Chapter 23 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  As I sat in Imagen's hospital room waiting for Tegan, I couldn't help but wonder how she had been doing. I have been keeping my distance from her for many reasons. One reason being this overwhelming sense of need to be around her, something I am not used to. Then there was the fact I truly was busy with interrogating both Kirk and Lydia for more answers. I don't like torture, but they leave me no room to make any other judgment calls. It was deeper than just her wanting to be the queen of the werewolf kingdom. What other ulterior motives were behind their deception? Another question I keep asking was who all working with them was. Was there something bigger going on that my kingdom needed to be prepared for? Witches don't work for free, which led me to believe there was more going on, something a lot bigger, and I needed to get to the bottom of it.

  I could smell pumpkin spice before I could even hear the footsteps nearing in. A smell my wolf craved above all else. It was like she was made out of my favorite dessert, pumpkin pie. Her smell intoxicated me, I could be surrounded by her scent all day if I allowed myself. But I couldn't form any attachments. I was still on the fence about allowing her to be my mate, although it was beginning to look like no other option considering the contract was already signed and the wedding is set to happen in two days. All the major royals have been informed and will be attending. If I was going to back out, I should have done it by now. But something wouldn't allow me to, no matter how much I protested against it internally. Luckily, her training in both combat and her queen studies will start once the wedding is consummated. That way, she will at least be fit in the eyes of the royals in all the other areas, if she takes to it well.

  I quickly picked up the book on the bedside table pretending to be doing something other than just waiting. When she walked in, her face looked a little surprised to see me. I won't lie, I have been purposely avoiding her, mostly because her presence does something to my body that I just can’t explain. I just needed to see her face, to calm my wolf, show him that she was okay, but who am I kidding, I needed to see her just as badly as he did. Maybe this will take the edge off a few more days.

  'Ezra, I just met with Tegan. I would like you to come to the office next please.' My mother mind linked to me as I asked about the book before laying it back where I grabbed it from.

  'I will come now.' I responded before shutting the link off.

  As I tried walking out, Tegan stepped in front of me, as if challenging me to stay. It made my wolf wild. He wanted me to grab her body, crease her close. Show her that I was Alpha and do explicit actions to her innocent body. It took me a moment to calm our urges. I breathed inward one last time before walking around her to go meet my mother. If I am not more careful with myself, I may ravish her body before the wedding. However, that is not allowed, so I will just have to keep my distance a little longer.

  I was finally able to calm down once I was not in the same area as Tegan. I am going to have to figure out a way to be near her and others without showing how much she affects me eventually.

  When I walked in my mom was yelling out orders to her employees, doing what she does best. Bodies were running left and right with their tasks.


  I could smell Tegan's faint smell; she had been here before me. Probably where she was returning to the infirmary from. I bet she loved that she couldn't hear her torturous scream when she was there. Or maybe that isn't something she enjoys at all. She may wish she could have heard it. Now that I sit and think about it, I know very little about her, which means she knows even less about me. Yet she already drives my hormones crazy with her presence alone.

  "Mother, you asked for me?"

  "Ah yes Ezra, I just got Tegan fitted, now I need you. I know your measurements, of course, but I need to see the tux on you."

  "Alright." I replied as I stood on the podium to be tailored, something I was used to. With being the King, appearance was everything, so all of my suits and tuxes were all hand tailored.

  "So, what do you think of her?" My mom asked curiously as the tailor did their work.

  "She has some flaws." I replied honestly, I didn't actually want to tell my mom what I actually thought of Tegan, she didn't need to know I wanted to take her sexually every single time I was near her.

  "Ah pish posh, nothing that can't be trained into her or provided. Isn't she a beauty though?"

  More than she even knows. She was absolutely breathtaking, from her captivating green eyes to her vibrant red hair, her cute button nose, then there were her plump kissable lips. She was picture perfect.

  "Hello, earth to Ezra." Mom said as she snapped her fingers in my face.

  "Sorry, I was in my thoughts."

  "Obviously, what's going on with you lately?"

  "I don't know. A lot, I guess. Her being here has just changed so much for me. She broke a spell I didn't even know I was under; she is in my thoughts all the time. It's like consuming my life."

  "It can be a lot to adjust to but speaking of which. How is it going with Lydia?"

  "Not very good. I still have no idea what they are planning."

  "I am sure you will figure it out and everything will be fine. You're a smart man, and an even smarter king."

  "All done, king." The tailor said, interrupting our conversation.

  "Very nice, it looks great, it will look even better next to her. Okay, take it off right away. That is all I need from you for now. We will discuss some more in private later, okay?"

  "Sounds good." I said as I stepped off the podium.

  Once I was changed, I went straight down to the dungeons. Looks like it will be another long night. As I entered the dungeon, I could hear the screams of Lydia as Uriah worked endlessly trying to get any information.

  "WHAT IS THE PLAN'S!?" He demanded.

  "NOTHING! I ONLY WANTED TO BE QUEEN!" Lydia screamed back in response.

  But we knew that was far from the truth. The only thing was, what would it take to get it?