Chapter 26 - Divorced Heiress

"Amelia, enough already." Alexander didn't need to raise his voice to sound angry, which surprised me. He had never called his mother by her name before, let alone spoken to her with such a cold tone.

Amelia looked at him and stiffened in her seat, remaining silent.

"Excuse me, but you have no right to speak ill of anyone in this company. I remind you, Mrs. Lancaster, that you were the one who started such slander. If it weren't for you and your bad intentions, no one would be talking about Sarah, let alone thinking that I am her lover. You have created your own story in that twisted mind of yours."

Paul didn't hesitate to defend himself, and how he did it. I could even applaud him for the composure with which he handled the situation, but they would realize I was hiding in the bathroom and didn't want to come across as a coward unable to face the situation.

"Insolent, how dare you speak to your elders like that?" Amelia was about to get up from her seat and retaliate against Paul, but Alexander stopped her by taking her arm.

"Let go of me, Alexander, I will teach this rude person a lesson."

"Behave, Amelia. You brought this upon yourself." Alexander reprimanded her, leaving her motionless in her seat. I couldn't see Amelia's face, but it must have been quite a sight judging by Paul's half-smirk.

Alexander's attitude continued to surprise me more and more. I wasn't sure if it was a great performance on his part, although coming from them, it was most likely. There was no doubt they were mother and son.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little lost with all this. Paul, lover of my p... of Ms. Sarah?"

I almost dropped the water bottle from my hand when Vincent was about to refer to me as his little princess, and although he corrected himself in time, he had planted a great doubt in the Lancasters. I noticed it when Alexander straightened up in his seat and by the look Amelia gave her son.

"In any case, the vice president is not available at the moment, but whatever you want to talk to her about, you can talk to me."

"And who are you...?" Alexander asked, and I could sense how annoyed he was by his tone of voice, which sent shivers down my spine.

"I'm Vincent Lefevbre, president of Doinel. And who are you?" Vincent replied as if he had no idea who the man sitting in front of him was, and I couldn't help but smile satisfied.

"Alexander Lancaster, ex-husband of Ms. Petit." Alexander replied, and I rolled my eyes. Did he not have any other introduction to mention that?

"Oh, so you're the man who let go of the best woman who has ever crossed his life." My cousin's mocking tone almost made me burst out laughing, and I bit my lower lip containing myself.

"The best woman? Don't make me laugh." Amelia said before Alexander could respond, and she was reprimanded for the second time by her son.

What kind of circus was this?

That woman had absolutely no manners and boasted about the money the Lancasters had.

How pitiful that woman made me

"Mr. Lefevbre, I believe that is a topic that doesn't concern you. If I am here, it is to have a civilized conversation with Ms. Sarah. I have nothing to talk about with you or with you, Mr. Dubois." Alexander said, and inwardly I laughed at how naive he was being.

Did he really think he was going to come to Paris and I would see him in my office as if nothing had happened? And worse, accompanied by his mother!

"Any topic involving Sarah is my concern, but don't worry, I don't want to bother you with her adultery and the rightful divorce, in fact, I'm glad that Sarah has opened her eyes, I haven't seen her so radiant in a long time."

Vincent intertwined his fingers on the table, while looking at Alexander with indifference and a hint of hatred.

"I'm afraid you have wasted your time coming here, Sarah will not see you without informing us of the reason for your visit.

"Why else would it be? They just want Sari to get rid of the news from Rousell Entertainment where the present gentleman's infidelity is exposed. Let it be clear, she is only clearing her name from the wave of gossip that you yourselves spread, involving me in a hug between two friends who hadn't seen each other in years. Sarah would never be capable of being unfaithful, she is not like you Mr. Lancaster." Paul defended me in the best way, using the right words and the ones I would have used if I were in front of them.

"Don't tell me that those are the news Sarah was referring to." Vincent said with a flushed face of anger, upon learning the news that I had told him about and that he said he had no slightest idea about.

"You defame Sarah and still have the audacity to come here and talk to her, and demand that she delete a news where she is defending herself! Was Sarah married to this family? Are you aware that she can sue you for defamation? Why hasn't she done it, Paul?"

I could see the displeasure on Vincent's face, he didn't like at all the attitude of the Lancasters, and even less learning about the slander that was harming my image.

And he had no idea of the countless times that Amelia and Gina humiliated me mercilessly.

"Sarah doesn't want any more scandals, you know how she is, always simple. She prefers to clear her name on her own, it speaks highly of the great woman she is." Paul responded, approaching Vincent's seat, never taking his unfriendly gaze off the Lancasters.

"I just want to talk to Sarah, tell me when I can come back." Alexander insisted, I could see how tense he was after hearing every word from my defenders.

"Hasn't it been clear to you? She is not going to talk to you, you have wasted your time coming here." Vincent said with an unfunny smile on his face, which faded when the door of my office was opened and I wanted to die when I saw my friend with a gift bag in her hands.

"Sari, I bought the first little clothes for your...!"

I wanted to die once and for all, for the ground to swallow me and spit me out on the other side of the world, upon hearing Abby's words referring to my baby, which she abruptly stopped when she saw the Lancasters in my office and the two other men in my place.

Where was Jack and why didn't he warn me that I had visitors?

"What the hell are they doing here?