Chapter 18 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  The doctor was looking me over, the black eye already fading at an accelerating speed. For someone with no wolf, you sure wouldn't know it.

  "Well, everything seems to look fine. I see no broken bones; your black eye is already almost gone. It appears your wolf is healing your small wounds perfectly fine."

  "Thank you." I said, not pointing out that I did not have a wolf to do those things for me. I guess just being an Alpha's daughter I had it in my blood.

  "I will go get your discharge summary and then you'll be free to go." The doctor said before leaving the room.

  "Why didn't you shift? If the King hadn't been there, she could've really hurt you, or even killed you." Imagen spoke as soon as the door closed.

  I wasn't even sure I trusted her, but she did stand up for me in front of everyone. Plus, they would all find out sooner rather than later, right?

  "I couldn't shift."

  "Why? Were you too scared? I've heard of people being too afraid to shift before."

  "No, I wasn't afraid. Well, I mean I was afraid I would be a lunatic if I wasn't. But being frightened wasn't why I couldn't shift."

  "Then why? You cannot be so arrogant with attacks like that. She was out for blood, not to play."

  "I know. I just couldn't."

  "Tegan. I am no trainer, and I can't say I am the best fighter because I would be lying, but even I would have shifted to protect myself. I would even have tried to hold my own against her, and she is a higher ranking than me, I might add."

  "That's true courage." I said, trying to be encouraging.

  "You are an Alpha bloodborne, the next Queen to be. Why wouldn't you shift to defend yourself?"

  "Because I have no wolf!" I think I yelled as the doctor entered the room with the paperwork. Her face looked just as shocked as Imagen's.

  "What?" They both said simultaneously.

  I looked between the two of them. I wasn't exactly expecting to tell more than one person my secret, at least not right away. But I guess it was better to just rip the Band-Aid off.

  "How is that possible?" The doctor asked.

  "I don't know. I just don't have one. Can we change the topic please?"

  "I would rather not. I find this strange considering I cannot sense you are without one."

  "Well, she isn't there, so there isn't anything to talk about."

  "What if she is just deaf too and cannot hear you?" Imagen asked, making me laugh.

  "I am not sure that is how it works."

  "Why not? It would make sense why you cannot hear her or why she cannot hear you. She could be talking and getting no response like you are."

  My heart clenched in my chest. I had never even considered that. If that were true, it would be irreversible. What a selfish and cruel way to live. Why would the moon goddess ever do something so inhuman to one of her children? If her theory was right, then we were both fucked. My eyes shot over to the doctor hoping for answers, but she looked equally stumped.

  "Can I run some labs? I would like to look into this." She then asked.

  "I have had many labs with no results, but sure."

  After she drew some blood and gave me my discharge paperwork, we left. When walking down the hall, we passed a girl who was short like me but had brown hair. I read her lips as she muttered whore, making Imagen stop in her tracks.

  "You need to show some respect to your future queen." Imagen said, her eyes showing pure anger.

  "Lydia will always be my future queen." She spat before pushing passed Imagen and storming in another direction. Imagen then looked at me.

  "I am sorry." She said with sadness in her eyes. I smiled in return.

  "It's not your fault."

  "No, but you should never have had to deal with what you did today, or with what just happened. You are the next Queen; they should all respect you as such."

  "It may take some adjustments. In time they will learn to respect."

  "It should not be something learned, it's something you should already have. Lydia is not the future queen, nor will she ever be, so Jess needs to get that through her head before she does something that can get her banished or killed." Imagen said as we made our way to the second floor.

  "Can I ask a question?" I asked Imagen as we entered the room.

  "Of course."

  "For the girl Jess to say Lydia is her queen, does that mean that her and Ezra were an item?"

  Her eyes were searching my own as she was trying to find the right words.

  "The king never showed the pack they were an item, but Lydia always made sure everyone knew. She demanded respect, demanded to be treated as the next queen would be. Threatened any female who dared to even look at the king with desire. She let everyone know of their involvement."

  "Which was?"

  "That they were exclusive to one another and that they had a sexual relationship."

  "I had a feeling they were sexually involved. I could smell his scent on her, but I also could smell others. So, I wasn't sure how exclusive they truly were."

  "You could smell other partners? She swore it was only the king."

  "You couldn't?"

  "Nobody has that good of a nose."

  "Right." I said, as if I knew that. I never talked to anyone to know that they couldn't scent that on others.

  "How many do you scent on me?" She asked, her eyes raking over me. I leaned forward to smell her.

  "None. You're a virgin, you're pure." I said with a shrug. She looked at me with nothing but amazement on her face.

  "That was easy, we need more of a challenge!" She said excitedly as her face looked at the door, the vibration letting me know someone was out there.

  "The king has changed his plans. He requests both of your presence downstairs in the office." The man said.

  "Yes Beta." Imagen said while getting on her feet.

  We followed the bulky, gorgeous man down the hall.

  "What about him?" Imagen mouthed. I assumed she didn't say the words, since he was right there and could hear. I took a sniff and looked back at her and held up the number 10.

  "Just 10, wow I thought his count would be way more." She said, making the man turn to look at her confused.

  We entered the room and took a seat. Across the way, Lydia was sitting with a furious look in her eyes. After some time, another big man with a lot of power pouring from him entered.

  "Tell me that you requested my presence at such short notice because you are asking for my daughter's hand in marriage." I read from the man's lips while he was looking directly at Ezra.