Chapter 13 - Divorced Heiress

All the bad things disappeared when I saw the first images of my baby, the truth was that nothing could be distinguished, it was still very tiny like a seed, as it was only four weeks of gestation, but the excitement of knowing that it was growing in my womb, that there was life inside me, nobody was going to take that away from me, not even if they made up a thousand rumors online.

That was my child.

"I'm a hundred percent sure it will be a girl and she will be just as beautiful as Aunt Abby." My friend jumped with excitement in her eyes.

She, like my parents, didn't miss a single detail of my first check-up, my mother shed a few tears as she held my hand and my father, although with a neutral expression, knew that he also wanted to shed a tear of happiness.

Despite having shared that unique moment with the most important people in the world to me, I would have liked to see Alexander's expression when he saw his firstborn, but I quickly brushed off that idea from my head as soon as it came.

I would never see his expression, because he will never know about the existence of my child.

"Of course not, it will be a boy, the spoiled one of the house, whatever it is, it doesn't matter, it will be a Doinel." My mother played along with my friend and my father let out a tired sigh before letting go of my mother, who started discussing the sex of my baby, and came to my side, wrapping his arm around mine.

"Sari, I didn't want to mention this in front of your mother, but I've seen the news with your name in the headlines, are you okay? Do you want me to take care of it?" I looked at my father with a smile that didn't reach my eyes, even though those news got me in a bad mood, I had already taken care of denying everything and clearing my name.

"No, dad, I've taken care of it myself, I can handle it. The Lancasters are mistaken if they think they can mess with me and I won't retaliate." My father didn't seem very convinced by my answer, but he nodded his head.

"You know you have my support and the company's. Don't think we'll leave you alone, you are the most important person in my life." I smiled genuinely and put one of my arms around his waist in an attempt to hug him as we walked to the parking lot.

"Thank you, dad, I don't know what I would do without your support."

"You're my little Sari, I would never leave you alone. Now, let's go so you can take the place that has always been waiting for you." He said, putting his arm around my shoulders and giving me a kiss on my head. I knew he was referring to the position of vice president of Doinel, I didn't feel completely prepared, but, after all, I had studied for that.

I just deviated a bit along the way and now everything was returning to its course.

"We will have special guests tonight." He said when we arrived at the car, where the driver was waiting for us with the door open.

"What kind of guests?" I asked curiously and my father chuckled.

"It's a surprise, don't be so curious, let's go, they're waiting for us."

I wasn't satisfied with his answer, but I didn't protest because I knew very well that I wouldn't get any information out of him.

On the way to the company, I took the liberty of checking social media. The support of internet users was directed towards me since Damien's news came out, only a few still stood on the side of the Lancaster family, claiming that Sarah Petit had no status, that she was a gold digger who was only with the highest bidder.

I smiled without grace at the screen and let out a sigh.

The only post that was on the internet was Damien's, the posts from NY Entertainment had been completely deleted, which surprised me tremendously. I didn't expect him to give up so soon, in fact, for a moment I thought he would make this scandal even bigger.

I couldn't continue reading the comments, as Damien sent me a message.

"Dear Sarah, a member of the Lancaster family and responsible for starting this war, wants to take down my post, he thinks it's only fair after having deleted the posts from NY Entertainment."

Upon reading that, I couldn't help but laugh and my parents' gaze automatically fell on me, Abby had a smile next to me, as she was attentive to every movement on my cell phone and read Damien's message.

"Is everything alright, Sarah?" My mother asked next to Abby, and I nodded my head.

"Everything's perfect, mother." My father turned his gaze forward, and although my mother didn't seem entirely sure with my response, she continued doing her thing.

"What are you going to say to him?" Abby whispered, so only I could hear, and I didn't say anything, I just typed a response on my phone.

"Damien, tell Mr. Lancaster that he should have thought twice before starting a media war. I don't care what he considers fair or not, I am giving my version. I am defending myself from his slander."

"What a beautiful day, isn't it?" I said, focusing my gaze on the road, the sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly, yet it wasn't too hot.

