Chapter 22 - Divorced Heiress

The three men got up from the couch when they saw me and didn't hesitate for a second to approach me and hug me with a huge smile, which I gladly returned.

Bastián, Hugo, and Vincent, my three cousins, the children of my father's half-sister, I hadn't seen them in so long that being hugged by them at this moment was the best gift for me. I grew up with them as if they were my older brothers, and I was excited to see that they had become grown and responsible men.

"Sari, my little princess, we missed you so much." Said Vincent, the oldest of the three musketeers as I used to call him.

He was the first one I looked at. His dark brown hair had a cool cut, with the length on top nicely slicked back. His long and thick eyelashes made a good contrast with his green eyes inherited from his father, and the tailored suit made him look even more handsome than he already was.

He was the only one dressed elegantly, as Bastián, the second brother, wore a gray linen shirt and white pants, looking fresh as if he was at the beach. He was the only one who inherited my aunt's hazel eyes.

And Hugo, with his bad boy look as always, despite the time that had passed, was wearing a leather jacket, black jeans, and a white V-neck shirt. He seemed like a younger version of his brother Vincent, and of course, more rebellious.

I had missed them as much as they missed me.

"Look how you've grown. You've become a successful businesswoman, worthy of the Doinel family." Bastián said, messing up my hair as he used to do when we were kids, and I gave him a bad look because he knew how much I hated it.

"Of course, I've always wanted to follow in my father's footsteps, although I strayed a bit from the path." I made a little joke about my misfortune, and the three of them laughed, understanding what I meant.

"The good thing is that you're back now. The family missed the little princess of the house. Don't go away again or I swear I'll look for you everywhere." Hugo said with such a serious tone that I didn't doubt for a moment that he would fulfill his oath if I were to disappear again, but that wasn't going to happen.

I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

"Oh. My. God. Sarah, pinch me. Are they real or did angels just fall from the sky? God, I asked for one, but thank you for sending me three. My heart is big enough to fit all of them." Abby joined the family hug without taking her eyes off my cousins as if they weren't real.


My parents' voices sounded in unison, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter as I separated from the three musketeers.

"What? Honesty first." Abby looked like a scolded puppy, and she had no choice but to let go of the Lefebvre Doinel brothers and sit on the couch indignantly with all the confidence in the world.

"Let's see, if I'm not mistaken, she's your forever troublesome friend." Hugo said with a playful smile, looking at the woman who had taken him by surprise by wrapping her arms around him when she joined the hug.

"Troublesome? I'd say fun, the life of the party. Don't you remember me? Of course! You left the country for a few years, and when you came back, you don't recognize anyone." Abby complained while she sat down on the couch, looking as if she owned the place.

"Paul, Britney, long time no see." Hugo greeted my two guests who had just walked in through the door.

"I can't believe it! The Lefebvres finally decided to show up." Brit greeted each one with a discreet hug and a kiss on the cheek. From her expression, I knew she thought the same as Abby, except that Abby said it out loud and without any shame.

"The Lefebvres, what a surprise to have you back." Paul greeted them, shaking hands with each one and maintaining that gentlemanly touch he always had.

"Do you remember them though? God, how embarrassing." Abby crossed her arms like a spoiled child, and I couldn't help but laugh at the show my friend was putting on, as always.

"Please, Abby, don't be so impertinent." My father intervened after having enough of Abby and she looked at him suspiciously.

"Since we are all here, let's go to the dining room, except Sarah, Paul, and Vincent, you come with me to the office."

"And what about me?" Abby asked, getting up from the couch, my father gave her a stern look.

"I'll go with my second mother. Mrs. Joelle, how does it feel to be married to a grouch?"

Before my father could say something, she disappeared with my mother and the others towards the dining room.

"Your friend is still a lost cause. No offense, Paul." Vincent said as we followed my father to his office.

"Don't worry, in any case, I apologize for my sister's behavior. As you know, nobody can control her." Paul looked embarrassed and my father laughed without stopping his pace.

"Don't apologize, Paul. Your sister is right, she's the life of the party. You have no idea how much I struggle not to laugh at her antics, it's her essence."

As I always said, my father adored Abby, but he had to appear serious in the face of her behavior or she wouldn't take it seriously when necessary.

Vincent patted Paul on the shoulder and the embarrassment on his face was replaced by a smile.

Upon arriving at the office, I sat in the chair in front of my father's desk, with the two men on either side. Apparently, this was a mini work meeting, as both Paul and Vincent had shares in Doinel and, of course, I was the vice president and heiress of the company.

"Uncle, I'm all ears." Vincent was as serious as my father, which worried me for a moment.

"As you already know, Sarah is the vice president of Doinel. Vincent, Paul, both of you have a percentage of shares in my company, I would like the three of you to form a solid team, to work together so that Doinel remains as successful as it has been over the years. I have no doubt about your capabilities, the opposite. I want to inform you that I plan to take a vacation and I know that I will leave the company in good hands, the son of my best friends, my sister's son, and my daughter. So, Vincent, if you agree, I will assign you an office in the company to take my place while I'm away."

And as I suspected, this conversation was about the company.

What I didn't expect was for my father to take a vacation, leaving the three of us in charge of the company. One thing was for me to be working by his side, learning from his long experience, and another was to work hand in hand with his partners.

I wasn't sure if it was a good idea.

"Dad, are you sure? Because I'm not. What will happen when I'm about to give birth?" I felt Vincent's gaze on me, but I ignored it, waiting for my father's response.

"Sarah, I know this world is new to you, that since you graduated and got married, you have only been dedicated to your husband. I know your fear is to disappoint me, but I'm sure that won't happen because I know your capabilities. You are very intelligent and besides, here you have these two men who will support you in everything, you won't be alone. And as for my grandson, I'll be back before he is born and you will take the necessary time. Everything is settled, Sari, you have nothing to worry about."

Seeing it that way, it didn't seem like a bad idea.

My father's purpose was for me to gain experience in the area on my own, to learn from my mistakes and successes. It was quite a challenge for me, and I loved challenges.

"You can count on me, Uncle. I'll leave Bastián in charge of my father's business and I'll work alongside my little princess." Vincent took my hand and left a tender kiss, accepting my father's proposal, which relieved me, as I couldn't handle the company alone.

"You don't even have to ask me, Mr. Doinel, I'm delighted to work on behalf of my parents and alongside Sari."

As if it were a duel, Paul took my free hand and also left a kiss in the same way as my cousin, as if it were a kind of competition or the kiss with which we seal the pact to work together.

"Um." I cleared my throat as I removed both hands from the pair of men who managed to unsettle me and focused on looking at my father, who was watching the scene with amusement, as if he knew that the situation bothered me.

"Needless to say, I will give my best, I will be among the best. So yes, you are leaving the company in the best hands."

"That's what I wanted to hear. I didn't expect anything less from you. So, starting tomorrow, Doinel, Dubois, and Lefebvre are working together again. I trust you and you will do a good job. The Doinel name will be so high that they won't even hear about this Lancaster Collection."

Ok, this was getting more interesting. Lancaster Collection and the Doinel brand were the two most renowned high fashion houses, so this would be the challenge that I would enjoy the most.