Chapter 26 - Chasing My Rejected Luna


  I awoke to Imagen jumping onto my bed early the next morning. The doctor released her that night on the agreement that she would return for a follow-up appointment later in the week. She was just excited to be out of there and able to attend the royal wedding. She kept stating it was going to be a 'night to remember'. Whatever that means.

  I hardly slept last night with all the raging thoughts and the swarm of butterflies in my stomach. I was getting married to the most powerful man of our kind, in front of everyone. I didn't know if it was a dream come true or a nightmare, but either way, I was nervous.

  'Get up, we have a long day!' She wrote, but her face was what showed the excitement.

  "Fine!" I exclaimed as dramatically as I could.

  The remainder of the morning went fairly quickly. Lilyanna showed up shortly after I was out of the shower with many assistants following behind. By 3 pm, I had my hair in a beautiful wedding style updo with flowers and my crown placed upon my head, as well as a full face of makeup. I again felt like a different version of myself.

  "Alright, hair check, makeup check, now get the wedding gown on. We must get down there by 4 pm. The ceremony will start at 4:30pm and the reception will follow."

  "What is expected of me?"

  "To stand up there by his side and do as they say."

  "And then after the reception?"

  "Well, you will consummate the marriage, of course."

  I nodded in understanding. I have been preparing myself for two weeks now for this very moment, but it doesn't make me any less nervous. I have done a ton of research on what men like. Porn is what it was called. It weirded me out watching people do that to one another, but I didn't want to go in blindly, especially knowing he wasn't. I also did some reading that explained it thoroughly as well as watched a few movies. So, I watched and took notes. Lots of notes. In the end, I felt like my brain was full of knowledge, at least of the basics of what is to be expected.

  I slipped into my dress as Imagen zipped up the back. I felt like I was a real queen. This moment right here was more than I could have ever dreamed of.

  "Alright, shoes and we are ready." Lilyanna said, clapping her hands together.

  Once the shoes were on, it was show time. Lilyanna mind linked the Beta to inform the organist to begin. We walked down the corridor leading to the ballroom, which was beautifully decorated. The ceremony would happen up on the stage as everyone would be seated at the table they were assigned to for the reception as well. Ezra was already instructed to be on the stage that was being used as an altar. We had one groomsman, who was the best man also: Uriah. And one bridesmaid who was my maid of honor, Imagen. As we got closer to the ballroom, I couldn't help but wonder if my father and siblings would be there to celebrate. I am sure I wasn't worth the time, but why would they miss such an extravagant event with all the most important people?

  I walked hand in hand with Lilyanna, wondering who would be giving me away. I mean technically he already did, but not for my wedding day.

  "Your father didn't want to walk you down, but I made sure to inform him he would disgrace his pack if he opted to do such a thing to the future queen." Lilyanna said, as if she could read my mind.

  It hurt my heart to know he didn't want to walk his only biological daughter down the aisle and had to be forced with a threat, but truthfully, I didn't expect any less from him.

  Once we got to the double doors to the ballroom, my father was waiting there behind Uriah. Imagen walked up and took Uriah's arm as if it were just another day. Lilyanna handed my hand to my father, but I noted the look she gave him before she went inside to take a seat. A moment later, the entrance music began to boom as they started to trot down the aisle before us. Next, we entered the doorway, the room was packed plum full, so many faces were looking at me as we started down the runway toward the stage. I kept my eyes forward watching Ezra. He looked so amazing with his tux fitting nicely on his muscular body. As we got closer to the stage, my father squeezed my hand even tighter to get my attention, making me cringe at the infliction of pain. I looked up to see his eyes full of so much hatred, more than I had ever seen before.

  "Don't fuck this up like you do everything else." He mouthed. Surely, he wasn't idiotic enough to say the words aloud in a room full of werewolves. The words still managed to hit a little too close to home. When we stood before the altar, he let go of my hand and stormed away.

  "You may cloak your bride and take her under your protection." The elder stated as Ezra removed the cloak from his back, placing it delicately upon my shoulders.

  We then said our pre-written vows before sharing our first kiss as husband and wife. I could feel the soft tingles dancing across my lips. Ezra broke the kiss quickly, to my disappointment, however. The ceremony was over faster than I had anticipated, shortly after the reception began.

  We took our place on the dance floor, our bodies close to one another, the heat and sexual tension building the closer we got as we danced our first dance. Afterwards, people spread out all over, mingling and enjoying themselves. I stood by Ezra as instructed, nodding and smiling at all the welcoming faces that wanted to introduce themselves to the newlyweds. A man with green eyes and short cut brown hair walked up introducing himself as Liam Marcel, that’s when the atmosphere shifted. Ezra's entire demeanor changed. He had his hand on my waist pulling me closer into his side, something he hadn't done all night. The air seemed thick and tense. Something was going on between them. Soon after he approached, the speakers boomed calling for a last call before the wedding came to an end, to which Ezra bid the man good night, took my hand, leading us away quickly, a smile now plastered across Liam’s face. The wedding soon came to an end as people departed. That was our queue to bid goodnight as well. Ezra led me up the stairs and down the hallway. He stopped right in front of his bedroom door before turning to look at me, his golden eyes piercing through so brightly. Then it sunk in, it was time.

  "Are you ready?" He asked, opening the door, revealing a room full of rose pedals.