, but it makes me wonder how bad this threat from Jackson is for them to be taking such precautions.

"I am not going to school with you. I get in enough trouble as it is without either of you with me. Angie will claw my damn eyes out." I shudder at the thought. I pause and point at Mateo. "And you, there's no way I'll get any work done with you around and your constant commentary."

"Angie won't be a problem, she knows her place now," Ezra assures me.

"Yeah, she does, behind me, so she can stab me in the back when I am not looking. That girl is just waiting for an opportunity to strike again," I scoff, folding my arms across my chest. She may have apologized, but that doesn’t mean I trust her.

"Then I will sit through your classes," Ezra offers.

"What? No, I don't want everyone thinking I am hiding behind the Alpha. No, you’re definitely not allowed to do that."

"You do realize you're arguing with your Alpha, right? And not being punished for talking against him," Mateo chimes in.

I stop. Shit, he is right. Other wolves would be in the cells for this behavior. I am supposed to do what he says, no questions asked.

"Sorry!" I yelp. I turn to walk out before I get myself in more trouble.

"Kat, stop, ignore Mateo. He is just playing. Besides, I like that you talk back to me. You're probably the only one game enough too," he says with a grin on his lips.

"I don’t mean to. I am just trying to explain, you coming to school with me will make my life harder," I explain.

He's silent for a moment, hopefully thinking over my words. "Fine, but Mateo goes, I will stay here, and at lunch time you go to my office and stay with Mateo," he offers.

It is better than nothing, at least people won't stare at me like they would if it was both of them sitting with me in class. It almost makes me cry to think about. No matter what he says about Angie, there is no way she would have tolerated me sitting with the Alpha in every class.

I can even envision the nickname the others would use to taunt me. "Alpha's Pet, Alpha's Pet," they'd likely tease.

"Deal?" He asks, tearing me out of my vivid daymare. He raises an eyebrow at me.

Still not happy about it, I purse my lips. "Fine," I grudgingly agree with the deepest of sighs.

Mateo gets up to leave, before stopping at the door. He glances over his shoulder at me." Oh, what do you want to do for your birthday on Monday?"

Damn, that's right! I am eighteen on Monday. I shrug. "What I do every year, sit at home and watch movies stuffing my face," I tell him.

Mateo stares at me. "Wait, you don't want to do anything? Like nothing at all?" he turns back and stares over his shoulder at Ezra, like checking with him that I am crazy or something.

"Yeah, I'm more of a homebody; I prefer the quiet." What I will not admit to them is that no one ever showed up for previous birthdays. It is easier to not get your hopes up at all than suffer crushing disappointment. Assume you'll never get an invite and it does not sting as much when you're ignored.

"Movie night it is then," Mateo decides with a sage nod.

Ezra clears his throat, making us both look at him. "Actually, maybe I can take you somewhere?"

I cock my head, trying to understand his reasoning. "You want to take me somewhere?" I ask, a little lost as to why he is breaking so many of his own rules about being involved with Pack members. It makes me uncomfortable because it means he is drawing attention to me. It is one thing fooling around with him here in his room, but going somewhere in public?

"Just us and not far. When we come back, we can have a movie night?" Ezra suggests, eyeing the pouting Mateo.

Mateo perks right up at the invitation. "Sounds good to me. Go on, Kat. You can't sit at home on your birthday."

"Well, technically, I'm not, because he is making me go to school," I retort.

"She does have a point," Mateo agrees with another nod. "Are you really going to be that cruel? Make the poor girl go to school on her birthday of all days, Ezra?"

Ezra is the one pouting now. I wonder what I said to upset him. He glares at Mateo but as always, the man doesn't register it.

"I'll go wherever it is you want to take me," I offer Ezra.

His smile returns.

"Awww," Mateo coops. "Group hug! Look at us all working together, avoiding work." He walks back to me and hugs me so tight I am crushed against the table. But Mateo isn't content with just me being squished, he grabs Ezra's shirt and rips him towards us.

"I am beginning to think you just like touching the Alpha," I joke, getting squished against Mateo's sweaty armpit. Ew! But at least he smells nice. Not sweaty kind of gross, just masculine.

"I do, he is one fine specimen, and has quite a nice ass, I definitely would tap that," Mateo agrees with a lick of his lips.

I stare up at him. "You're gay? But I thought you went to brothels together?"

"I'm not gay, I'm bisexual, therefore I admire both genders," Mateo says, sending me a wink.

"That explains so much. Wait, are you bisexual too?" I ask, peering up at Ezra.

He scoffs. "Nope, I'm straight," he answers.

I wonder how I missed that, but despite him being bisexual, Mateo and him seem extremely close. Hmm, interesting. While I ponder this newfound information, Mateo takes me by surprise, suffocating me in his armpit. I try to shove him off, without inhaling his scent, and fail.

"Get my scent all over you," he cackles, rubbing himself on me.

Ezra shoves him away, shaking his head. "Geez, you’re a menace, I really question my judgment when it comes to you sometimes," he says.

"Yeah right. You know I can kick your ass and everyone else's if need be, you need me," Mateo teases.

"Is that so?”

Mateo nods with a satisfied grin. “Yep, besides, no one else will put up with your grumpy ass."

"I don't think he is grumpy," I correct Mateo. In fact, I had yet to see him ever get angry at me.

"Yeah, because he wants to get in your pants, everyone else he is a jerk to. Well, except me of course because I am awesome," Mateo grins at me smugly.

“So, are you going home, or staying?” Ezra questions me.

“What did you want from home, anyway?” Mateo counters.

“My book and sketchbook. It can wait. I will get mom to bring them to school on Monday,” I tell them.

Mateo nods before reaching over and grabbing my hand. “Good then you’re coming with me,” he says, tugging me out the door.

“And where are we going?”

“To get lunch,” he replies.

“Argh please tell me it's not pizza?” I plead. This man and his pizza obsession is going to make me hate the stuff forever.

“Yep pizza," he answers in a sing-song. I want to cry.

“Goddess knows how you're not the size of a house,” I point out, as he jerks me out the front door toward his truck. He unlocks it and I stare at the passenger door trying to figure out how my short ass is actually going to climb in it. I open the door, when hands wrap around my waist, before I am placed on the seat.

Mateo shuts the door and gets in on his side, and reaches over to put my seatbelt on. “Wait, can you run me home real quick?”

“It's twenty minutes in the opposite direction, I would hardly call that quick,” he corrects with a shake of his head. He starts his truck.

I stare ahead of me and my lips tug down in a pout.

He reaches over with one hand and ruffles my hair. "Yes, Kat. I'll take you," he agrees. He turns the car around and drives down the long road to get to my place.