Chapter 20 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  Everyone was talking so fast I could hardly keep up with all that was going on. But I did get most of it.

  "Imagen, take Tegan to her room and lock the door. Do not open it for anyone other than my mother, Uriah, or myself." Ezra said, his eyes never leaving Lydia or her father.

  "Yes, Alpha." Imagen said as she touched my arm, signaling with her head for me to go. As I stood up, so did the Alpha they addressed as Kirk.

  "Now why would I let her go anywhere when too much has been exposed?"

  "You have no choice!" Ezra yelled as his eyes changed between gold and black, indicating his wolf was surfacing.

  "Everyone has a choice boy, you had a choice before you stuck your dick inside of my daughter, didn't you?"

  "From the sounds of it, he didn't have much of a choice." I said, all eyes now looking at me.

  "Oh, the girl speaks. And here I thought she was deaf and mute. Tell me girl, who do you think you are to speak out to me? You think, because that little flower of yours is intact, that you are someone special? It can be taken away at any time without your consent, and then what? You'll be worthless to the throne too. You'll be crawling back to daddy begging him to let you come home. Or, from my understanding, you'll probably die at his hands for not completing his contract so he can get paid. Isn’t that, right?"

  My heart clenched in my chest at his threat when a roar erupted across the room. A beautiful white and golden wolf then launched itself over the table, now standing between me and the man whose eyes sent shivers down my body and not the good kind.

  "Does the king want to play with the big dog? Did you not stop to think for a moment that I have been controlling your every move since before you were even crowned king? What do you think all those late nights of drinking were, or the fucking? Did you think that I would allow the king to crown another bitch as queen over my child?"

  "Imagen, do as the king asked, get her to safety! NOW!" The man named Uriah, who I now know as the king's Beta, screamed.

  Imagen grabbed my arm and ran to the door. When she swung it open, two wolves stood on the outside snarling, baring their teeth, saliva dripping from their mouths. My heart was pounding a million miles a minute.

  "You couldn't possibly have thought I wouldn't bring some back up now, could you?" Alpha Kirk said as we slowly backed away. Uriah's eyes shot over to us before he shifted mid-air, landing on all fours, now between us and the wolves.

  "Boys, you know what to do. Rid of the Beta and take the girl. One of you, both of you, I don't really care. Just deflower the redhead."

  Rape. He was talking about rape. He wanted me to be impure, so I wouldn't be eligible to be Queen. I was already as useless as they came. I had no wolf. I couldn't shift to protect my virtue. I looked over to the side where Lydia stood smiling ear to ear like what her father just ordered wasn't inhumane and wrong. She was just as twisted and fucked up as he was.

  One wolf launched toward the Beta, teeth baring. Uriah dodged his attack by lowering himself to the ground, the wolf leaping over. Uriah's paw went upwards, slicing him from top to bottom. His abdomen completely opened, and his guts fell out as his body hit the ground. Uriah charged at the second man just as Kirk shifted, going head on with Ezra. My chest tightened as they battled fiercely, neither having an upper hand. My eyes kept going back and forth, not knowing what to do myself. Did I run? The doorway was clear, and my best option was to get to my room as instructed, lock the door. So that was what I would do.

  I grabbed Imagen's arm this time, pulling her with me as I made a b-line straight for the door. Once we were in the hallway, I kept running. As my bedroom door came into sight, I felt the tension release a bit in my chest. At least for a moment until my arm was yanked backwards. I looked back quickly to see Lydia holding Imagen, a knife to her throat.

  "I'll do it. I will kill her."

  Making my heart sink to the pit of my stomach.

  "Go into your room, Tegan. Protect yourself. Don’t worry about me."

  "You touch that doorknob, and I will slice her neck. Don't think I won't."

  "Please don't hurt her." I begged, tears starting to fall down my cheeks.

  "She won't be missed. I mean, let's be honest. Neither will you, but right now your charm is somehow affecting the king enough that my spell is not working and that cannot do."


  "I can't let you die over me, your life is more important than mine. They're right, I am nobody. I won't be missed. But you, you're loved, cherished and you have friends and family that will hurt. I will not save myself for your life. No."

  "Tegan, don't let her win."

  "Take me, not her. Please." I begged as tears fell freely down my face.

  "So honorable, Ezra was right about one thing. You have a heart. Maybe too much of a heart. It makes you weak." She said as she cut into Imagen's neck. Blood started squirting from her throat and soon began to come from her mouth. Lydia then threw her body to the ground.

  "NO!" I screamed as I ran to her. "WHY, I TOLD YOU THAT YOU COULD HAVE ME, WHY!?" I screamed as tears fell from my face onto Imagen's open wounds. The only sounds coming from her were the sounds of her gurgling from her blood.

  "I just wanted to break you one last time before I ended your pathetic excuse of a life."

  I closed my eyes as I held Imagen's body close to my own. She was the only person to ever treat me normally aside from my Helena. And now she is dying, because of me. I felt so much hatred, so much anger bubbling inside of me. I wanted Lydia dead. I wanted her to pay for what she did to my friend. How could someone disregard a life as if it didn't matter? Imagen mattered, her life mattered.

  I had always been so afraid, so timid, but I couldn't sit back and allow this to happen. Imagen deserved so much better. It was one thing for people to hurt me. But to hurt someone I cared about was another. She would pay for what she did.

  I suddenly felt a sense of power overtaking my body. I wanted revenge, I needed to avenge her.

  "Why are you glowing? What the fuck is happening?" Lydia screamed as I stood up.