Chapter 21 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  "Why are you trembling? Don't tell me you're afraid?" I asked as I walked toward Lydia, her legs slowly backing away until her body hit the wall.

  "You're not only deaf but your eyes are glowing this weird white color, you're a freak!" She screamed.

  I had no idea what she was talking about, nor did I care. I wanted revenge for what she did to my friend. I told Lydia that I would take Imagen's place. There was no reason for what she had done. Her actions were purely evil.

  "You will pay for the evil acts you have done! PAY DO YOU HEAR ME!" I screamed out as a flash of light blasted from my body, hitting her directly in the chest.

  Her body hit the wall which cracked from the impact of the force. She then collapsed to the floor, leaving a huge hole in the wall where she hit it. She laid on the floor unmoving but still breathing, barely, but still breathing, nonetheless. The impact must've knocked her out cold. I started making my way toward her when I felt the vibrations of footsteps pounding on the ground as they approached us from the stairs. I braced myself for the next attack, but I soon smelled the amazing scent of apple cinnamon. My heart had made a little flutter as my nerves came down from its high, all the power that was remaining within me vanished as if it were never there. A few moments later, Ezra came into sight. He quickly looked around, examining the area for danger before his eyes settled on me.

  "Are you hurt, are you okay?" He asked franticly, his hand reaching out to me. My eyes then shot over to Imagen, who was now lying in a pool of her own blood.

  "She killed her." I said as fresh new tears streamed down my face. "It was all my fault, she wanted me, but she killed her anyway!" I said as my knees began to buckle at how broken I felt inside.

  "Uriah, get Imagen!" Ezra yelled out as the Beta rushed over to her body.

  "Alpha, she still has a heartbeat, it's faint but it's there!" He screamed out, looking directly at us. She isn't dead.

  "Get her to the infirmary QUICKLY!" Ezra said as his face showed a little panic. Uriah scooped up her limp body as he dashed down the stairs as quickly as he could. I started to move towards the stairs to follow when I felt a pull on my arm. I looked up to see Ezra eyeing me cautiously.

  "Tegan, if you've never had any training, how did you knock a trained Alpha bloodline out, especially without you having a single mark on your body?"

  He has a valid reason to voice his concern, but truthfully, I didn't have the answers. I wasn't sure how I did it or much rather what it was that I did. All I know was I was so angry, so hurt and all those emotions tapped into a part of me that I had no idea existed or even knew how to control them to do what I wanted. I was just as confused as he was, but I couldn't just tell him that. He would never believe me. I was not a hybrid, and magic was never heard of with pure wolves. So how did I tap into some form of magical powers?

  "I was so angry; I was so fixated on avenging Imagen that I just pushed her. She flew into the wall, and it knocked her out."

  It's not a lie, that is sort of what happened, minus the whole magic part doing the pushing, of course.

  "You pushed her?"

  "Shoved really. But yes, with all the force I could muster and when she hit the wall her head bounced off and knocked her out."

  His eyes looked from me to the hole in the wall, then back to me. I knew he didn't fully believe me, but what else was there to believe?

  A few moments later, footsteps vibrated on the ground coming from the hall as more people approached. I quickly grabbed Ezra's arm, terrified of who it might be.

  "Don't worry, I called for some guards to take Lydia to the dungeon with her father."

  "He isn't dead?" I asked as I released his arm from my tight grasp.

  "Well, close to death. Believe me, if my wolf had his way, he would be at the moon goddess's doorsteps by now. But no, he is not dead. At least not yet." He said with a smile that shined brightly.

  "What will happen to them?" I asked curiously.

  "We will interrogate them, get more information about the witch they hired to give me that spelled potion. Once she is caught, we will figure out what their main goal was in controlling me and Lydia trying to become queen of the kingdom. What they did was treason and very illegal. They will pay for their crimes, but not until I get all of the information that I need."

  My heart skipped at the interrogation part. What if Lydia tells him about what happened today? Will he believe her, or worse, will he also think I am a freak?

  The guards gathered Lydia's unconscious body and began to descend the stairs.

  "How about you go shower? You have Imagen's blood all over you. Go clean up and try to get some rest." Ezra said as he was trying to lead me by hand to my room. However, I had no intention of going into my room or of resting, so I shook my head no.

  "I want to go to Imagen please." I asked, hoping and praying he would allow it.

  "You have just been attacked and the doctors are working on stabilizing her."

  "Please, I need to be there." I begged. He hesitated for a moment before he finally shook his head in agreement.

  "Okay fine, follow me." He said as he started descending the stairs, never letting go of my hand.

  As we reached ground level, we headed straight to the infirmary. When we entered, Uriah was sitting in the waiting room, blood coating his clothing just like mine. His hands were in his hair as he was looking at the ground.

  "Any news?" I asked as we took a seat next to him.

  "The doctor shooed me out and said she would be out with an update when she had one."

  "Is she still alive?" Ezra asked next.

  "She was still alive when I left the room." He said, before we all sat in silence.

  We hadn't moved from our spots since arriving, it felt like hours had passed before the doctor appeared in the doorway to the waiting room.

  "I assume you are all here for an update?" She asked, her scrubs also coated in blood.

  Imagen had lost so much blood...

  "How is she?" I asked first, jumping up from my seat.

  "Follow me." She said as she turned to walk away. They jumped up as we all followed closely behind.