Chapter 26 - Fated To The Alpha (Complete Fated Series collection)

We watch the Conjuring.

Mateo has the blanket pressed under his nose the entire time so he can cover his eyes at the so-called scary parts. Some part of me thought he was just joking about being scared about this kind of thing.

I have never met anyone so scared of a movie. He is worse than a little girl, jumping every second, shrieking and pressing so close, he might as well sit on my damn lap.

Ezra passes out about twenty minutes into the movie, saying it’s boring.

Mateo has his eyes glued to the TV, too scared to look away. He keeps asking when the scary parts are over, as he continues to watch between the gaps of his fingers, pressing against me, like I can protect him from the TV.

Grabbing our empty plates, I put them in the trash downstairs before coming back up to find Mateo practically sitting on Ezra. His eyes glowing in the darkness nearly made me jump out of my skin.

"I shouldn't have drank so much beer," Mateo whines at me, as I climb back on the bed beside him, making him move over.

"Why?" I ask, snuggling under the comforter.

"Because now I really need to pee," he squeaks, as I flick off the TV that is playing the ending credits.

"Go pee then," I say, making a hand gesture towards the bathroom. "It's right there." He shakes his head beside me and pushes closer.

"Are you serious right now? You're a goddamn werewolf, what is scarier than you?" I snap.

"The shadows," he whispers, tugging on my arm. "Come on Kat, please I need to pee. I'm gonna piss my pants, I would go for you." He pleads. He even tries staring up at me with a trembling lip like a little kid would.

"The toilet is like three steps away from the bed, Mateo. I am right here," I tell him, before yawning.

"Can you look under the bed? What if something grabs my feet?" Mateo leans over the edge, eyeing the darkness. He shakes his head and pulls back, grabbing me again.

“Oh my Goddess, you're annoying," I huff at him sitting up. I lean over, hanging my head over the edge of bed, peeking under it. Thankfully, Ezra doesn't have any girlie magazines or stiff socks under his bed.

"See? Nothing, just the woman from the movie under there. She won't hurt you much, she only wants to devour your soul, maybe your toes, she is fond of those too," I giggle.

"Not funny Kat, I told you to pick a kids movie." He pouts at me again.

"No, it won't be funny if you piss the bed. I should have got you some adult diapers, you scaredy cat." I sigh. With each second that passes, it looks like I'll have to walk him to the door like a bodyguard or something.

Mateo growls at me over the diaper dig.

Ezra, stirring beside him, groans. "What's going on? Go to sleep," Ezra mumbles, while adjusting his pillow.

"Ezra, my buddy, my pal, my bestest friend forever, come to the bathroom with me," Mateo begs him, reaching over and shaking his shoulder.

"No, I am not holding your hand while you pee," he grumbles, half asleep.

"Ezra, please, I’ll let you hold it," he squeaks out like a mouse.

Ezra growls at him, and I roll my eyes. “Fine, just hurry up," I tell him, climbing off the bed. I walk to the bathroom and flick the light on. Mateo shoots off the bed and dives into the bathroom like the hounds of hell are chasing him. I roll my eyes and walk back.

"No, wait, you need to turn the light off once I'm back in bed." How is this man the Pack Beta again?

I groan loudly. "You're such a man-baby," I grunt, standing next to the door while he takes forever to pee.

Two minutes later, I am still standing there and all I can hear is Mateo's steady stream. Seriously?

"Are you for real? Hurry up. What did you drink, an entire lake? How is it possible to pee for so long?" I snap at him, my patience is at its limit.

"I'm like a sponge absorbing everything," he explains, still peeing. When he is done, he washes his hands, and I flick the light off before he jumps back to the bed. He squeals like a girl and jumps on it, landing on Ezra, who groans before he shoves him off.

"I can't believe you're supposed to be my Beta, you big baby," Ezra chides, as I climb over him into the middle.

I snuggle under the blankets and am just about to close my eyes when Mateo's voice calls from the darkness. "Kat, will you cuddle me?"

