Chapter 15 - Divorced Heiress

Although I had spent most of the time with my parents, I took the time to mingle with the elite guests, so I could get to know them well. It wasn't until Abby interrupted me to spend time with her and her brother that we spoke a little.

We toasted a couple of times for my appointment as vice president of Doinel, and when I was about to return to my parents, he gave me another warm hug that made me feel comfortable, to the point where I genuinely smiled. What I didn't expect was for someone to take a photo of us and make up so many lies about me with that picture.

"Well, we’re all going to the same place, aren't we? Let's get in the elevator now, they're waiting for us in the boardroom," said my father, breaking the tense moment for me, which seemed quite pleasant for Paul. I could see it in his eyes.

We entered the elevator together while my mother exchanged words with Paul about how much he had changed and matured, and how happy she was that both families' children were following in their parents' footsteps.

"He's really cute, don't deny it," Abby whispered by my side as the elevator started to ascend. I didn't even look at her. I knew she would insist on the topic of her brother, and I was already tired of it.

Yes, he was very chivalrous, but that didn't mean I liked him or felt any attraction towards him. No, I'd seen him as a friend my whole life, almost like an older brother. We grew up together, I couldn't see him any other way, and no one could make me change my mind.

Besides, after my failed marriage, I didn't want anything to do with men. The only person who deserved all my attention and love was growing inside me.

"Abby, it's not going to happen, forget about it already," I whispered, looking at the metal doors as if they were the most interesting thing, completely ignoring the conversation my parents were having with the brunette behind us.

My friend didn't say another word. She had given up, but only for now. I was sure she would insist again at any moment. For now, I could be at ease knowing she wouldn't mention that we would make a nice couple.

Upon reaching the executive floor, the employees greeted us with smiles. I returned the greeting to everyone, even though I didn't know them.

I had never set foot in this place before, as my father wanted me to see it on the day I assumed the position that belonged to me. So, I was more than surprised by the elegant and ostentatious decoration.

The walls facing the street were made of glass from floor to ceiling. The white walls were adorned with paintings featuring models wearing Doinel designs. The reception area was very eye-catching, with a wall behind the blonde that looked like a fountain behind glass, the Doinel logo standing out prominently.

"Good afternoon, welcome. The boardroom is ready and they’re waiting for you. Would you like something to drink?" The receptionist approached us with a tablet in hand and walked a step ahead, leading us to the boardroom.

"This place is amazing," Abby said, unable to hide her surprise at the company's design. And she was right, it was truly amazing.

"For now, just water. Before the meeting starts, offer drinks to everyone," my father said, confidently walking along the corridor until reaching sliding glass doors with a sign that read Boardroom.

The woman opened both doors and invited us in. I entered behind my parents and the first thing I saw was the long table almost completely occupied by well-dressed executives who focused their attention on us, but mainly on me.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Sorry for the delay. Please, have a seat," My father sat at the head of the table, my mother on his right side, and me on his left. Abby sat beside me, and Paul sat next to my mother.

The blonde who had guided us here kindly attended to us, and I ordered a tea to relax.

My father began the meeting, congratulating everyone for the great work they had done so far. I remained silent, amazed as I observed what a great leader he was. Then, it was time to officially announce the new vice president, namely, me.

"As you may already know, Sarah Petit will be the company's director from now on. I hope everyone can cooperate with her and maintain the harmonious work environment that has always been here. This position has been vacant for a long time, and Sarah is the right person for it." My father finished speaking, and I smiled at everyone present as a form of introduction.

Then, a brunette woman in her thirties stood up. Her eyes were slightly red, and she had a furrowed brow. It seemed like she wasn't happy with my father's announcement.

"Excuse me, Mr. Doinel, but I don't think Ms. Petit is the right person for this position. Is it just because she's Mr. Lancaster's wife? I don't agree with this sudden decision. I've been preparing for years and I am the most qualified to assume and manage this position. I'm sorry, but I would rather resign than be in the company with Ms. Petit as vice president."

The woman was furious as she raised her objection, I looked at her intently with an eyebrow raised, and upon realizing my gaze, she looked at me with evident hatred in her eyes.

Abby whispered next to me, "Who does this bitch think she is."

And I couldn't help but release a mocking smile that made that woman's face turn even redder.

My father looked at her without any expression on his face and my mother seemed as offended as if it had been an attack towards her and not me.

After a few seconds, my father got up from his expensive chair and walked back and forth with his hands in his pockets, no one at the table took their eyes off the boss's every move, expectant of what he was about to say.

"Mrs. Boyer, are you questioning my decisions?" His voice came out so icy and insensitive that the woman with the last name Boyer trembled and sat back down, she must be regretting having said that.

"Mr. Doinel, I have worked hard for many years to assume this position. I am the best candidate. How can you give this position to a newcomer? We don't even know if she's competent or capable of taking on such a big responsibility. If she couldn't handle the role of a wife, what can we expect as vice president?"

I could feel that all eyes were on me, however, I didn't divert my gaze with a slightly raised eyebrow, from that frustrated woman, a mocking smile appeared on my face.

She thought that with that she would hurt me and I would react in the worst way, so I noticed her expression of confusion when she saw how calmly I was handling her words.

"Those who disagree with my decision can submit their resignation letter, I will approve them immediately." My father said indifferently as he returned to the table, only to place his hands on the glass.

Silence reigned and the face of the woman who had been flush with anger turned pale within seconds, suddenly she stopped being defensive and looked at me as if I was a thorn.

And I was, she had felt humiliated by my father's words, who didn't care how well she spoke of herself, that was a slap in the face for her.

"Mr. Doinel, I respect your decision, I will cooperate with the vice president."

Despite Mrs. Boyer's regret, my father didn't say a word, I looked at him and saw the stern gaze he was giving the woman, he was forcing her to apologize to me without saying anything.

"Ms. Petit, I hope you can forgive me for my transgression, the news caught me off guard."

I smiled grimly and nodded my head after several seconds, although my attitude made it clear that I didn't accept her forced apologies after everything she said.

"Very well, the meeting is adjourned, everyone can return to their positions."