Chapter 8 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  I asked an intrusive question. But I wasn't wrong in doing so. She was weak, scared, and as far as I could tell, she had no qualities that a Queen should have or portray to her kingdom. I am not sure why my mother decided on her. Yes, my match had to be a virgin, but surely there was another she-wolf born of an Alpha bloodline that had her virginity still intact. A she-wolf that was at least brave enough to speak when spoken to.

  Tegan was deaf, which was rare to find in a wolf. It is also not a good gene to pass down to your heir when breeding for the next king. Did my mother not consider that either? What else was it about this she-wolf that would be deemed unfit to stand at my side as my queen? I wasn't trying to be a dick. I was just looking out for the future of my kingdom as I thought my mother was supposed to be doing. I am just confused about what made her possibly think that Tegan was worthy of being the next queen. What made her think that she would breed a good heir to the throne? Being deaf was a quality I would hate for my son to have. As a wolf, you need all your senses to be able to lead, protect, and stay alive. Lacking hearing would not benefit anyone, it could lead to mass destruction and the loss of many lives. It would not be a good quality for a king. This brought me back to my question. What makes her think she is fit to be my Queen? I want to know what she thinks her strengths are. Would they outweigh her weaknesses?

  The contract was signed and notarized, but anything could be null and voided with the right loopholes. One of which could be her not producing an heir within the 3 months given. They make potions to enable the ability to reproduce. I won't make a rash decision. However, I will hear her out. Weigh my options and decide based on what I deem fit for the next heir to the throne.

  Her eyes never broke eye contact. She at least listened to that order I gave her. She still looked terrified, but I give her points for her bravery in maintaining eye contact. I wasn't even sure a command worked on her since she couldn't hear it. Was that a good thing or a bad thing? If the command did not affect her, then that meant she was maintaining eye contact on her own accord, which made me wonder how brave she was under that shy demeanor. Not many could look me in the eye for long, even if the command was in place. They would still eventually break with the pressure of my gaze. But not her. Which took me by surprise.

  "I am not sure your highness. I didn't know I was to be a queen until this morning. I don't have the answers you are seeking." She responded. Her voice came out in a soft tone with a little deaf accent which could only be described as a higher pitch being extremely slow and labored but a unique sound altogether.

  However, from what I am hearing, she was brought here and not by her own will. This leads me back to my question. Why would my mother deem her worthy of being a queen? Was it out of pity? You cannot deem one worthy of a leadership role, like being a queen, by feeling pity for them.

  I couldn't deny her beauty though. Even when she appeared earlier in her worn-down clothes, her beauty was beyond measure. I had never had the pleasure of seeing another specimen as beautiful as her. But beauty is only skin deep. I needed to know what else there was to her aside from her looks. I couldn't deny the way I felt the moment I laid eyes on her. I could feel her the moment she walked into the room. The entire atmosphere shifted. I felt a burning sensation on my back from her staring while I faced my mother. It sent chills down my body, something that had never happened before. There was something about being in proximity to her that made my stomach do these flips, something else that I had never experienced in the presence of a female.

  "Okay. How were you raised? Do you have any formal training to be a Luna or maybe any training in fighting?" I asked, curious as to what she had to offer. She blinked, a knowing look in her eyes as she gulped, and she shook her head no in response.

  "You're of Alpha Bloodline, are you not?"

  "I am, but I was not permitted to be in training. My stepsister Allie took Luna classes, and always bragged about what she learned. I was not able to partake in them because my father said I was not worthy of being a Luna. But I did pick up on some of the things she would brag about. I am sorry to disappoint Sir, but I was not treated as an Alpha's daughter."

  "And this Allie, is she of Alpha Blood?" I asked while raking my fingers through my beard, trying to understand.

  "No sir, she is no more than an Omega."

  "Yet your father found she was more worthy than his flesh and blood?"

  Sadness washed over her at the question, but she composed herself quickly.

  "That was what he had said, sir."

  So, she had no training whatsoever. Why?

  "Why did he deem you unworthy?"

  "My condition. He said I was not worthy of such a status because of my disability."

  "So, he found you unworthy of being a Luna, but he did not seem to think you were unworthy of being a Queen?"

  It sounded rude, but in all fairness, it was a valid question.

  "If I am being honest, I don't think he thinks I am worthy of even breathing. He was offered money for my virginity, which he would not refuse. Plus, with his opportunity, he got to get rid of me, the one he hates the most."

  My heart clenched with her honesty. I have never cared about people's feelings before, so why suddenly do her feelings make me want to embrace her to shield her away from those thoughts?

  "Why would he hate you?"

  More sadness clouded her eyes as she fought to hide it.

  "Because my birth brought death to my mother, and on top of that, I was born disabled, which led him to believe I was the one who should have died, not her. The doctor tried to save her once I was stable, but it was too late, she was gone."

  I couldn't imagine the pain she felt about being blamed all her life for her mother's death, but a disability was a disadvantage to our kind. Did that deem her completely unworthy though? Was there more to her than her disability? That is what I wanted to find out.