Chapter 31 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  Her eyes widened when she realized I had been watching.

  "Ready for you?" She asked questionably.

  "For our one-on-one session."

  Her face paled at my request. She had been training for an hour now, and still had 30 minutes remaining of her combat training, to which I decided I would take over. I didn't have any more meetings, so why not?

  "Today?" She asked.

  "Right now."

  "But what about Lamar?"

  "He is dismissed for the day." I replied before diverting my eyes to our warrior and nodding for him to leave.

  Once he was gone, it was just Tegan and I remaining, alone.

  "So where do we start?" She asked like it was her first time.

  "I've seen you battle fiercely in your human form and have heard nothing but good things. So how about we start with training in your wolf form?"

  "My wolf form?" She asked with a shaky breath.

  "Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem, these rooms are big enough to accommodate the transformation of two wolves and be able to hold a one-on-one battle within the walls. I want to see what she has to offer. And oddly, you hadn't mentioned her, so I would like to meet her."

  "She... I... we... um... -"

  "Is there a problem?" I asked, now confused as to why she was so hesitant.

  "I... it's just, I... I don't have a wolf."

  "What do you mean you don't have a wolf? You are highborn, there has not been a single wolf born of pure blood that does not have a wolf."

  "My caregiver said I was a late bloomer. I know she is there, but she just isn't there. Maybe because of being deaf I cannot talk to her. I don't know."

  "A few months is considered a late bloomer maybe, but not a few years. Even if what you say is true about not hearing her, she would have forced a shift at some point. You haven't shifted?"

  "No. But I have superb eyesight, and other enhanced senses a wolf has."

  "Just no wolf?"

  "Just no wolf." She repeated to me.

  "How is that possible?"

  "I don't know. The doctors ran every test they could, and I still have no answers."

  I closed my eyes to take in all the information. How had I not sensed she had no wolf? I felt as if I sensed one, but if she still hasn't shifted, then what she is saying must be true. Which means she won't be able to mark me back. Which also means our contract will be forcefully ended once the elders find out. This was not something I could hide; they gave her 24 hours to mark me. There was no way that if she hadn't had a wolf this long that she would magically get her now. We were both fucked, and she didn't even know it. The one person I can't seem to get off my mind, the one person my body wants the most, is going to be taken away from me and there was nothing I could do about it.

  "Follow me." I said before abruptly turning around to head out of the training room.

  "What about our one-on-one?"

  "There are more important matters at the moment." I said as we walked from the training ground, back to the pack house to go see my own pack doctor. I needed answers.

  As we entered, the doctor's face lit up with happiness.

  "Ahh, Alpha King Ezra, so nice of you to come by. Do what do I owe the pleasure?"

  "Hello Erin, it is good to see you. I have come today because I need tests to be run on Tegan." I said, as Tegan stepped from behind me.

  "I see, and what sorts of tests are we talking about?"

  "Everything. I want all the panels done. I want to know why she is wolf less."

  "I ran some tests when she was brought in after being attacked and they were all inconclusive." She said, looking between us.

  "Run them again, top priority. I want them done as quickly as possible."

  "I can redraw some blood, take some images and try to figure it out, but some tests take longer to come back."

  "I want it rushed; this is time sensitive." I demanded.

  "Yes, Alpha." Erin, the pack doctor said, before turning to take Tegan to the room for further testing.

  I sat outside the door stressing about the outcome. What was going to happen if they found out she was wolf less?

  I must've dozed off because a soft tap on my shoulder brought me back from my unconscious sleep. I looked up to see Tegan's face. A small smile danced at the edges before disappearing.

  "The test results are back." She said as she turned around to head back inside the room.

  I looked at my phone. I saw 6 missed calls from Uriah, 4 missed calls from my mother, and 1 missed call from Elder Jackson. It was now daytime, the night gone. I would have to call them back in a moment. When I entered the room, Tegan was sitting on the bed with a gown on.

  "We have the results from the rushed bloodwork Alpha." Erin said softly.


  "And I still don't see anything hindering why she wouldn't have a wolf. It was also inconclusive." She said as my phone rang out again. I looked down at it to see Uriah calling again.

  "Fuck, okay. Thanks. I have to take this." I said, moving away from the bed.

  "There was also another test I ran that didn't have to do with the wolf part."

  "Just tell Tegan then, this is an important call, I have to take it." I said before walking out and answering his call.

  'Dude, where have you been? I have tried calling all morning.'

  'Busy, what’s up?'

  'They are holding an emergency council meeting right now. Get down here fast.'

  'On my way.' I quickly said before hanging up.

  When I got to the council room, all the elders were present; also, Uriah and my mother were there.

  "What is the meaning of this?" I demanded.

  "The meaning of this is that I caught word that our Queen is wolf less."

  "Who -"

  "No matter who said it, is it true?" He asked, cutting me off.

  "I just found out tonight." I stated bluntly.

  "Tsk Tsk, well if this is true, you know the rules. To be King you must have a suitable Queen. If you want to remain the King, you will reject her. We will find a suitable mate for you once that is done."

  "But we mated."

  "Indeed, but her condition breeches the contract, voiding it. We will find a more suitable mate to be Queen."

  "And if I don't want another mate?"

  "Ezra..." My mom interrupted. "Duties over mates." She stated with a tear-stained face. I looked back at the Elders, who all had emotionless facial expressions.

  "Fine." I said through gritted teeth.

  "Wonderful, the girl has already been called on."

  They wanted me to reject her here, in front of everyone?