Chapter 32 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  Ezra quickly left the room in a hurry. I looked back at the doctor with curiosity about what else she managed to find.

  "I figured he would want to know all the results but that is fine. Are you ready for the information I found out?"

  "You said it hadn't to do with my wolf?"

  "No, it does not."

  "Is something wrong with me?"

  "Not at all. Have you been feeling tired? Or nauseous lately?"

  "Now that you mention it, I have been feeling down in the dirt. But I have been working hard on the training courses. All or nothing, right?"

  "Well, I want to congratulate you."

  "On my training?"

  "Not exactly, you're pregnant. Congratulations, Queen Tegan." She said with a beaming smile.

  "I am pregnant." I repeated in a stunned state.

  I mean, of course it was possible. We have had sex multiple times, which he hadn't pulled out once. But I just didn't expect it to happen so quickly. I was glad it did, of course. I only had 3 months to become pregnant, so the news makes me happy. But I was still surprised none-the-less. I couldn't wait to tell Ezra the news, and Imagen, she was going to flip out.

  "Thank you, Doctor." I said with a beaming smile.

  "I want you to come back in a week for an ultrasound. Werewolf pregnancies tend to only be 3 months, but you are wolf less in all the testing, I am not sure how fast it will go. So, with that being said, we will want to monitor closely, okay?"

  "Yes Ma'am." I agreed happily.

  "Here is your discharge summary. Take the prenatal prescribed."

  "Thank you." I said before leaving. I kept reading the papers. Pregnancy (+). It's really happening. I am going to be a mom.

  "I will never let anything bad happen to you little bean. I promise to never let go through what I did. I already love you so much." I tried to whisper while holding my flat stomach.

  As I continued walking down the hallway, a burly man stood in my way. I looked at him confused; he simply handed me a paper that was sealed shut with a hardened seal. He stood with his arms crossed not moving or speaking, so I opened the sealed letter.

  'On behalf of the Elder Council, I hereby order you to meet in the Council Chambers immediately. Signed Elder Jackson.'

  That was all that was written. I wonder what this was about?

  "I am sorry Sir; I do not know my way to Council Chambers. Would you ever be so kind as to escort me to them?" I asked.

  The man only huffed out, turned around and walked away. I took that as a yes and followed behind. After a short amount of time walking, we came upon some of the most humongous doors I had ever seen. I was on a side of the palace that I had never been to before. This must be where all the important meetings were held. He opened the door, never blinking.

  "Thank you, sir." I said as I entered the room.

  Walking in it was like going through a tunnel. Once the light became brighter, I walked under what I can only describe as an awning. When I entered the room officially, it was surrounded by seats all around the room in a circle. There was one seat in the middle, once entering from under the hallway awning that I now see was just covered by seats above it. It almost looked like a room where a trial would be held. In front of the single seat and desk were a bench of seats that contained multiple people already. My eyes raked over the many faces I did not recognize until a few I did came into view.

  "Hello Ms. Declan. Please have a seat." The man I knew to be Elder Jackson spoke first as his hand pointed at the seat in the middle of the room.

  "It's now Mrs. Hendricks sir." I corrected.

  "Ahh, shall it is. For now." He said bluntly.

  I looked over to Ezra to see him flinch at his words. What did he mean by 'for now'? We signed the marriage certificate; we consummated the contract. We did everything we were told to do, so what does he mean?

  I did as I was told, however. When sitting down, I shoved the papers into my bag. My eyes were looking at all the faces that were all looking down on me. Most of them had no expressions, whereas Ezra had many, most of which he normally never showed. Then there was Uriah, who had sadness lingering in his eyes, then next to Uriah sat Lilyanna, who had red eyes.

  "We called upon this meeting for an urgent matter. It was agreed upon by the council that you are in breach of your contract." Elder Jackson began to speak first.

  "Breach? I was given 3 months." I stated, still confused.

  "It has come to our attention that you are wolf less."

  My eyes darted over to Ezra. This was a private matter. Why would he tell them something like that?

  "If that is so, it is in breach with the contract. One must be able to provide the next Alpha heir for the King. Someone wolf less cannot simply do such a task. Therefore, you have breached the contract. You cannot provide us with the heir we need."

  "What does that mean?"

  "That means, in order for our King to have a legitimate heir that will be a wolf and be able to rule our kingdom, he will need a suitable mate to be able to do such things."

  "But, we mated, we consummated the contract, I am pr... -"

  "You are not suitable for the Queen's position. In order for him to remain King, he must do right by the Kingdom and void the contract." He interrupted before I could give him the news.

  "Ezra?" I asked, looking at him with pleading eyes.

  "I am sorry Tegan." Was all he said, shattering my heart before I even had the chance to tell him it was his.

  "Sorry?" I asked, knowing what was about to happen next.

  "I have your bags in the car waiting for you. The driver is yours for anytime you need him. He will take you to a hotel that is already set up for you to live in. Your father will be paid. Do not worry. You will also have a card that has endless funds. Buy whatever you need. I will never shut it off as long as I am breathing."

  "Alpha, the contract is voided, none of that will be necessary." Elder Jackson spoke up again.

  "It is and that is not something you can or will stop, do you understand?" He demanded, making the Elder shut his mouth.

  "I am sorry, Tegan."

  "Please, Ezra, I love you, please." He flinched at my words.

  "I, Ezra Hendricks, from Blood Moon pack, reject Tegan Hendricks, from Blood Moon Pack, to be my Luna, Queen, and mate. The contract ends today."