Chapter 24 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  I didn't want to resort to torture, but I wasn't above it either.

  "Maybe we should bring in Cass." Uriah suggested as he walked away from the chained-up Lydia.

  "You think we should involve magic?"

  "It wouldn't hurt to try it."

  "Very well. I will mindlink her to come."

  Luckily, Cass has cast a spell to allow her to also be able to mindlink within the royal pack, just like wolves in the pack could do. Makes it convenient for when we need to get in contact with her quickly.

  I stepped into the interrogation room that held Lydia. Her father, Kirk, was chained three cells down from the interrogation room. Wolfbane and silver were being used to be able to control the wolf from being able to shift. As I walked in, Lydia's head popped up from the interrogation desk.

  "Baby, please. I love you. I only did this because I wanted to be with you." She pleaded. But the softness in her voice or her batty eyes didn't work for me. It actually repulsed me. How did I ever find this woman attractive?

  "I am not your baby." I said calmly as I sat down across the table from her. As she sniffed the air.

  "You smell like her!" She screamed.

  "Well, she is my mate."

  "Contracted." She replied with venom laced in her voice.

  "I took a break to go see her, if you know what I mean." I decided to take another approach, one that I knew would set her off.

  "You didn't fuck her, there has been no wedding yet."

  "I didn't say I fucked her, but nothing in the law states that I can't ravish her body in other ways."

  "You’re lying!"

  "You smell her on me, why would I lie? Her body was trembling beneath my hands as I moved them across her pebbled nipples."


  "My mouth then took the place of my hand as I sucked hard on her nipple, while my hand kept travelling down."


  "Her body was shaking at the contact as I glided my hand across her soaked panties."

  "NO STOP!"

  "She begged me for more. She needed more."


  "So, I slipped it into her panty line, her pussy dripping wanting me."


  "I parted her pussy lip with my finger, my mouth breaking away from her nipple to travel down south to have a little taste."



  "And then once I had a few sons, he wanted me to... he wanted me to..."

  "What did he want?"

  "He wanted me to kill you and your mom so that our bloodline would rule!"

  I wasn't completely shocked at this revolution. Many men wanted the throne for money and power. They are mostly just challenges for my position, however. He went the extra mile to try and take over.

  "What else was he planning?"

  "I don't know!"

  "So, when my lips got to her naval-"

  "Please stop Ezra, I really don't know." She said as tears began to fall down her face.

  I felt kind of bad for hurting her, but I needed information, and truth be told, she was a traitor to the throne. She was going along with this plan. I stood up to leave when she spoke again.

  "I really did love you. I wasn't going to go through with it. I just wanted to be your queen."

  "If you loved me, you would have won me over the right way." I said before exiting the room.

  When I got to the insulated office in the dungeon Uriah and Cass were sitting there talking.

  "Hey, how'd it go?" Uriah asked.

  "Well, I got some information. But I don't believe she is who we will get the answers from."

  "What information did she give you?"

  "Just what she knew." I then proceeded on telling him what I had found out.

  "Do you think there is more to it?" Cass then asked.

  "Yeah, but I don't think she would know any of the rest. I have to figure out why that witch helped them. Have you been able to locate her?"

  "She has been spotted but doesn't stay long enough to be caught. She is definitely on the run and hiding. Whatever they were planning, it was big." Cass replied.

  "So, what now?" Uriah asked next.

  "We are going to have to get any information out of Kirk before the elders find out we are holding him against the law. Technically, we haven't proven he has done anything wrong. He hadn't actually admitted to anything. Lydia's word against his."

  "What about him attacking?" Uriah stated more like a question.

  "Technically, I initiated the attack. I was the one to shift first."

  "Fuck dude!"

  "How long do we have?" Cass asked.

  "Max another 24 hours."

  "What about him telling his guards to rape the future queen?"

  "He would have to be held for a set trial, not held in a dungeon and questioned."

  "Damnit, so in other words, he is going to be released and there is nothing we can do?"

  "All we can do is interrogate him a little longer and hope he spills something at all about his plans so we can investigate and prove he is guilty."

  "Damn, so much for being the king when the elders still have so much say in what happens ultimately." Cass said with a shrug.

  She wasn't wrong, I was king of all werewolves, but even being king there were limitations and a chain of order to follow. Ones I was not following by holding him down here. I didn't even have a say about who my mate would be. They wanted the last judgment and the last say on everything. Another thing I did not agree with at all. Being a king was all great, but I even had someone to talk to about my moves and actions. So, in the end, I was basically another Alpha, only I had just a little more authority than they did. But our law was our law, which means Kirk is not guilty until we have solid evidence and even then, he would still have to stand trial in front of the other Alpha's and, of course, the elders.

  "Cass, maybe you can do some magic to get him to tell the truth?" I asked hopefully.

  "I wished I could, but if they found out he was questioned by unauthorized magic, I could lose my position."

  "I didn't think about that. Well, thanks for coming down anyway."

  "I am sorry for not being of much assistance."

  "You may be of assistance later if we can't find anything out, but for now we will just hold off and wait it out. Maybe we can find a way to make him crack without using magic."

  She nodded her head before we all walked out the office. As I passed the cell, Kirk was laughing.

  "I'll be back, don't worry." I said as we exited.