Chapter 9 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  His questions were a sore spot for me, but I wasn't going to shield the truth, especially when it is public knowledge in my pack and is not hard to find out.

  "Why did she die while giving birth?"

  "My cord was wrapped around my throat as I was coming out, something ruptured from the inside from what I was told, and she begged him to save me over her."

  "Then why would they blame you if it was her request?"

  "My dad wasn't there to command him to save her instead, otherwise I wouldn't be here today. She hemorrhaged because of a rupture that I caused. Therefore, her death was my fault and he made sure to always let me know."

  "How did they treat you?"

  I sat and thought about the answer for a moment. Trying to find the correct words to say.

  "It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows nor was it close to a fairytale life. But I had food to eat, clothes to wear, and a roof over my head. So, I can't say my situation was as bad as some may have it."

  I couldn't seem to tell the full truth about the hateful man that raised me. He didn't need to hear everything I endured; it didn't make a difference in the end. He seemed to understand as he shook his head. At that moment, the kitchen door swung open as one of the kitchen staff members started to bring the food out. They rolled out a cart with two platters of food on them, both of which were covered with a fancy cloche that was concealing the food inside to keep it warm.

  "Your dinner is served your highness, madam." He said as he bowed before both the king and me as he placed the plates before us. He then removed the cloche, the steam rising. The food looked and smelled phenomenal. I never had anything as fancy as lobster before. I was not supposed to eat expensive food. I was served the cheaper foods, which was fine because, in the end, the food was all processes the same. However, a thrill of excitement wavered through me at the thought of trying a new food item.

  A fully loaded side salad with ranch was placed on the right. The entree plate next to it had a lobster that was already de-shelled which was sitting on top of some asparagus. The top of the lobster was smothered with mashed potatoes and drizzled with what appeared to be gravy. Next to the masterpiece was a side of glazed carrots. I could feel my mouth beginning to salivate from the amazing aroma of all the smells of the food combined. I could feel my stomach begin to have a small roll in it.

  I felt a vibration from a tap on the table, so I looked up to see him staring at me intently.


  Was my face showing it? I mean, of course, I am hungry, but how would he know unless some drool slipped from my mouth?

  "I could hear your stomach growl." He answered my question like he could read my mind.

  "It makes noise?" I asked, not knowing. I always ate alone, and nobody ever mentioned it before. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

  "The rumble you feel when you're hungry makes an outward noise whose sound resembles the feeling of that deep rumble." He explained, leaving me completely embarrassed. What other things does my body do that make sounds along with how it feels? My face must've mirrored how I felt because I could see his mouth move as if he were laughing. Was he laughing at me?

  "Can I ask a question that may not be too appropriate in this setting then?" I asked, now full of curiosity, ignoring the possibility of him making fun of me.

  "Go ahead." He said as she shoveled a bite full of food into his mouth.

  "When your butt has a feeling before, well you know before it vibrates, then a smell follows after. Does it also make a sound?"

  He just about spit his food out his mouth as he started laughing so hard, he had to wipe tears that were rolling from his eyes. I assume not sad tears, maybe happy tears?

  "A fart?"

  "If that is what it is called, yes. Does it also make a sound?"

  "Very much so. Some are silent but most make noises. The sound ranges from quiet to loud."

  I could feel my eyes as they bulged at the sudden realization that I had been making noises from my butt around people and not even knowing. Lucky for me, I wasn't around others much. But the few times I had been, and I let them slip, made sense as to why others would point at me and whisper or why they would laugh and keep walking. An entire new embarrassment formed as well as a new fear that was now unlocked.

  '"And the vibrations from burping?" I asked next, knowing the answer was most likely the same as the last.

  "Yup, nearly everything has sounded."

  "Great," I murmured, hoping it was low.

  "So, you just let them rip in front of people?" He asked as a smile formed on his gorgeous face.

  "Apparently," I said as I finally took a bite of the food for the first time, sighing in contentment from the taste. I then felt the table move immediately following my sigh. I looked up to see a hunger in his eyes, but not the kind you would see for food. It was a more primal look.

  "That also makes a sound." He said, his eyes becoming a little darker than before.

  "What kind?" I asked curiously.

  "One that is reserved to be behind closed doors, while alone together." He said, making me confused.

  "But we are alone and behind closed doors," I stated.

  "Not these doors." He said, making me confused.

  "Then what kind?" I asked as I took another bite, enjoying the food more than I had ever enjoyed food before.

  His lips turned into a pout as he bit down, his upper lip barely showing his teeth, biting tenderly before he slowly let his lip release from his teeth. It looked more seductive than I think he meant it to be.

  "No, Tegan, I mean when two people are behind closed doors, alone. When they strip naked, he sticks his dick at the entrance of her pussy, playing with the wetness before he gently enters her wet folds slowly. Upon entering her, his dick then pulsates inside, making her pussy clench in response. She then sounds off this vibration that is called a moan. Which should be a sound that is shared alone, behind closed doors of a bedroom."

  I dropped my fork, looking at his face, confused feelings twirling in my stomach at his description.

  "And I made that sound?" I asked.

  "You did." He said with a smirk before putting another fork full of food into his mouth.