Chapter 5 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Rosalyn POV

"Zora, how the hell are we going to get out of here? Just hearing them talk is making my skin crawl. They act like what they are suggesting is no big deal. Like I should be happy to share my mate. Comparing me sharing Reese with Bryce to what identical twins do. It is not the same in any way."

"They are destined by the goddess to share a mate because they were once one individual that split into two in their mother's womb. There is no jealousy or hurt in their relationship because it is meant to be. There is no betrayal of the sacred bond. This is purely Reese wanting his cake and to eat it too. I refuse to be his cake. This is my brother taking what was meant to only be mine."

"The hardest pill to swallow is my father. Never did I expect him to cast my heart aside for what the Alpha and my brother wanted. To expect me to just accept this f**ked up situation that everyone else has created. I will never accept what they are suggesting. I would rather be dead than mate and mark with Reese."

"Never say such a thing again, Rose. You must promise me that you will never give up. We will be free of this place, I promise you. Now I'm keeping our scent hidden so they have no idea you have your wolf. It will make our escape easier," she says.

Before I can assure her that I will fight until my last breath, I hear my name spoken softly like I'm a wounded animal. "Rosie, we need to talk baby," Reese says. I refuse to acknowledge him, squeezing my eyes shut even tighter. I feel nothing but loathing to hear my name on his lips. After a few minutes, I hear the click of the lock on my cell and I scramble to my feet.

I back up until my back hits the wall, keeping my eyes on both of them. I look between Reese and Bryce. These two men that were supposed to love and protect me. "Rosie, baby, no one is going to hurt you, I promise. I love you and so does Bryce. He's sorry for hitting you, and he has been punished. Please, Rosie, just talk to me."

"It's far too late for you to make that promise, Reese. Not only did you betray me by f**king my brother every chance you got, but you knew why he hated me. You watched me suffer day after day and all you had to do was be honest. I would have been hurt that my mate didn't want me, but I would have stepped aside so you two could have been together."

"So, don't you dare say that no one is going to hurt me because that's all you people have done. You, my ex-brother, my ex-father, and the Alpha are trying to ensure I have nothing but a lifetime of pain. Accept my rejection and I will leave the pack so you can lead with Bryce by your side. I'm sure the pack will understand that you have robbed them of their goddess given Luna because you are a selfish pr*ck."

Bryce growls, but I don't glance in his direction. It's Reese's eyes that I can't look away from. "Fallon" I whisper. "Yes, little mate, I'm in control." He steps toward me but stops in his tracks when Bryce grabs his arm. Fallon whirls on him and, for the first time, I see fear in Bryce's eyes.

"You are not my mate. I never wanted to be with you, but my human begged me because he let himself fall in love with you despite my warnings. I gave in to make him happy. You have jeopardized my relationship with my fated mate. Do not touch me again. I promise you that if I lose my mate, I won't allow Reese to touch you ever again," he says, ripping his arm away from Bryce.

Bryce whimpers and drops his arm to his side. Fallon turns back and stalks toward me. Despite the anger rolling off of him, I know in my heart that Fallon won't physically hurt me. He reaches up to place his hand on my face, but I flinch not wanting to feel his touch. "Rosie, please. I didn't want this. You are the only one I want." My eyes meet Fallon's look of desperation and regret.

"You may not have wanted it, but you allowed it. You are as guilty as Reese of betraying me. I would never have held anything that happened before he knew I was my mate against him or you, but you both knew. You knew, and you continued to f**k him," I say pointing at Bryce. "I will never take back my rejection. You are no longer my mate."

Fallon's eyes darken even more and his growl shakes the room. He spins around, stalking toward Bryce. The part of me that will always love my brother wants to protect him, but the bigger part knows he is about to get exactly what he deserves. The first punch Fallon lands to his jaw knocks him to the floor, but he is far from done. Fallon straddles Bryce and starts to punch him repeatedly in the face.

I'm tempted to sneak around them while Fallon is beating the sh*t out of Bryce. I start to move toward the cell door when I hear the pounding of footsteps. I move back to the corner of the cell when the man that is no longer my father and the Alpha rush into the cell. They manage to pull Fallon off of Bryce. "Shift now," Robert commands. Fallon fights, but eventually he concedes control to Reese.

Reese rushes over, apologizing to Bryce as he touches his face where bruises are starting to appear. When he starts to kiss Bryce's face, I turn my gaze away. Not wanting to witness his love for my brother. A love that was meant to be only mine. "What the hell is wrong with you, Rosie? He could have killed your brother. Why are you being such a selfish b**ch? This isn't the daughter I raised," my father says.

I ensure I keep my expression impassive when I turn to face him. I won't show him how much his words hurt me. "Don't worry Cain, once I'm gone you won't have to worry about me being a b**ch anymore. It's safe to say you aren't the father that raised me, so were even." "Enough, you will remain in this cell until the ceremony. Reese will mark and mate you even if it has to be done by force" Alpha Robert says.

"Dad," Reese says in warning. "I don't want to hear it, Reese. We tried it your way, and it didn't work. Now we're doing it my way. This pack will not be deprived of its rightful Luna because Rosalyn cannot accept that her mate is in love with her brother and not her. It's time to grow up and put the pack first. She will provide this pack with an heir and perform her duties as Luna," he says.

I look at my father and he drops his gaze. My eyes meet Reese's and all I can see is sadness and regret. He looks down at my brother before he scoops him up in his arms. Reese carries Bryce out, followed by his father. "Rosie, please understand" my father says, but I cut him off. "I don't understand, and I will never understand. I hate you. You are no longer my father."

He takes a deep breath and turns to the cell door. I turn to face the wall, not wanting to look at him for a minute longer. "Rosie, I hope one day you'll forgive me. I'm only doing what's best for everyone. Once you feel the bond, you won't be so angry. Your life might not be exactly how you envisioned it, but you can be happy with your mate. Reese does love you despite what Robert said. He loves you both."

I don't respond. I hear the lock click into place before I hear his footsteps moving further away. I slide down the wall and allow the tears to flow at the f**ked up situation. He is willing to allow Reese to forcibly mark and mate me. Does my mother and Maureen know what they are planning to do to me? What about Addison? Does she believe I should get over the fact her brother wants to mate with me and Bryce?

How can these people who were meant to love me be so cruel? How can he even suggest Reese force his mark on me and my father just accept it? Zora growls hearing that pr*ck's orders. I drop my head into my hands. The sound of the door opening in the distance makes bile rise in my throat. I can't deal with any of them for a minute longer. When I look up, I'm shocked to see my mother staring down at me with an unreadable expression. My heart sinks, she knows.