Chapter 14 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  The next week flew by. I was antsy about seeing Ezra, but to my disappointment, he was nowhere to be found. Was he ignoring me? Was he with her?

  I was already up when Imagen slowly entered the room. I haven't had the chance to roam the grounds just yet. I spent the last week cooped up in my room coming to terms with my new life. Imagen was the only one who came, nobody else. However, now I was ready to leave the comfort of my room.

  "Can we go downstairs for breakfast?" I asked, hoping she would agree.

  "Yes Ma'am."

  "Please, Imagen, just call me Tegan." She shook her head in understanding.

  "I will escort you to the dining hall if you're ready?"

  I followed behind her as we left the room. When we reached the dining hall, all eyes were on us. I haven't had the chance to meet anyone yet. I stood behind Imagen, scared of what they might think. Imagen looked over at me confused, someone of my bloodline should never cower, they should stand tall, own the room. I knew that, but being me, I just couldn't be that girl.

  "Queen Tegan, are you okay?"

  "Just a little nervous."

  "I can introduce you to some of my friends. Maybe it will make you feel more welcome."

  I shook my head as I followed her lead. When we stopped in front of a table full of beautiful smiling faces, I started to feel more at ease. I looked over at Imagen's face as she spoke.

  "Everyone, this is Queen Tegan. She is the chosen mate to Alpha King Ezra."

  I looked back at the group. Some faces were turned into frowns which had me on edge, while others were smiling brightly. I tapped on Imagen's shoulder, not wanting to speak in front of everyone just yet. I don't want to see their reactions to whatever my voice sounded like. I tried pleading with my eyes for her to explain my hesitancy to address them. Suddenly, I felt a swift air as my hair swooshed around, the atmosphere changing. I looked to my right to see the blonde woman I had seen in Ezra's room a few nights prior.

  "What, cat got your tongue? She asked you a question." She stated bluntly.

  I wasn't sure who she meant. I was taken back. I wasn't reading anyone's lips to know who was talking to me or what they had asked. My eyes were darting around as I started to panic inside. Imagen touched my shoulder, her being the only person to know that I couldn't hear. I looked at her for any sort of guidance. Her eyes weren't looking at me, however, they were set on the woman in front of me. Her eyes zeroed in on her as if challenging her, but that would be crazy, right? She wouldn't challenge her in my defense.... right? Plus, I could sense this lady was of a high ranking. Imagen shouldn't try taking on someone with such power radiating from them, not for me.

  "This is your Queen; you will show her respect." I read from her lips. My eyes quickly shot over to the woman.

  "She is not the queen, not yet, therefore I can speak how I please. Why are you standing up for her against me anyway? She can speak for herself."

  I could tell she didn't like me, but she didn't even know me. I guess with the way she was all over Ezra, maybe she felt like she was entitled to the position. Therefore, she probably wouldn't like any woman who was taking the spot she wanted. But if they were an item, why wasn't she chosen to be the mate to the king?

  "The QUEEN does not have to answer anyone if she so chooses not to."

  "It isn't so queen-like to be disrespectful to her pack, now, is it?"

  Imagen bit her lip. I could sense she was wanting to retaliate but I placed my hand on her arm, her eyes quickly looking at me. I didn't want her to get herself hurt because of me. The lady was right, I should speak. They may not like my voice and they may make fun of me, but she had a point. I was the future Queen, and I would need to talk to not only my new pack but also to anyone visiting.

  "I am sorry, I meant no disrespect to you nor to anyone else. I was born with the disability of being deaf, so I rely on reading lips to understand what others are saying to me. I must have missed the moving lips of the one who asked a question while taking in everyone's delightful faces. I do apologize. I am Tegan. What is your name?"

  Her face contorted in horror as it sunk in that I was different from them. I looked around the table once again as the wandering eyes stared at me. But nobody spoke. They were all probably too shocked to speak. I turned back to look at the blonde standing in front of me. A wicked smile crossed her face.

  "Well, isn't this a lovely surprise? A deaf queen. Just wonderful."

  I glanced around the room hoping to see Ezra somewhere, but to my disappointment he was not there. When my eyes landed back on her she had a huge smile on her face.

  "Looking for someone? Maybe Ezra?"

  She said his name so casually. I must've made a face because she spoke again.

  "He is on a business trip. He will be back tonight. Sad thing you didn't know, a queen should know where her mate is at all times, like I did."

  I glanced over to Imagen to see if she knew. Her face looked surprised.

  "Thank you for informing me. I appreciate your kind enthusiasm concerning my mate's whereabouts. However, I doubt he would like to hear someone other than his close friends and family addressing him so informally in front of his pack members. Next time, show some respect to your superiors."

  The woman's face paled at my response. I was trying to be brave, trying to display courage, I couldn't be seen as weak, not here. I needed to set boundaries for others, otherwise everyone would try to treat me like my old pack did.

  "Well, Tegan, that's just the thing, isn't it? I am close to the king; in ways you never will be."

  "It's Queen Tegan to you, and I am sure you once were, but that is of the past now. He now has me, so you can stop trying to intimate me, because it is not welcome here nor will it be tolerated."

  I stood my ground. I was shaking on the inside, but I wouldn't show fear. I know my worth. I knew inside my heart that I was capable, I was strong, and I deserved respect too.

  "You think you can talk to me like that, you disabled whore!" She screamed before she launched herself forward.