Chapter 33 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  As the words left his mouth, my body crumbled over in pain. It was all I could feel while everything inside of me was breaking. It felt like a piece of myself was being ripped away. I was losing my mate. Not just my contracted mate, but my fated mate. Not that anyone aside from me knew this news. Ezra couldn't have known, not while having a curse on him, to not recognize the fated mate bond. He was as clueless about me being his fated mate as anyone else in this room was. It didn't make my heart hurt any less. I could feel our bond snapping as I fell to my knees, tearing gushing down my face. Then suddenly I felt nothing as everything around me turned to darkness.

  I opened my eyes to nothing but blackness surrounding me. Was this death?

  I got up off the ground as I aimlessly walked in the darkness. I saw nothing, I felt nothing. I was all alone in my own hell.

  What had I done to deserve this treatment my entire life? I got a glimpse of what my life could be like before it was ripped away from me. All because I was wolf less. Had they not seen my heightened senses? My ability to heal as if my wolf was there? Even if they did, I doubt it would have mattered to them. I was useless here just like I was back home.

  How could he reject me so publicly to humiliate me even further? I had done all that was asked of me, I followed every rule down to the preg... Oh Goddess no! Please not my baby!

  I don't care how much pain I am put through, but please don't tell me this hurt or killed my baby! I quickly looked down at my flat belly. I wasn't in any kind of pain anymore, so surely that meant the baby was okay. But if I am walking around in a black hole, does that mean the pain killed us both? I suddenly broke down as tears began to rush down my face.

  "Do not cry my dear." I heard a soft whisper in my ear, as if they were right next to me. But I was deaf, so that wasn't possible, right?

  I quickly whipped around looking for any sign of someone, but nobody was there. Only darkness.

  "Hel...Hello...Is somebody there?" I called out. Goddess, I must be going crazy.

  I sat down, pulling my knees to my chest as I began to rock back and forth. Something I had done many times before when I felt a panic attack arising. Suddenly, I felt the warmth of something as it laid on my shoulder. I quickly looked over to see a woman who looked vaguely familiar.

  "Momma?" I said, not believing my eyes.

  So, it was true. I was dead, the rejection killed me.

  "I come in the figure of who you want to see. My name is Celeste."

  "Celeste... Imagen mentioned you once. You're the Moon Goddess, right?"

  "I am the mother to all who worship the moon."

  "My mother is the Moon Goddess?"

  "I am not your mother by birth, I used this form because this is who your heart desires the most in your time of need. I chose this figure to ease your pain."

  "What is your real figure?"

  "I am whoever the person I am speaking to wants me to be. I have not one form, but many."

  "Are you here because I am dead? Are you here to offer me life again at the cost of something?" I asked, changing the subject abruptly.

  A smile spread across her face. The face I had dreamed of speaking to all my life.

  "You're not dead. I just came to talk."

  If I am not dead, then that means... I looked down at my stomach as I held on tighter to the flat surface.

  "And my ba..."

  "Alive and well." She said, interrupting me.

  "How can I hear you?"

  Being able to hear was so strange. I could hear the way my voice sounded, it wasn't nearly what I had expected it to be with all the bullying over the years, but it was still different. Kind of muffled.

  "You can keep this ability to hear, if you choose to?"

  "What must I give in return?"

  "Nothing like that, it will be a gift from me to you, for all you have endured."

  "Then why even make me deaf to begin with?"

  "Some things were meant to happen in your life to shape who you are so that you are able to do what you need to do."

  "And what do I need to do?" I asked curiously.

  "Protect the werewolf realm and kingdom."

  "How can I do that?"

  "You're special Tegan, I know you have felt the strange surge of power."

  "Once." I admitted.

  "It only takes once to awaken. Now you just need to learn to control it. To bend it to you will."

  "Why me?"

  "Because your mother before you were our last realm protector before she passed, now it is your turn."

  "My mom had powers?"

  "Great and mighty powers. She controlled the elements Earth and Water."

  "And what will I be able to control?"

  "There are four elements. Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. I am not at liberty to say what has been gifted to you yet. That is for you to find out."

  "What happens after I find out?"

  "You master your abilities."

  "So, with those abilities, I use them to somehow protect the realm of werewolves?"

  "Exactly. A great war is coming. One only you can stop."

  "I have no battle experience."

  "Lucky for you, you don't need experience to learn and succeed. I must go now; they are calling for you. Enjoy Gemma and your new abilities." She said before kissing my head, then disappearing in thin air, as if she were never there.

  Who the hell was Gemma? I was thinking, as a faint echo of my name was called out from the darkness. I followed the echo until the darkness turned to light as my surroundings began to come back. Soon my eyes fluttered open, and I was once again in the trial room. Fuck, I was hoping it was all a dream.

  "Tegan!" Ezra screamed out, hurting my ears.

  HOLY SHIT! I HEARD HIM! My head quickly snapped in his direction to see the pure panic on his face, but all I could feel inside was rage. Pure anger at him rejecting me, rejecting us.

  "Let me go." I said firmly. He quickly released my arms and backed away.

  "You will regret ever agreeing to allow them to control our love. I promise you that." I said before standing up and exiting the way I had come.

  No more push over Tegan, time for a more independent and badass Tegan. I don't need a mate to make me strong, I have me and my baby now, nothing else matters.

  'And me.' A faint echo in my head said, catching me off guard.

  'Gemma?' I asked, confused.