Chapter 17 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  In walked a smaller girl, one I knew was close to Lydia. I wanted to see exactly what she had to say verses what the others say. Would her story match the others? Would it even match Lydia's? It wasn't like they had time to talk before I stopped the fight and sent Lydia to the dungeons. They were from different packs so they cannot mind link, a benefit in my favor in this case.

  "Alpha King, Beta." She said as she bowed in respect.

  "Thanks for joining us, please have a seat, Jess." I said, gesturing to the seat in front of me.

  "Am I in trouble sir?" She asked as she sat down.

  "No, we just need to ask a few questions is all." Uriah said while I watched her.

  "Okay, is it in regard to what happened at breakfast?"

  "It is. Can you take us step by step what you witnessed?" Uriah asked.

  I put my hand on my face, one finger on my upper lip while the other was just below my jaw as I watched her face for any hint of lies.

  "Well, when Lydia and I entered the hall. She smelt the air and her eyes went over to the wea- I mean the table, the one that was closest to the trashcans. She immediately started walking over to an unknown girl. We hadn't seen her around the pack and Lydia said she wanted to question her."

  "Go on." I then said, her eyes going between me and Uriah.

  "Then she asked her why she wasn't responding to the pack when they spoke to her. A valid question to someone that doesn't belong to our pack."

  "It was not a valid question to ask anyone when they were not in charge of this pack. Who is to say she didn't belong? Lydia is not part of the pack, but nobody asks her to answer why she is here or why she chooses not to talk to certain individuals. Nor was it her place or business to stick her nose where it doesn't belong, but go ahead, continue." I interrupted, because I didn't want her thinking this kind of behavior was okay.

  "Right, umm well, then the girl was demanding respect and Lydia told her who was in charge."

  "Which was not her." I pointed out. "What happened next?" I asked.

  "The girl pushed Lydia, starting the fight which is against our rules. So, Lydia defended herself. It was only defense."

  "And when the girl didn't shift and Lydia still attacked, what then?" I asked. Her face went blank as her eyes were looking around the room.

  "I think that Lydia was just showing her that she was the superior breed. I don't think she would've hurt her, Alpha."

  "Then why did I have a bite mark where she drew blood?" I asked, questioning her.

  "I think-"

  "Thank you for coming down to shed light on what you saw. You're dismissed, have a good day, Jess." I said, interrupting her excuse.

  She gulped before she stood up. "Alpha, is Lyd in trouble?"

  "That is not your business to know as of right now. Thank you for your insight. Have a good day."

  Once the door closed behind her, I shook my head.

  "Well, I sensed some truth in that." Uriah stated.

  "Yeah, the beginning. The rest, she was bullshitting. Did you see her eyes when she spoke?" I huffed out.

  "I did. Why would she lie to her Alpha to protect someone who went against the rules?"

  "That's her best friend. I assume to try and get her out of her situation." I said as another knock was at the door.

  "Enter." Uriah then said, in walked the second person I wanted to talk to. A male, one of the guards, was just getting off duty and getting his breakfast.

  "Hello Trevor. Please have a seat." He came in sitting before me.

  "Alpha, I should have stopped the fight. I should have-"

  "Yes, you should have, but you didn't, which won't happen again if you want to remain on our force. You knew the rules and you allowed what happened to happen. But that is not what you were called here to discuss."

  "I didn't know she was the next queen, sir."

  "It was not public knowledge so not many knew. But that is beside the point. She should've been treated as a guest until her identity was given. But she was attacked at her first public appearance, which is what we want to discuss. What did you overhear and see?"

  "When I walked in, I heard Lydia making fun of her by saying how lovely it was for the next queen to be deaf. I still wasn't sure what was going on and so I continued to the lineup for breakfast. That's when Lydia addressed you as Ezra and the little firecracker corrected her. Lydia didn't take that too well. She went on to saying how she was close to the king in ways the little one never would be. Firecracker only stated that may have been true, but it was in the past now and that is when Lydia lost it. She called her a disabled whore before she launched herself at the little one attacking her. That was when you arrived. It all happened so quickly. She attacked out of nowhere and then you were there ending it. It was over as quickly as it started."

  "Thank you for your time and what you witnessed, Trevor. I know you were up late on guard duty. You can go now." I spoke.

  "Thank you, Alpha." He said before bowing and leaving.

  "That's two different stories." Uriah said once he was gone.


  "So how are we to know who was lying?"

  "Well, Trevor has no reason to lie. Jess did."

  "Then why did you even ask Jess to come?"

  "Just to see where her head lies when asked a question by her Alpha about her future Queen."

  "So, she wasn't even part of finding out the truth?"

  "Not exactly. But I did get an important thing from her." I said, while rubbing my face.

  "What was that?"

  "That Lydia smelled the air before she made her way over to her."

  "Tegan is a new smell. I am sure many were curious."

  "I am sure that's true, but Lydia also smelled her on me the night I told her it was officially over. She knew her smell and purposely sought her out the first chance she got. And I just so happened to not have been expected to be here."

  "So, you knew she was guilty already?"

  "I knew there was a big possibility that she was doing it out of jealousy. Yes."

  "Then why didn't we just call her father immediately?"

  "Because I wanted to hear what happened from someone other than them first."

  "So now what?" Uriah asked curiously.

  "Now we call her father, so when she is confronted, he will be here."

  "We won't be speaking to them beforehand?"

  "Nope, altogether." I said as I started dialing the Alphas number.