Chapter 5 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


I was starstruck at his gorgeous features. He had the most vibrant golden eyes I had ever seen, nothing like his mother's. I assume he must've inherited this from his father. He had a chiseled face with a beard to match his hair. I wanted to run my hand inside his hair and beard to feel the texture difference. I was so lost with myself that I missed what he had said. A panic coursed through me that wasn't there a moment ago. His face turned into a scowl at not answering whatever he had said.

"Forgive her Ezra, she cannot hear." I read from Lilyanna's lips.

"What do you mean she cannot hear?" He addressed his mother, but his eyes never left me.

"She was born deaf," Lilyanna replied, immediately making my eyes dart away from his gaze, wanting to look anywhere but at his face. I don't think I could handle the disgust on his face about having contracted a mate such as myself.

I then felt a rough hand grab my chin, bringing my green eyes to meet his golden orbs. I shiver ran down my body at the contact of his skin on my skin. I felt electrified all over, the feeling bringing on another wave of need I had never experienced before.

"If you cannot hear me, how should you talk to me if you do not see the words leaving my mouth?" He asked.

I couldn't sense if it was a gentle or harsh tone, his face giving me no indication as to how he felt. The vibrations from his talking also did not help me. He must have his expressions under lock and key. I normally can read a person's emotions from their facial expressions alone. Not being able to read him had me curious, leaving me wanting to figure him out even more.

"I.I.I.." I stumbled over my words afraid of how he would react to my voice like others before him had.

His eyebrows arched up, indicating he wanted to hear my reasoning. I gulped down the pooling saliva in my mouth before I pushed myself to speak once more.

"I do not know sir," I said out loud, praying he didn't make fun of my voice the way so many others had done. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips before he released my chin and shook his head.

"When we speak, you look at me. Understood?" He said I had this wave hit me of power as if he was demanding. Something that never happened even when my father tried using his Alpha tone on me. I never had the urge to obey the tones, even now, which is weird since he was the King of all werewolves. I guess since I couldn't hear them, it all affected me differently, or maybe the part of having no wolf played a part too. However, this feeling that surged within told me I should just submit and nod in respect to the King, so that was what I did. I bowed my head slightly before I nodded in understanding. I then quickly looked back up to see if there was anything else he wanted to say.

"Good girl." He said before looking to my left at the lady who had brought me here.

"Here is my phone, put your number in it in case I need you." He said, handing me his cellular device. I looked up to him not knowing how to tell him. I had no such device of my own.

"Well, are you going to take it?"

"I do not have one, your highness," I said, praying it sounded okay and it came out what I intended. He shook his head in understanding before putting his phone back in his pocket. He then looked over to the woman who brought me in.

"Escort Ms. Tegan to her new room. Once she is settled, you will help her with anything she may need. From here on, you will be her handmaid, starting now. Dinner is at 7 in the evening sharp. Make sure she is presentable and on time."

The woman whose name I still did not know then bowed in respect before turning to me, once again looping my arm in her own to lead me away.

"Oh, and Imagen?" The King said, making her stop in her tracks to listen.

"She will be the new Queen, treat her as such. Let go of her arm. She is not a dog. Show your Queen some respect." He said with his face still void of emotion. Something about him that was already driving me crazy.

The lady whose name I think I read as Imagen, quickly released my arm. Holding on to every word he had said. He then turned away to address his mother once again. I felt a very soft tap on my arm. My eyes left his body for the first time since he had made me look into his eyes. I turned to see Imagen's face staring at me. She looked petrified.

"Please follow me, my Queen." She said before turning around to leave the dining hall. I turned back around to steal one more glance at the King before I quickly fell into step with Imagen.

Once we left the dining hall, we turned down another pass way which eventually led to a set of stairs. We climbed them up two flights before we reached the level she needed. She stopped at a door, opening it to reveal the magnificent room. A huge white Colossus king bed with a soft pink bedspread was placed right in the middle of the room. Across the way was a vanity that had all sorts of stuff on it. All in a wrapper and unused. Next to the vanity was a door. I assumed that was either the adjoining bathroom or a closet. I walked across the room to the glass double doors, peering out to see that it led to a small intimate balcony. A door is also out on the balcony. I wonder what that could be. I turned to face Imagen. She was standing there, not moving. I waved hello but her eyes shot to the ground. She was so afraid, but surely not of me. I was a nobody. Yes, he addressed me as the future Queen, but I was no real Queen. I lacked the confidence that Lilyanna had. I was just like the woman standing before me. Timid and afraid of my own shadow. I started walking around the room to explore what it offered. I opened the door by the vanity, revealing a closet. It was already completely stocked with random assortments, tags dangling from them still. How did they know my size? Suddenly a question arose: where was all his stuff?