Chapter 3 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Six Months Later

Rosalyn POV

"You look so beautiful honey" my mother says with tears in her eyes. "Thank you, mom, I feel beautiful. I still can't believe that our Alpha and Luna ceremony is in two days." "You are going to be an amazing Luna, Rosalyn. My son couldn't have a more perfect mate," Maureen says. My dress is an A-line floor length gown. It's teal with a black sash to match the pack colors.

Addison steps into the room wearing a beautiful light pink gown. She looks fantastic, and I can't wait to dance with my best friend. After my last run in with Bryce in Reese's room, I've made sure to spend more time with Addison. Not only because I love my best friend, but because I wanted to repair my relationship with Bryce.

After I replayed his hurtful words, I realized my brother is jealous. Jealous that I'm destined to be with his best friend. Jealous that he is spending so much time with me. Before Reese announced me as his mate at the party, him and Bryce were attached at the hips. He felt like he was losing his best friend and I can't imagine how painful that must be.

I had hoped that showing my brother I cared about his feelings by ensuring he had time with Reese would relieve the tension between us, but now we have absolutely no relationship. It breaks my heart that I've lost my brother.

Emmett is just as confused by his behavior. I haven't told my parents about the change in my brother. Since Bryce moved into the pack house the day after our argument, they haven't had an opportunity to see how much he hates me first hand. Since Reese wanted his Beta close, Bryce moved into the room next to his. It's actually the only time I have seen Bryce, but he won't even look at me.

I know part of it is the Alpha command, but part of it is that Bryce hates me. I can feel it rolling off him when we pass each other. "Rosalyn, what are you thinking about so intently," Maureen asks. I smile "just how lucky I am that the goddess chose me to be with Reese." A warm smile spreads across her face.

After we return to the pack, I head to my bedroom. On the ride back to the pack I started to get really hot. Werewolves generally are hot but this was different. I'm not sure what the hell is wrong with me, but I know my mother would panic so I kept it to myself. I turn on my air conditioner and lay down on my bed. "You don't have to worry my perfect Rose, there is nothing wrong with you" a soft voice says in my mind.

I immediately sit up, panic and excitement coursing through my veins. I never expected to meet my wolf today. They normally introduce themselves on our birthdays. My birthday is actually the day of our ceremony. "Rose, my name is Zora. I'm your wolf. I'm so excited to finally meet you" she says. "I'm so excited about meeting you. Can we shift now?" She giggles and I love the sound.

"Do you trust me Rose?" "Of course, I do, Zora. You and I are one." "I need you to head out to the clearing so we can shift for the first time. I know you want to have Reese with us, but I need you to trust me and not tell him." I'm confused, but I don't question her. I make my way through the pack house and into the yard without running into my family, Addison, or Reese. It doesn't take me long to reach the clearing.

The heat I was feeling earlier is back but its worse. "Rose, shifting for the first time, is going to hurt like a b**ch. I wish I could keep you from the pain, but I can't. Some pain is just necessary. What I can promise you is that no matter the pain you have to endure, I will be with you every step of the way." It feels like she is talking about more than shifting, but I stay quiet.

"Don't fight against the shift, Rose. Trust me and give into it" she says. As soon as she stops speaking, pain like I've never known rips through me. I fall on my hands and knees. My skin feels like it's on fire. I try to hold back the scream that wants to escape my lips. My bones begin to snap and move. "You're doing amazing, my Rose," Zora says, and I hold onto her words.

I'm not sure how much time passes before the pain is gone as quickly as it came. I'm finally able to open my eyes that I had squeezed shut during the pain. I look down and see silver fur coating huge paws. We begin to move toward a pond in the distance. When I finally see Zora, I nearly cry. She is so beautiful and her eyes are exactly like mine. "Zora, you are amazing."

"Thank you, my Rose. We will be even more amazing together. Now I think we should run a bit before we head to the pack house" she says. "Can you tell me now why we couldn't have Reese and Fallon here for our first shift now?" I feel sympathy and love flow through our bond. "Soon enough, my Rose. Let's just enjoy a run for now." She takes off and I feel like I'm flying.

Seeing the world through Zora's eyes is indescribable. I can see the tiniest detail of every flower and leaf. It doesn't take long for her to return to the clearing. I slip back into my yellow sundress. Making my way back toward the pack house I can't help but smile. I have my mate, and now I have my wolf. I have never been happier than I am at this moment.

When I reach the pack house, I notice a dull pain growing in my stomach. "It's going to be alright Rose. We need to do this. Go to see Reese." "What's going on, Zora?" "Mate is being unfaithful to us. He is betraying the bond the goddess has blessed him with" she says. "That can't be true. He wouldn't do that to me. He has not even looked at another girl. Besides, we aren't marked. I wouldn't be able to feel it."

"Rose, I need you to trust me." I swallow the lump in my throat and make my way to the Alpha floor. I make my way down the hallway that leads to Reese's room. As soon as I get close, my heart sinks and bile rises in my throat. The sounds of moans and slapping skin fill the air. "You like that, don't you, love? Take my thick c**k." Reese's words shattered what was left of my heart. He isn't just cheating on me with some random girl. It's a girl he is in love with.

I take a deep breath before I finally push the door open to the room without warning. I'm sure that Reese didn't lock the door because no pack member is allowed on this floor. I'm not prepared for what I see. My mate isn't f**king another girl. He is f**king my brother. Everything makes sense now. I was right. My brother was jealous. I was just wrong about the reason. When Reese's eyes meet mine, all I can see is fear and guilt.

"Rosalyn, please let me explain" Reese says as he pulls himself from my brother's body. That is something I could have lived my whole life without seeing. He is scrambling off the bed and grabbing his shorts off the floor. For the first time I look at my brother. He is smiling like he won, and he is right, he did. Reese is all his. I turn without saying a word to either of them and rush down the hallway. I'm almost to the stairs when two hands grip me.

I spin slapping Reese as hard as I can across the face. "Do not touch me ever again." "Rosalyn, please you are my mate. The love of my life." I throw my head back and laugh. That's funny because I just heard you call my brother your love. So, which is it Reese? Am I your love or is Bryce?" The pained look on his face makes me want to break, but I refuse to allow him or Bryce to see that happen. "I love you both" he whispers.

"Well, that's too bad because the minute I saw you f**king my brother, any love I had for you died." He takes a step toward me and I step back. "Please, Rosalyn, don't say that. I love you. You are my mate and Luna. We can make this work." "Stop being such a selfish b**ch Rosie. You are going to have to learn to share," Bryce says as he comes to stand next to Reese.

I look between the two of them and stiffen my back. "I, Rosalyn Rain Myers, reject, you Reese Michael Orick as my mate and Alpha." "No" Reese screams before he drops to his knees. "You f**king pathetic b**ch. How dare you reject your mate," Bryce screams at me. Before I can respond Bryce's fist connects with my jaw. Darkness engulfs me and I welcome the numbness.