Chapter 29 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  I was so surprised at how much time Ezra, and I had been able to spend together. Before the wedding, he was working away trying to get answers out of Alpha Kirk and his daughter Lydia. Kirk refused to speak no matter how many drastic measures they took. Once, his pack reached out to the elders about their Alpha visiting the kingdom and he didn't return, nor had they heard from him. The elders swooped in and released Kirk and Lydia right before the wedding. Unfortunately, everything had gone radio silent on their end. Ezra sent out his scouts to watch them. However, there was nothing suspicious, there were no movements going in or out, whatever they were planning was on hold for the time being. Either that, or they didn't succeed, so they stopped plotting all together. Ezra didn't accept that they had just stopped whatever they were planning, so he continued digging, trying to figure out what was going on. Although he wasn't keeping me in the loop, I still managed to see him talking to his Beta. I guess one thing about relying on having to read lips is that I don't have to strain to listen in. I can just physically read their lips if they're close enough.

  "Hey, you, what are you doing?" Ezra said as he approached.

  "Just thinking about what our next moves are." I answered.

  "With what?"

  "With the Kirk and Lydia issue."

  "Oh, you don't have to worry about them. We have it under control. As a queen, you will be learning more about how to keep the pack and kingdom running with finances, feasts, parties, or setting up our conferences with the menu and the decorations. Stuff like that, not about moves."

  "So, I won't have any say or knowledge about the problems we are facing?"

  "Only if it directly affects you, or if it has to do with the pack's finances or needing something planned."

  So, in other words, I will be completely in the dark when it comes to our pack issues involving threats. Makes me feel like an event planner rather than a queen.

  "Speaking of which, your training starts soon. Be sure to be on time."

  "Do I have a say in the studies for training then?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Is there a way to make at least one class a week of sign language mandatory to take within our kingdom?"

  "Why would I force that on the pack?"

  "I think it is beneficial to be able to sign."

  "Only beneficial for you. Why would they all need to sign when you can read lips?"

  "Not just for me. There are plenty of others who would benefit from learning how to sign."

  "There are no other deaf wolves known to our kind, so why would it be beneficial?"

  "What about those who cannot speak?"

  "There are hardly any of those either."

  "Well, you have both within your pack, so once again, why exactly would it not be beneficial?"

  "I won't force my members to do anything if they do not wish to."

  "Do all our members want to train in combat daily?"

  "That is different."

  "How so?"

  "Combat would be a benefit if we were to be attacked. Not only our pack, but it could save their lives."

  "So, communication isn't worth the time?"

  "Not when you can already communicate well."

  "Can it be offered as an option?"

  "If I did offer it, who would teach it?"

  "Me of course."

  "You will not have time between your own training and your duty."

  "Okay, well, we could hire someone. My caregiver back home, Helena, and I learned together, so there has to be others we could hire."

  "None are werewolves, and I will not have a human in our territory."

  "So, what, is that that then?"

  "That's that." He said with a serious face.

  I felt like I had no say in what we could do in the pack. It's not like I was asking for much. One class a week was not hard, especially if it was only an hour or two. And if it was voluntary, then why would it even matter? I was on my own with this. Maybe I can start off with little groups and if more people show interest in learning, then I could bring it back up.

  "I have to get to the office; we have some stuff to discuss. You need to get to your first training course anyway."

  "Okay. Am I going to be sleeping in your room?"

  "No, tonight will be a long night, I will be out late. Go ahead and retire to your own chambers for tonight."

  "Okay, so will I see you for dinner?"

  "I will make an attempt to be at dinner tonight, yes."

  I shook my head in agreement as he kissed my forehead and departed. A few moments later, I left to head to my Queen studies. It was supposed to be like Luna studies, but a bit more intense. Once I got to the area of the palace that the studies would be held in, I went in. Lilyanna was already there and had a few books sitting at an empty desk with a notepad and a pencil. As I entered, her face lit up with excitement.

  "Welcome, welcome!" She said, clapping her hands together. "Have a seat and we will jump right in." She said with a big smile on her face.

  "So, let's start with, what you know about the duties of being a Luna? Of course, a Queen has more duties, but we will start with Luna first, since the Queen does all of what they do and then some."

  This is a great way to completely embarrass me right off the bat. I knew absolutely nothing about it.

  "Um, that we are to be the mother to the pack." I said, making a good guess.

  "Okay, anything else?"

  "Um, a party planner."

  "Okay. There are a lot more important duties but that is a good start. How about we just start from the top and work our way down?"

  I shook my head, yes, so I didn't have to further embarrass myself.

  "So, before we get into the duties of a Queen or Luna, how about we go over the history of how it all started?"

  I shook my head, yes. She began showing clippings of all the previous Queens. The years they reigned, how they were chosen and the outcomes of their leadership. What they did to benefit the pack or what some did to almost ruin the pack.

  "I want you to read two chapters before tomorrow, then we will discuss what you read." She said, handing me another book.

  "Yes, Queen."

  "It is just Lily to you, you're my daughter-in-law." She said with a smile.

  "Thank you, Lily."

  "I will see you tomorrow. Oh, another thing before you go." She said as I picked up my books.

  "Don't take no for an answer, you need to have a backbone to be a good Queen." She said before winking.

  I wonder what she possibly means?