Chapter 19 - Fated To The Alpha (Complete Fated Series collection)


The time for everything to be revealed ticks by dreadfully slowly. I should be grateful that each second feels like an hour, but I can't escape my nerves. A pit forms in my stomach. I can't be around the other Pack members, I stay in my room.

No one is allowed inside, but I hear them chatting excitedly outside. Everyone loves the Pack runs apparently. I do nothing, but watch the sun take its course and try to think of what I'm going to say, how I'm going to survive.

I slip some loose fitting clothes on, which is what most Pack members wear when they are going to shift. At least I kind of look the part. When it’s nearly five, I am about to head down when I hear a knock on the door. Has my fate come to get me?

Opening the bedroom door, my father stands there in just a tank top and shorts. “Hey Pumpkin,” he greets and I roll my eyes at the nickname he refuses to give up. I throw my arms around his chest hugging him tight, relief floods me at seeing him, I can relax a little now knowing he will be by my side.

“Your mother said you had an issue here today?” He asks.

I nod against his chest. He kisses my hair while rubbing my back gently.

“What do I do about the Pack run?” I ask with a whimper, looking up at him. My father is the best, he always has an answer for me. I rest my chin on the center of his chest and he presses his forehead against mine.

“I asked the Alpha if we could take off a bit early so you don't have to deal with everyone, he agreed that's why I am here, to come get you.” He smiles and kisses my forehead before letting me go.

I close my bedroom door following my father. The Alpha is talking to a group of people out the back as we slip outside, my mother is waiting next to the treeline. Ezra turns as we walk out giving my father a nod and my dad leads me over to my mother. We trek into the forest and start walking.

“We found a stream earlier today, thought it would be nice over there to wait out the Pack run,” my mother says.

I don't care where we go as long as it is far away from everyone else.

Mom grabs my hands and squeezes them, forcing me to look at her. “I’m sorry about earlier Kat, I shouldn’t have been so harsh.” My father gives her a what-the-hell-did-you-do-now look, making her turn away from him.

“What did she do?” my father asks through the mindlink. I shake my head. I don't want them fighting over me. My mother starts stripping her clothes off, before jamming them into a log of a fallen tree. My father does the same, shifting quickly as I keep my back turned to them. I have seen them naked, but that doesn’t mean I want to.

My father’s caramel colored wolf comes over to me, nudging me wanting me to climb on his back. I do just in time to see my mother’s black and gray wolf step out of the trees. They take off running, and it kind of reminds me of when I was little, before we discovered I have no wolf. I would always get piggy back rides on mom and dad when I was little.

We zip through the trees, and I dig my head in between my father's shoulder blades so I won’t fall off from the momentum, my legs wrap around his waist and arms around his throat. They run for what feels like forever, before stopping and I climb off, finding my feet again. This place feels secluded and a safe distance away from everyone. The stream running through the forest has only the scents of the passing animals but surprisingly no wolf scents.

“Where are we?” I ask.

“Near the border, no one will come out this far. Alpha Ezra forbids them getting too close to the border,” my mother mindlinks.

“Will I get in trouble being here?”

“He won't know, your father reckons we should just tell him, but-”

“But not until I prove myself,” I mutter, knowing all too well why she doesn’t want him knowing. Though I have to wonder if it really is so necessary. This Alpha is unlike ours back at home, unlike any other. Being near him puts me at peace, and fills me with nervous energy at the same time. It is hard to explain.

In the distance, an air horn goes off. I look back at the path we traveled. "Go, I will be fine." I know they love the Pack runs and letting their wolves be free. Taking a seat by the stream I let my feet dangle in the cold water. My dad approaches me and rubs his big furry head on top of mine and my mom licks my cheek.

In a flash they take off into the trees. I love watching them. Though I don’t have a wolf, it makes me feel better seeing them enjoy theirs. I wish I had brought my phone. As nice as the stream is, it wouldn't keep boredom away for long. I could have played some Candy Crush while I waited.

Instead, I get to stare up at the stars and moon. Is the Goddess up there somewhere? I sigh. Instead, I focus on the stars and play dot to dot with them to piece out familiar constellations.

It's still deep at night when the Alpha's mind brushes against mine. His link is strong. "Kat, where are you?" he questions. There's an almost eagerness behind his words.

I sit up. My entire body is tense. Should I duck into the water to escape?

"Around," I answer with a mental shrug.

Please, make him give up. If he finds out… I don't know what I'll do.

He waits a few minutes before contacting me again. “Are you hiding from me?”

I cut off the mindlink, shoving him out of my head. There's little doubt I'll get in trouble when I get back for it. We are never supposed to shove our Alpha out of our heads. He tries to force the mindlink and my will is pushed to the limit when he suddenly gives up and I let out a breath of relief.

Hopping up, I climb out of the stream. I glance around the dark clearing until I find a suitable tree. I'd feel safer up off the ground with how creepy and dark everything is getting. The shadows amongst the trees creep me out and I suddenly wish for the safety of my room.

The crickets sing their night song, and the owls hoot from their trees. My chosen tree didn't seem to have one in it. Studying the smooth bark I look for the easiest way to scramble up when the animals around me fall silent.

Silence is never a good thing in a forest, it means predators are near. My eyes snap open as a twig snaps, I jerk up, staring into the trees around me. My eyes are stronger than that of a human but with the stars and moon hidden by a curtain of clouds, it's impossible to see everything. I am tempted to move closer to the stream again. I will be out from the canopy the trees wove above me. It would be a little easier to see.

Another twig snaps, this time on the opposite side of the forest. My heart races and I spin around. There isn't much I can do in the case of an attack, but I won't die to some beast easily.

Glowing amber eyes peer out from between two trees. A black wolf the size of a small horse steps out, the trees bowing against his bulk. His fur is an intense ebony I can only just make him out in the darkness. He looks like he stepped from the shadows themselves.

I swallow. A wolf, but who is this monster?

He moves, stepping toward me and his aura vibrates across the ground. A familiar one. I let out the trapped breath I have been holding for so long. "Alpha," I whisper, reopening the mindlink.

“Found you, although I have never been fond of hide and seek, I was terrible at it as a kid.”