Chapter 6 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  I looked back at the timid girl who still stood in the doorway. Not wanting to scare her any more than she already was. I decided to try and talk to her.

  "I am Tegan," I said out loud, trying to overcome my fear of them all making fun of my voice. Her head shot up to look at me.

  "Queen Tegan."

  "Please, just Tegan."

  "The King said..."

  "Can you at least call me Tegan when it's just us two? Please." I begged. A small smile tugged at her lips.

  "My name is Imagen."

  "Can you write it for me? I need to make sure I read it correctly." I said as I handed her the pen and paper I had in my pocket from when the queen handed it to me in the car. She carefully wrote her name out.

  "Imagen?" I asked out loud. She shook her head yes in response.

  "It is nice to meet you, Imagen," I said immediately following.

  "Likewise. Where are you from?" She asked, her eyes bulging at her bravery.

  "I am sorry, that was not my place to ask, it is none of my business about your personal life I.."

  "Red Blood Pack from Texas," I replied, hoping to ease her anxiety. Her eyes looked back up at my own.

  "Alpha Drake Declan's pack?" She asked.

  "That is my father, yes."

  "Oh." She said with sadness in her eyes.

  "You know him?"

  "I know of him." She said, more sadness clouding her eyes as tears began to freefall. She quickly turned away to hide her feelings. I walked over to her and placed my hand on her shoulder. She jumped in response, quickly turning around to face me, her face bloodshot as the tears kept falling.

  "Please don't hurt me." She said, her emotions making my heart clench in my chest.

  "Why. Why would I ever do such a thing?" I asked, confused at her response to who I was.

  "You're from Red Blood." She said, her eyes back on the ground.

  "I do not understand," I said, truly confused. She shook her head as her tears stopped flowing. Instead of tears, her body was physically shaking in its place.

  "Did they do something?" I asked when she did not respond. Her eyes shot up at me like I was crazy. She must've realized something because she immediately changed the topic.

  "Let's get you settled, showered, and ready for dinner, yeah?"

  I had this terrible feeling inside, not sure how to decipher what had just happened. What did Red Blood ever do to her? What pack did I truly come from? I was never treated as an Alpha's daughter, and hardly ever left my room aside from school when I was a child. So, I never knew how my pack worked, what we faced, or anything to do with pack matters. I knew how they treated me; I just assumed it was because of circumstances, but now that I see her reaction to being the Alpha's daughter, it makes me question how they treated everyone else. What had she gone through that had to do with my pack? Questions swirled around my head trying to make sense of why she acted like that towards me. She changed the subject so quickly that I was not sure if I would ever know the answer.

  "I shall show you your bathroom." She said as she moved across the room. She sat my bag on the mini couch that was at the end of the bed before making her way to the opposite side of the room from where the closet was. She opened the door, then flipped on the light switch. Illuminating a cream-tone wall. I walked over, peeking into the bathroom. It had a humongous tub, and along the same wall just further down was a walk-in shower. On the opposite wall to both the tub and shower was a long sink with tons of stuff spread out on the counter. There was a brand-new toothbrush, toothpaste, some body wash, shampoo, conditioner, and a green loofa. Hanging on the wall next to the sink was a blow dryer, a curling iron, a curling wand, a crimper, and a straightener. The bathroom was fully stocked with everything I could ever need or want. Next to the toilet was a rack for towels, which had freshly laundered towels rolled up and stacked, waiting to be used. Imagen began to start the shower, altering the warmth to her liking. Once she was satisfied, she grabbed the items I would need to shower and placed them onto the shower ledge, then turned to look at me.

  "It is ready. I will go into your room and get everything ready for you while you shower." She said before exiting the bathroom. I stripped my clothes, tossing them into the rolling hamper that was between the bathtub and shower. I stuck my hand in testing the water before I decided it was okay and got in. The water showered down my head like it was washing away today's troubles. As much as I hate having to do what I must do, it was nice not to be treated how I was back home. Even if it was temporary, it was a breath of fresh air with not being teased or hit. Once done, I got out of the shower with the sudden realization that I hadn't brought any clothes into the bathroom. I quickly grabbed two towels from the rack. I used one to wrap up my hair while the other I used to wrap around my body tightly. I opened the bathroom door, peeking out. Imagen was nowhere in sight, so I made a beeline for my bag on the couch. When I was sifting through my belongings, Imagen appeared from inside the closet.

  "Oh, that won't be necessary, Ms. Tegan. I was instructed to discard them in the trash. None were suitable for a Queen. Here are some undergarments. I have chosen a nice V-line black silk dress for you to wear to dinner. It is your first dinner with the King, and you should look presentable."

  She then handed over the items in her hand. They were a matching set of sexy black undergarments which were laced. A sudden realization hit me. Was I expected to perform tonight? I gulped down my fear. Tonight would be the night, it had to be. With those sexy undergarments and that beautiful yet elegant silky dress. I was expected to look my best because he would bed me tonight. My stomach did a flip. I wasn't sure if it was from excitement about how he made me feel or if it was because I was terrified. I realized that this was what I was contracted to do, I was to fuck the King, essentially producing him an heir. I just didn't expect it to be on the first night here.

  "Come, let's get you dressed, get your hair in a nice hairstyle, and do your makeup. We want you to be presentable." Imagen said, making my stomach once again do a flip.