Chapter 25 - Divorced Heiress

I got up from my seat abruptly, feeling dizzy, which made me sit down again. Suddenly, I felt that it was very hot in the office.

The gaze of the three men fixed on me and I wanted to disappear. Why were they here?

"What? The Lancasters?" I asked incredulously, hoping Jack would say that he misheard and that those names were just a product of my imagination, but his serious and unamused face let me know that I didn't mishear.

"It can't be."

I looked at my still flat belly and didn't know what to say or what to do. My legs were trembling from nerves and I felt even more suffocated.

"Princess, are you okay?" Vincent came to my side in a matter of seconds, squatting down to be at my eye level and see my face. His eyes seemed worried, and rightfully so, the Lancasters were here.

"Sari, you look pale. You can't see them in this state. Jack, bring a bottle of water." Paul hurriedly approached me and sat down next to me, fanning my face with a cushion.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. It was nothing out of the ordinary, just my ex-husband and his snake of a mother, two people who meant nothing to me at this moment. However, I was not going to give them the satisfaction of showing up in my office whenever they pleased.

If they were here, it was for one reason only, for me to take the news where Alexander's reputation was seriously compromised. They took the trouble to travel here for that. Ha, they came to waste their time.

"Can you see them for me? I don't want to see them." I asked, ignoring both of their words. I didn't even hear what they were saying.

They immediately looked at each other when they heard my request. Rejecting them would be very immature on the part of the vice president, and considering how stubborn and obstinate Alexander was, he surely wouldn't leave the company until I faced him.

So, it seemed like a better idea for him to have his conversation with Vincent and Paul. Given their temperaments, I knew they would take the conversation to the end, making the Lancasters go back where they came from with no return.

"Of course, princess." Vincent was the first to accept, which relieved me. He would do anything for my well-being.

"You can ask me whatever you want. I'll gladly deal with them. Besides, we have unfinished business with those shameless people." Paul agreed and let go of my hand to stand up. I gave him a grateful smile and stood up from my seat, feeling better than a few minutes ago.

"Ms. Sarah, here is your water." Jack entered the office and handed me a bottle of water, which I drank as if I hadn't had a drop of water in days.

"Jack, let Mr. Lancaster and his mother in." I ordered. Jack nodded, not very sure, and left the office.

"I'll be in the bathroom. Please, no violence, and remember that they shouldn't know that I'm Leonardo Doinel's daughter." I added.

Both of them nodded, looking at me with concern. I took each of their hands and gave them a light squeeze before grabbing my things and entering the bathroom of my office, leaving them in charge of the impending chaos.

I left the door slightly open to hear and see what was happening without being seen by anyone in my office. Vincent had taken a seat again in my chair, while Paul stood, watching the traffic through the window. My heart was pounding uncontrollably in my chest, and I finished the water left in the bottle.

I closed my eyes when I heard Jack's voice inviting the unpleasant visitors in. I didn't want to see what was happening. I refused to even give a miserable glance to the man who destroyed me and the woman who humiliated me at will.

My hand automatically landed on my belly. I was also afraid that they would find out about my pregnancy. That was the last thing I wanted.

"Good morning, Mr. Lancaster and Mrs. Lancaster, please have a seat." My cousin was the first to greet them, his cold voice could freeze anyone.

"Good morning." Paul greeted without enthusiasm. He knew them from their noblest parts, even more so after involving him in a scandal he had nothing to do with.

"I apologize for the interruption, I want to speak with Sarah. This is her office, right?"

I opened my eyes upon hearing his cold voice, the one that used to make me happy to hear back then and now disgusted me.

"You mean, Ms. Petit." Paul corrected Alexander and I gathered the courage to look through the crack of the door.

My field of vision allowed me to see Alexander and Amelia's backs, who were sitting in the chairs in front of the desk. Vincent had a serious face with a slightly furrowed brow, while Paul remained standing with his hands behind his back and disdainfully looking at the visitor.

"But look, if here is the lover advocating for that woman, it doesn't surprise me at all." Amelia uttered, looking at Paul from head to toe, and I felt the urge to come out of the bathroom and put her in her place.

How dare she say such a thing to Paul, even knowing that she was the one who started the rumors?

What a shameless woman.