Chapter 32 - Divorced Heiress

The grip of the two men was replaced by strong arms that applied a lock on me, leaving me immobile and without the strength to keep fighting.

"Let me go! I need to talk to my wife!" I shouted angrily at the man who forced me to go down the stairs, treating me like a damn criminal.

"I'm going to sue you! Is this how you treat your customers?"

I exerted all my strength in an attempt to free myself from that man I didn't see coming when he caught me, but it was useless. He seemed to have three times more strength than me.

He only let go of me when we were outside the restaurant. He threw me out like a thief just for calling Sarah, these sons of...

"Mr. Lancaster, I think your words don't match your actions. Have you actually stopped caring about Ms. Sarah? Because it doesn't seem so."

I snorted in annoyance when Vincent appeared in my way.

The desire to punch him in the face kept growing, but I couldn't afford to lose control, especially when Sarah was so close.

"Ms. Sarah has never stopped interesting me." I admitted out loud, while looking around thinking about what the hell I was going to do now that I had been thrown out of the restaurant.

The man, to whom I gave the five thousand dollars, looked at me with a mix of surprise and embarrassment.

Embarrassed, I should be for the show I made inside, putting his job at risk.

"That is completely contradictory, considering that you cheated on her with her supposed best friend. What else do you want from Sarah? She left everything behind to marry you. That woman is too good for you, leave her alone, let her regain her life, let her find the happiness that you didn't give her, enough of being so selfish Mr. Lancaster. Sarah doesn't deserve this."

Every word Vincent uttered hurt more than the previous one, reminding me of how miserable I was and how little or nothing I did for her when she was still my wife, and it hurt even more that Vincent was damn right.

After losing her, I opened my eyes and dared to fix the mess I caused, when I should have prevented it from the beginning by stopping Rachel and defending her from my own family.

"Mr. Lefevbre, that's why I've come here. I need to talk to her, give her my reasons and..." I lowered my guard for a moment, but Vincent interrupted me.

"Don't you think it's too late for your explanations? The damage is done, you have already divorced. She went back to where she never should have left, and you have nothing to do here. Stop disturbing her peace. She's better off since she left the Lancaster family."

I remained silent for a few seconds, feeling a pressure in my chest that didn't let me breathe properly.

Suddenly, a doubt completely invaded me, and the man in front of me could clarify it.

"You've become very intimate with my ex-wife. What is your relationship with her?" I spat the question angrily because I couldn't overlook their closeness, how he looked at her, his attentions towards her, and I remembered his arm around her shoulders.

Vincent let out an ironic laugh that made me frown and I felt the blood boiling in my veins.

"I don't have to answer your question, but if my answer brings you peace, my relationship with her is evidently better than yours."

My heart tightened in my chest upon hearing his answer, and I clenched my jaw in an attempt to contain the anger that his mocking words unleashed.I opened my mouth to speak but closed it when I saw her coming out of the restaurant with a cold expression. She seemed upset and no wonder after the scene I made trying to approach her table.

Her green eyes were gloomy, nevertheless, she looked more beautiful and elegant than I remembered. She looked so sensual in her tight dress that showcased her long legs, her hair was pulled back revealing her long neck and highlighting the delicate features of her face.

I remained immobile and unable to say a word. My mind went blank as I wondered if this was the Sarah I was married to. How could she change so drastically in a few days?

"Mr. Lancaster, I didn't know that side of you. Causing such a scene over a simple note? Don't worry, I have already ordered them to delete the security footage. You can rest assured and go back where you came from." Her cold and indifferent voice sent shivers down my spine, and I could only react when she linked her arm with Vincent's, who gazed at her.

"Relax, my musketeer, I can handle it."

I raised my eyebrow upon hearing the way she referred to Vincent, confirming that they had a better relationship than the one I had with her.

In the two years of marriage and the six years of knowing each other, we never called each other by any nicknames. Why was I feeling so upset about this?

I cleared my throat, coming back to my senses so I could speak before she turned around and I missed the chance to talk to her.

"Sarah, the least of my concerns is that note, I won't go anywhere without talking to you first, and alone." I emphasized the last thing I said, while giving Vincent an unfriendly look. He was being a thorn in my side.

"I haven't given you permission to act like we’re close. I ask for a little more respect, if you even know the meaning of the word. And I'm afraid I won't be able to grant your request unless it concerns the rumors we were involved in, there is no subject to discuss. Please, avoid causing another scandal in public, your image will be seriously tarnished. Excuse me."

Sarah turned around without releasing Vincent's arm after saying that to me without the slightest emotion. She wasn't the same sweet Sarah, now she was a cold woman and it bothered me that her change had been because of me.

"Sarah." I hurried to grab her arm before she disappeared into the restaurant and I missed this golden opportunity.

She stopped her pace and looked at my hand on her arm as if it were the most unpleasant thing. She looked at me with daggers in her eyes and I let go of her immediately.

"Mr. Lancaster, hasn't it been clear to you that Sarah doesn't want to talk to you?" Vincent intervened to defend Sarah and I took a step towards him, ready to punch him in the face for getting involved in an matter that was only between Sarah and me, he had pushed me to my limit. But Sarah stood in front of his body when she realized my intentions.

"Don't waste any more time, Mr. Lancaster. Go back where you came from. Surely your new companion must be waiting for you. I'm not interested in hearing from you today, tomorrow, or ever. You and I have nothing to do with each other, from today on we are complete strangers. If you have any pending matters, you can discuss them with my lawyer."

I stood petrified in my place by her icy words and she resumed her walk back to the restaurant, leaving me with my word in my mouth, without giving me a chance to explain what happened.

I didn't care if she didn't want to see me again after that, at least she would know my deepest secret and why I did what I did.

Feeling defeated, I walked to the car, stomping and with warmth in my cheeks.

There was no way to convince her to talk to me, even if I bribed half the world, even if I caused the biggest scandal, even if I followed her to the ends of the earth, she was reluctant to listen to me and I knew I deserved it, I knew I deserve her contempt and rejection.

I hurt her in the worst way, I cheated on her with Rachel and even though I had my reasons, I couldn't justify myself.

She wouldn't agree to listen to me and it was understandable after what I did to her, after breaking her heart.

Well, Ms. Petit. Did you want us to be complete strangers from now on? So, your wishes were commands.

She would not hear from Alexander Lancaster again.

I would not look for her again.

I would not call her again.