Chapter 1 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Rosalyn POV

My name is Rosalyn Myers and I'll be turning seventeen tomorrow. Even though celebrating my birthday will be amazing, that's not what I'm excited about. My excitement is purely because I'm a year closer to meeting my wolf. It's crazy but true. I'm a werewolf and my pack is one of the biggest in the Northern Kingdom.

My father is the Beta of the Black Rose Pack. My dad is an amazing man who has taught me what a mate should be. I can only hope my mate treats me as well as he treats my mother. I've never even heard my father raise his voice at her. He is my hero and, besides the Alpha, he is the strongest wolf in our pack.

My mom is beautiful and kind. Unlike me, my mother has long blonde hair and blue eyes. My hair is black as night, just like my father's. My eyes are green like emeralds. I'm not sure where my eye color comes from because my father's eyes are chocolate brown. Regardless, I love my eye color. It makes me unique.

I have two older brothers who are my protectors. Bryce, who will be the next Beta when dad retires, and Emmett, who is a warrior. Bryce is nineteen and Emmett is eighteen. Neither have found their mates yet, but when they do, both girls will be very lucky. My brothers have saved themselves for their mates, which is unheard of in werewolf culture. Men usually expect their mates to be as pure as the driven snow but don't hold themselves to the same standard.

I can't wait to find my mate. Part of me was hoping that it would be Reese. Reese is my brother Bryce's best friend and the next Alpha of our pack. He is hot and sweet. Even though he is Bryce's friend he has always makes a point to talk to me. He has been away for Alpha training for the last six months. I've had a crush on him for the longest time, but I would never go out with someone that wasn't my mate. So, unfortunately, I have to wait a year for that to even be possible.

Addison is my best friend and Reese's little sister. She has a crush on my brother Bryce, which breaks my heart for her. I know when she finds her mate, whatever feelings she has for Bryce will be just a memory, but until then she will be in love with my brother, who only wants his mate.

"Hey bestie, are you ready to go get our dresses for the party" Addison says as she walks into my room. "Addie, didn't your mom tell you she wasn't buying you a new dress for my party since your closet is full of dresses." She smiles pulling a shiny black card from her pocket. "She did, but my dad doesn't know that" she says.

"You're going to be in so much trouble, but I'm in." When we reach the kitchen, my mother is prepping for my favorite dinner and I smile. "There is my beautiful daughter. I can't believe that my youngest pup is going to be seventeen tomorrow." "Mom, do not cry again. You act like I've met my mate, and I'm moving out tomorrow."

"No, I don't. I just can't believe that your so grown up" she says, pulling me into a hug. I hug her back because I love my mother even when she makes me crazy. "What are you girls up to" she asks as she pulls away. "Addie and I are going to get new dresses for my party." My mother raises her eyebrow at Addie because she was there when her mother said no dress.

"My dad gave me his card" she says with a shrug. My mother chuckles before she hands me her credit card. We make our way outside toward my car. "Hey Rosie, where are you two off to," Bryce asks as he jogs toward us. He is only wearing basketball shorts and is covered in sweat from training. I look over at Addie, and she is practically drooling.

"We are going to get new dresses for tomorrow." "Alright, be safe. Text me when you get there and when you leave." I roll my eyes at my brother's over-protectiveness. "Did you just roll your eyes at me because I care about my little sister?" He starts to move toward me and I step back. I know my brother, and he will have no problem wiping sweat all over me. "Do not even think about touching me. You are a sweaty mess."

He throws his head back and laughs as Addie and I run to my car. After an hour at the mall, we head back to the pack. I found the perfect thigh-length purple dress. It shows off my curves, but it isn't sl**ty. Addie's turquoise blue dress looks amazing on her. We made it back to have dinner with my family. I'm very lucky to have such an amazing friend and family.

The Party

"Holy sh*t Rosie, you look smoking hot in that dress. Come on, and I'll do your make-up and hair." When she is done my hair is styled in loose waves that fall down my back. She keeps my makeup simple, which I appreciate. I usually only use lip gloss and eyeliner. Twenty minutes later, we're walking into the ballroom. The room is packed with members of our pack and a few allied packs.

"There she is, my princess" my dad says as he makes his way toward me. Without warning, he lifts me off the ground in a bear hug. "Dad, you're embarrassing me" I say with a smile. "That's my job princess to keep all the pesky boys away," he says, setting me on my feet. He presses a kiss on my forehead. As soon as he steps back, my mother pulls me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Happy Birthday, Rosalyn" Alpha Robert says. I turn to see the Alpha and Luna smiling at me. "You look beautiful, Rosalyn," Luna Maureen says. "Thank you both, and thank you for this amazing party." "Addison is that a new dress," Luna Maureen asks. Addie nods and her father looks confused. "You look beautiful, Addison, but you and I will be having a talk about you using your father's inability to say no to get what you want when I say otherwise," Luna says.

Addie nods and grabs my arm, pulling me to the dance floor. "I told you that you were going to be in trouble." "I can handle the lecture and grounding. It was worth it for this dress" she says, and we both laugh. "What's so funny little miss?" I turn to answer Bryce and come face to face with Reese. I swear his eyes darken, but I must be imagining things.

"Addie is in trouble with the Luna." "I guess nothing has changed since I've been gone, huh, Addie," Reese says. "Shut up Reese. Now we would like to dance, and no boys are going to ask us when our brothers are hanging around," she says. Reese growls low and Bryce's head snaps toward him. "She's right Reese. Let's go, so the girls can have fun, but not too much fun," he says with a chuckle. He pulls me in for a hug before they head toward our parents.

After a few minutes of dancing, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn and find Logan smiling at me. He is our age and in most of my classes. "Happy Birthday, Rosalyn." "Thank you, Logan." "I was wondering if you would like to dance" he asks. I realize that the music has changed to a slow song. "Sure, she would love to dance with you Logan," Addie says before I can politely say no.

Now she isn't just in trouble with her mother. She knows that I can't be rude. She also knows I don't want to lead him to believe he has a shot. I make a note to kill her later. "I would love to, Logan." He steps closer to me, placing his hands on my hips. I'm just about to wrap my arms around his neck when a loud growl comes from behind me. I turn and Reese's eyes are as black as night. He is stalking toward me and he looks pissed. What the hell did I do?

"Get the hell away from my mate Logan" he growls. I'm frozen in place. I'm Reese's mate. Addie squeals and Reese pulls me into his arms. I can't scent him because I don't have my wolf, but light tingles dance on my skin from his touch. This is amazing. Reese is my mate. He buries his face in my neck, breathing in my scent. My heart is beating against my chest. I'm going to be able to stay in my own pack and be mated to the boy I'm in love with.