"I'm your number one fan." Abby said beside me, holding back her usual celebration, she didn't want to cause a scene in front of my parents, especially with my mother by her side.

"How could it not be a beautiful day? Today we saw my grandson for the first time." My excited mother took the ultrasound from my hands and silently admired it.

My phone rang, indicating that I got a message. Damien's response.

"Oh, no, dear, it wasn't Mr. Lancaster who was responsible for this. It was Mrs. Amelia Lancaster who ordered the photos to be published and taken out of context. Mr. Alexander Lancaster has asked her to apologize publicly, but she is hesitant. She only intends to lower my score. I am pleased to announce that you won the war."

I was surprised to learn that. But, no, I hadn't won the war, I had won a simple battle. If it hadn't been me, if this attack had been directed towards a woman who didn't have the means to defend herself, then it would be considered a war, and something inside me told me that Mrs. Lancaster would not stand idly by.

My friend couldn't hide her impression as she let out a gasp, however, she covered her mouth with her hands when she realized my parents were looking at us again, expecting me to tell them what was happening on this side, and she came up with the worst excuse.

"I forgot the keys to my house."

I suppressed a mocking laugh that was threatening to escape. Could she not come up with something more convincing?

"Sorry, you can continue with what you were doing."

She made a dismissive gesture with her hand, downplaying her "carelessness," and turned back to me to whisper, "This doesn't look good at all, that idiot, the coward, is using his mother to act innocent."

I admitted that idea crossed my mind, but knowing Amelia, I knew she was capable of inventing any gossip in which I came out looking bad and her son as a saint, like the innocent saint he wasn't.

What she didn't expect was that it would backfire and I would respond to the slander, exposing to the public eye what was behind the divorce of the great CEO of Lancaster Collection and the insignificant Sarah Petit.

"Leave it a while longer, they have brought it on themselves."

I sent the response to Damien and Abby moved her arm in a sign of victory.

"Ms. Amelia played dirty, I hope she learns her lesson, thinking that I will continue to let her humiliate me without lifting a finger to defend myself." I whispered to Abby, feeling a relief in my chest.

This was the first time I stood up to Amelia's attacks and humiliations. It felt so good to do it after two years of just keeping quiet and swallowing her mistreatment. I focused on respecting them because they were my husband's family, but now that I was divorced, I wouldn't let her or anyone intimidate me. I hoped it was clear to her that it wouldn't be the first time I took retaliation.

We arrived at the grand Doinel company, and I looked at the building in awe, it looked even more impressive and imposing than I remembered.

"Miss Dubois, my driver will take you home." My father spoke seriously as he got out of the car, and Abby let out a laugh.

"Oh, Father, you say the funniest things. I want to be present when my best friend takes her seat as vice president of Doinel." Abby hooked her arm into mine and walked with me towards the elevator in the underground parking lot.

I heard my father snort before telling my mother how impertinent and sassy my friend was. Before my parents arrived by our side, my phone rang indicating a call.

I frowned realizing it was a New York number, but no matter how hard I tried to remember that unknown number, I couldn't recall.

"It's that idiot, I assure you, I'm a hundred percent sure." Abby said, realizing that I was staring at my phone screen for too long.

"Answer and tell him to leave you alone and go back to that bitch Rachel, Richel, or whatever her name is."

I answered the call, but not to talk the way Abby suggested. That wasn't me. It wasn't my way of putting people in their place.

"Hello?" I answered with a racing heartbeat, thinking that maybe Abby was right and the person on the other end of the line was Alexander.

No one spoke for a few seconds, and when I was about to hang up the call, they deigned to speak.


My heart skipped a beat and the hair on the back of my neck unexpectedly stood up. I closed my eyes upon hearing that voice that had become my favorite sound for so many years and now only made my blood boil with rage.

Was Abby a witch?

"Yes, this is Sarah, who is this?" I asked with a cold voice and without a hint of kindness, while trying to catch my breath and the confidence that threatened to abandon me just by hearing his voice again.

Even though I already knew who it was, I didn't want him to know that I would be able to recognize his voice anywhere and by any means.

"Alex... Alexander Lancaster."