Chapter 15 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  I had some business to attend to with a neighboring pack. That damn Alpha Liam was so arrogant and power-hungry. He was becoming a pest that needed to be terminated. But for now, I will play by the rules of the wolf law. He will fuck up again and the next time it will cost him his life. I had been gone for a few days and, for the first time, I felt bad for not telling someone where I was and what I was doing. I should've checked in on Tegan, maybe messaged her to let her know something. But instead, I left her in the dark and had Imagen keeping an eye on her. It was for the best not to form any attachments. It was only an arrangement. She would understand it was not her right to know my whereabouts.

  "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" My second in command, Uriah, said, breaking me away from my guilt.


  "Oh, come on, it's something. You have that face you always get when you're deep in your thoughts."

  "I was only thinking about what to say to Tegan when we arrived home, that is all."

  "Oh, does someone feel bad for not informing his wife of his departure?"

  "She is not my wife. And I don't feel bad."

  "Okay, sure whatever. Your soon-to-be wife. Speaking of which. How is the wedding planning?" He asked with a laugh.

  "Mother has it under control. I assume it is set for this week. The sooner the better."

  "Why? That means your freedom is over. You know that, right?"

  "I am aware of the conditions, Uriah."

  "Then what's the rush?"

  "The rush is, the sooner we are wedded, the sooner I can get this contract over with."

  "Oh, you mean the sooner you can fuck her?"

  "No, that's not what I meant."

  "That's exactly what you meant. What does she look like? Is she a baddie?"

  "Shut up Ria."

  "When do I get to meet the next queen?" He said the word queen in a high-pitched voice followed by another laugh.

  "At the wedding."

  "Why not when we get home? Is something wrong with her? Is she fugly or, even worse, is something mentally wrong with her that you don't want your bestest friend in the whole wide world to meet her?"

  His response had Kingston on edge, something that rarely happened. I had to close my eyes to control the inner wolf.

  'He disrespects what's mine!' He roared as I took in some deep breaths.

  'Not on purpose, King, calm down.'

  'That's his queen. He had better show some respect or I WILL MAKE HIM!'

  It took everything in me to control the raging beast within. He must've sensed something was up.

  "Look sorry bro, I didn't mean to overstep." Uriah said, his eyes were eyeing me as I was still trying to calm Kingston down.

  "It's alright, King is just a little antsy about her, that is all."

  "I'm sorry King, I didn't mean to disrespect." Uriah said, apologizing to my asshole wolf.

  'He is, or I'll make him be sorry.' My wolf huffed out as he started to reel back his anger, allowing me to breath normally again.

  "Damn dude, what was that about?"

  "He is just over the top about what he claims is his. I am sure he'll calm down with that soon."

  "He was never like that with Lydia."

  "I know. I think it's just the prospect that Tegan is who he is bound to be with. He wasn't bound to Lydia. So, I assume, with his nature, he is just protective of what is his."

  I finished my sentence as the car pulled into the driveway. When we were stepping out of the car, I got this weird feeling inside.

  'Go check on Tegan!' Kingston roared.

  "Unload the car, I have to take care of something." I yelled over my shoulder as I dashed to the front door.

  I started heading toward the stairs that lead up to her room when I heard clashing coming from down the hall. I was then diverted, heading there instead. As I entered, everyone was circling around a certain area.

  "LET HER GO LYDIA!" I could hear Imagen's voice scream out.

  I quickly looked around, my eyes zeroing in on what the commotion was raving about. If Imagen was here, then so was....

  'TEGAN!' Kingston roared in my head at the sight of her frail body under Lydia.

  A growl rippled through the room which made everyone stop what they were doing and move away, bowing their heads. Everyone aside from Lydia.

  She had a fist full of bright red hair as she was trying to hit the girl beneath her. Tegan has never had combat training, while Lydia has been trained since birth. The fight was not fair, although when it comes to battling, fair is the last thing one cares about. But Lydia knew she was the next Queen. How dare she disrespect her superior by laying a finger on her?

  I started speed walking towards her to rip her off Tegan. However, Tegan's fist connected with Lydia's jaw as her leg kicked upward, knocking the breath out of Lydia, which in turn allowed Tegan to remove herself from underneath. She was now standing, her fist wailing as they connected with anybody part it could. I was impressed, to say the least. She had a backbone. She was fighting someone who had the skill in combat, who also had many years of training on her.

  Tegan may not be skilled there, but she was brave. Skills can come with learning, and she will learn. But bravery isn't something that can be taught, that was a quality you just had to have.

  Lydia rounded out a hit as her hand turned into a paw, her entire body shook as she shifted into her wolf. She began to circle Tegan like she was prey.

  Why hasn't she shifted yet? What is she doing? I wasn't close enough to stop them and fear was swarming in my chest at what could happen if I didn't make it over in time. I could see the fear in Tegan's eyes, yet she still hadn't shifted.

  I went from a fast walk to a full-on sprint. Lydia's Wolf jumped into the air as Tegan dropped to the ground, fear all over her face. As Lydia came crashing down, I threw my body in front of Tegan to shield her attack. Lydia then bites into my arm instead of Tegan.

  "LET GO!" I commanded as Lydia immediately released my arm and quickly shifted back.

  "Ez..Ezra. What are you-"

  "THAT IS ALPHA KING EZRA, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ATTACKING THE FUTURE QUEEN!" I roared out with as much authority as I could.

  "Que.Queen, I.I.I didn't know, she attacked me first!" She stuttered over her words as she screamed out.

  I knew she was lying. Tegan was shy, timid of others and very untrained. Why would she ever think to attack someone she didn't even know, especially unprovoked?