"Argh, fine, come here," I tell the man child. He wriggles over, nestling against me, and I find myself sandwiched between them.

Ezra presses against my back. His arm drapes over my waist, and Mateo's butt against my legs as I spoon the crybaby. I'm warm and comfortable and Mateo's back makes a pretty decent pillow when he's not whimpering. I yawn and snuggle into it, my eyes getting heavy.

I'm in that period where you're not quite asleep yet, but on the cusp and I hear Ezra whisper something before pulling me closer to him.

It was low, so I am barely able to make it out, but I can swear he just said "My Luna."

What? I wasn't awake enough to figure whatever this was out. I let sleep claim me and drift off into oblivion.

When I wake up, I'm across Ezra's chest, using him as a pillow and my foot is over Mateo's stomach. I blink the sleep out of my eyes and stare in horror at the puddle of drool I'd left on my Alpha's chest, though at least it isn’t as bad as the spot on Mateo's back. I wince. I was far more tired than I thought.

How'd I turn in my sleep anyway? I sit up and catch Ezra's eyes watching me.

“Morning,” he says, nuzzling his nose against mine. I look away, embarrassed I was crushing him all night. I roll off of him and pull my foot off Mateo's stomach, the poor guy.

Ezra grabs me and pulls me completely on top of him, holding me close against his body. “Where are you going? I was enjoying my cuddles,” he grumbles.

I look over at the clock. It is nearly lunchtime. “When did you wake up?” I ask him, covering my mouth as I yawn.

“A few hours ago.”

“And you just let me crush you the entire time?”

He shrugs, rubbing his hands up my back. “I didn’t want to wake you. Besides I was enjoying watching you kick the shit out of Mateo in your sleep,” he chuckles.

Mateo rolls over, facing us, rubbing his eyes. “Good morning, lovebirds,” he teases while yawning, his mouth opening wide as he stretches.

Ezra moves quickly, he half rolls me over to nestle against one arm as he jams two fingers in Mateo's mouth, making him gag mid-yawn. “Tickle, tickle,” Ezra laughs.

Mateo glares at him. “Tickle, tickle? You nearly shoved my tonsils out my ass,” he says, rubbing his throat, he glares at Ezra with a familiar pout on his lips. “I'm starving, I am going to see what Marge has made for breakfast.” Mateo climbs off the bed, and walks out of the room.

Sitting up, I roll to leave too when Ezra suddenly pins me beneath him on the bed.

He moves between my legs, pressing himself against me. “Now we have the room to ourselves,” he whispers, leaning down and kissing me. I smile against his demanding lips as they move against mine. He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, biting down on it softly before he pulls away, resting his weight on his elbows to keep it off me. “What do you want to do today?” He asks, dipping his face closer and nibbling on my ear.

“I don’t know. Don't you need to work?”

“That’s why I have Mateo, he can do my job just as well as me,” he answers, running his nose along my jaw and purring softly.

“You mean the giant man-child who needed me to hold his hand while he peed last night, that Mateo? Because your Pack is doomed if they need to be saved by him,” I snicker.

Ezra laughs. “Yes, that Mateo, despite him being a crybaby, he is actually the best fighter we have. He has even kicked my ass a few times and is the only one that can stop Maddox when I lose control,” he gently explains.

I remember last night and how he lost control. He stopped the moment he heard Mateo’s voice, and I wonder briefly how many times he has lost control of his wolf before. Maddox seems sweet to me.

Those thoughts disintegrate when he presses his face into my neck. “Goddess, I love your scent,” he says, inhaling deeply before sucking on my neck, pressing closer.

I run my hand up his side, he shivers under my touch. He nips at my jaw while his hand travels under my shirt. He pushes it up slightly, exposing my stomach, before stopping and pulling his hand back. I love the feel of his warm hands roaming over my exposed skin, so I am a little disappointed when he stops. His lips move away from my skin.

“Sorry,” he whispers, about to sit up when I wrap my legs around his waist pulling him back to me.

I am not done with him yet.