Chapter 12 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  If I hadn't been careful, I would have taken her right then and there up against the wall. She was perfect to a default. Her body begged for me. Her smooth legs, rounded ass, her nice breasts popped from the top of her dress. It all screamed to be worshiped. When I ran my hands in her hair it all felt so natural, like second nature. Something I never expected. I keep trying to find anything that isn't attractive about her, but I come up short every single time. Her disability wasn't good for a king to possess, no, but it fits her. It made her more appealing, and I have no clue why or how that was even possible. When I made it back to my room, Lydia was sitting on the edge of my bed with a scowl.

  "Lydia, we've talked about this," I said, rubbing my face out of sexual frustration about walking away from what I wanted and out of pure frustration that I had to repeat myself to her.

  "Come on, you can't be serious?"

  "I am very serious. It wasn't a joking matter. This is happening and you need to accept that."

  "How can I accept something like that? I thought it was a joke."

  "Why would I joke about something as serious as that?"

  "I just thought that I would be your queen."

  "Lydia, we've been over this. You do not meet the standard requirements to be the king's mat-"


  I was foolish and it should never have happened. She was my first too. I was young, dumb, and in love. But I fucked up and slept with her before it was time to find a suitable match. When I mentioned her as a possible suitor and the witch had done her spell, my scent popped.

  My mother was very unhappy I had sex before my contract. She said I was to be a virgin, as was my bride, to prevent any illegitimate heirs. I didn't know we would be searching for virgins like that. I was so sure they wouldn't know. But I was wrong, so now I am about to marry another and as much as my human heart wanted this woman sitting before me, it just can't be like it was between us. Not anymore.

  "I know Lyd. I wished there was something I could do."

  "You're the king, reverse the requirements." She said as she stood up from my bed, now standing directly in front of me, taking my face between her hands. Her touch didn't send shivers down my spine like Tegan's touch did.

  "I cannot let another girl take you. I love you." She said as tears started falling down her face.

  "Lyd. Come on, we can't do this, last night was it for us." I said, taking her hands from my face.

  "No, it can't be!" She said as her face lurched forward, hitting my face as her lips captured my own. Her hand quickly slid down my abs, grabbing my cock from the outside of my pants. It was all rushed and felt wrong. For some reason, my dick was still soft and refused to get hard, something that never happened.

  'MAKE HER STOP. SHE IS NOT KINGSTONS’ QUEEN!' My wolf screamed in my head. Normally, his horny ass would be begging me to take her rough. His behavior was confusing. He has no real bond with Tegan, at least not yet. So, I didn't understand his attachment to her yet. I hadn't marked her or banged her, so how could one evening make him completely reject who we had spent the last 3 years with?

  I quickly grabbed her hand from my dick stopping her, while leaning my head away, breaking the kiss.

  "You, you smell like another she-wolf. Did you hold her close? Do you? Do you not want me anymore?" She said, tears falling down her face, as she stumbled over her words.

  "I have an obligation to another. I cannot take you as a mistress. It is not fair to you or her. You both deserve so much better. This stops tonight. You cannot come to my room; you cannot come to my floor. You cannot accidentally touch me in any way with your hand or your lips. I am your King, and she will soon be your Queen. This is done. You have to understand."

  "So, you pick your duties as a king over me, over us, over our love? Is that it?"

  "I'm sorry Lyd, yes, you knew that. Fuck, I can't do this, leave." I said before she stormed past me and out of the room.

  I couldn't bring myself to tell her that I loved her. It felt wrong in so many ways, it always had, but now even more so. Yet just the night before, we cuddled in my bed as I told her it would always be her.

  But what I felt for her wasn't enough to put my duties aside. My kingdom has always come first. We were never publicly seen together. I never took her on a date. I never had her over to any gatherings for close friends and family. She was never seated with me at my table. We were a secret that remained in the dark. She came at night and left at dawn.

  So, was that even love? To not want to show them off, to keep them a dirty little secret? I thought I possibly did love her, but then I met Tegan, and everything I refused to do with Lydia, I suddenly wanted to do for Tegan. Lydia begged me to introduce her to my mother. She begged to be my arm candy at functions and to be publicly seen as my girlfriend. But I simply refused. Yet here I am thinking about setting up a nice function so everyone can meet their queen, just for Tegan.

  I always said Lydia had all it took to be a queen, minus her virginity, but I never treated her like I wanted to treat Tegan. Tegan doesn't even have all the other qualifications to be a queen, the ones that should matter, the ones I thought would matter. Yet I want to show her off when even I am not fully convinced, she was worthy of it. I never even dreamed of showing off Lyd. It was all confusing and frustrating.

  Fuck I need a breath of fresh air to get out of my head.

  When I stepped out onto the balcony I got a whiff of her addicting scent, vanilla and roses. I looked across the way, seeing her backside as she closed her balcony door.

  Her balcony was directly across from mine. How did I not know that when her room was picked? My balcony door curtains were wide open. Did she see anything? Did she know it was me? Was she even looking this way?