Chapter 28 - Divorced Heiress

Vincent stood up, standing between the Dubois siblings, his icy gaze never leaving Alexander's face.

"I'm afraid your mother should give the apology, and even if she did, it doesn't solve anything, the damage has already been done. And Sarah has nothing to say to you since divorcing the Lancaster family, and although the main reason was your infidelity towards her, I am realizing that it wasn't the only reason. I see that she hasn't been treated as she deserves, like the princess she is, and I won't allow her to be dragged through the mud. If you have something to say to her, you can tell me, she's no longer alone, and the sensible thing for you to do is to stay away from her permanently."

Vincent's cold and indifferent voice almost sent shivers down my spine, even though it wasn't directed at me. He looked defiantly at Alexander, and the Dubois siblings were not far behind. Nevertheless, the dark-haired man maintained his posture with his head held high, as if he didn't care at all about the man staring him down.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched the scene, never before had I felt so supported. I had the best cousin and the best friends. Not anyone would dare defy such a powerful family without their hand trembling, but in a way, they were settling the score with him, making it clear that the best thing was for him to leave and never look for me again in his miserable life.

"I see you're very interested in my... ex-wife." Alexander responded without moving a muscle. Abby let out a joyless laugh next to my cousin, and I wanted to do the same, but I restrained myself so he wouldn't hear me.

"Of course I'm very interested in your ex-wife, do you have a problem with that?"

I covered my mouth, stopping the laughter that Vincent's statement caused me, but more than anything, I noticed how tense Alexander's body became.

He tapped the glass with his fingers, clearing his throat to respond.

That's my musketeer!

"Of course not, after all, she stopped interesting me when she divorced me." As soon as he said that, the laughter vanished from my face, leaving me with an immeasurable pain in my chest, as if hundreds of needles had been plunged into my heart, reopening the wound that I thought had healed.

I didn't understand why I felt that way, after all, I had ceased to interest him long before the divorce, I just didn't want to accept it until I saw him with Rachel.

My breathing became heavy, and I swallowed hard in an attempt to get rid of the knot that had formed in my throat. I didn't want to look anymore, I moved away from the door, leaning my body against the sink, inhaling and exhaling to dissipate the unpleasant feeling in my body.

I hated the fact that it could still affect my mood after his betrayal, after what he did to me, but it was inevitable, despite everything, he still remained my first love, the first man I fell in love with, the first one I loved, the first in my life and the father of my baby.

That didn't make him any less of a scumbag.

"Well, I'm glad for Sarah, she deserves someone better in her life, not someone who only gave her breadcrumbs." I heard Vincent's distant voice and repeated those words to myself.

I wasn't going to allow anyone else to give me little or nothing, to give me less than I deserve, no matter how much he may be the man I always wanted, he wasn't deserving of my love.

"Of course, Mr. Lefevbre." Alexander paused as he tapped the glass a couple more times with his fingers.

"I suppose I wasted my time coming here. Congratulate Ms. Petit on my behalf, she has achieved a great position. Oh, and congratulations on your pregnancy, Ms. Dubois. Have a good day."

I stood still upon hearing Alexander congratulating Abby, thinking she was the one pregnant and that the gift she brought was for her child, which relieved me. He didn't suspect even a bit that I was expecting a child from him. He would never know.

I heard his footsteps and then the sound of the door closing, the silence in the office was replaced by sighs of anger and curses towards the Lancasters.

I took a deep breath before poking my head out of the bathroom door, to make sure there were no traces of that jerk and yes, he had left my office, leaving his intoxicating fragrance all over the place.

Son of...

"You were here the whole time!" My friend stopped cursing when she saw me coming out of the bathroom and ran to wrap me in her arms.

"I can't believe you've been under the same roof as those damn people all this time. How could you stand it? You don't know how much I wanted to slap that snake, but out of respect for elders, I didn't."

"Princess, are you alright?" Vincent asked worried from his seat and I nodded my head in response.

"What kind of family did you marry into, Sari? You don't deserve to be treated like this." Paul looked angry, but he still approached to guide me to the couch where I let myself fall feeling exhausted, my spirits were at an all-time low after that visit.

"Thank you for standing up for me and defending me. And yes, I was foolish. I let myself be blinded by the love I had for Alexander, I allowed so much just to be with the man I loved, and I forgot about myself, I forgot about self-love. But that ended as soon as I left the Lancaster estate. I will not lose my dignity again for any man, or for anything in the world."