Chapter 11 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Reese POV

As I approach my father's office, I hear sounds no son wants to hear from his parents. I immediately turn intending to head to the training field and talk to him later. I swing by the kitchen to grab something light to eat and stop in my tracks when I see my mother speaking to the head omega.

When she notices me, she smiles giving me a gentle wave. He wouldn't, maybe he was by himself. That makes me want to gag too. Why the hell would he do that in his office? Besides, my mother wouldn't be standing here talking without a care in the world if he was cheating on her. She would be feeling the same pain I would have caused Rosie had I marked her. When she finishes talking, she walks toward me.

"Reese, you look like you saw a ghost. Are you alright? Did something happen?" I manage to pull myself together enough to offer her a fake smile. "No, I'm fine. I'm just missing Rosie, that's all." Sympathy flashes in her eyes and I wonder how much she knows about all that's happened. "I understand being away from her must be difficult. I used to hate when your father and Cain would take their trips to visit other packs. I would miss him terribly while he was gone," she said.

"How are you feeling mom? I'm sure you are missing Miranda." "I'm great, you don't have to worry about me, Reese. I'm keeping myself busy. Besides, soon you'll be taking over for your father and Bryce will take over for Cain. Then we will all be able to travel like we always wanted. I'll probably get sick of spending so much time with your father," she says with a laugh. "Who will you get sick of my love," my father's voice asks from behind me.

I turn to see him walking toward my mother, followed by Cain. "I was talking about you Robert when we finally get to travel. Miranda and I will need a break from the two of you." She turns to a man she considers her friend and I feel sick to my stomach. I know in my soul I'm right, but I wish I wasn't.

"Cain you look terrible. Why didn't you make the trip with Miranda? I'm sure her cousin could have convinced the Alpha to let you visit despite us not having an alliance with the pack," my mother asks. So that's the bulls*t story they are feeding my mother. "It's alright Maureen, I want her to enjoy her time with her family. She'll be home soon" he says, but his words are hollow.

My mother doesn't seem to notice. "Reese, son, I was just about to check in with the trackers if you would like to join us" my father says, but I can't meet his eyes. "No, I'm going to the training field. You can update me if they have found anything useful," I say curtly, leaving the three of them standing in the kitchen.

I feel my father trying to link me the minute I step out of the pack house, but I refuse to speak with him. I wondered why he was so understanding when I told him about me and Bryce. I thought it was about my happiness, but instead it was about his own f*ked up relationship with Cain. He's been betraying my mother all these years, but I don't understand how. When I reach the training field, I notice Logan and Bryce are both here.

Bryce smiles at me, but I don't return it. My mind is still reeling about finding out my father is a ch**tng pr*ck. I know I'm not innocent, but I'm at least willing to make amends to Rosie. I didn't mark her and keep f**king Bryce. If my father was any other Alpha, he would have kicked my a** for betraying Rosie, but instead he encouraged me to keep both.

"An Alpha should be able to claim his mate or mates as he sees fit" he said. Now I understand why he was so supportive. "Reese, are you going to join us for sparring," Bryce asks, and Fallon growls. Bryce isn't thinking clearly. He knows how angry Fallon is with both of us. If he took control, he could easily snap Bryce's neck. The part of me that will always love Bryce doesn't want to see him hurt.

"No, Beta. I'm here to simply observe. Continue with training as if I wasn't here." Hurt flashes in Bryce's eyes, but he continues to have the warriors break off in pairs. I watch Logan as he fights against a more seasoned warrior. He holds his own, landing some solid punches to his opponent's face and stomach. Ultimately, the warrior gets the better of him, but I'm impressed. It makes sense that he would be strong and a good fighter. He was meant to be the Beta of the pack by Bryce's side.

Cain POV

As soon as we leave the kitchen, we head back to Robert's office. The door closes and Robert starts to pace. "What the hell was that about with Reese, and now he isn't responding to my link?" "I don't know Robert, but everything is a f**king mess. I've lost my mate and my family because you begged me to agree to your idea of Bryce and Rosie sharing a mate. I've lost everything because I wanted to please you."

He walks toward me, placing his hand on my back. "I promise you we will bring Miranda and the kids home. We will make her understand that you were concerned about Bryce's happiness. We will make sure that Bryce treats Rosie with the respect and love she deserves." I shake his hand off me and stand to my feet. "You can't promise me that. I should have protected my daughter instead of giving into what you, Bryce, and Reese wanted. I was wrong, and now I'm paying for it. Not only that, but Arol is paying for it."

"Cain, I know your upset, but you're not alone. We still have each other. If Miranda is too selfish to trust you are doing what is right for both your pups, then she doesn't deserve you" he says, and I can feel Arol at the surface. "Do not speak about my mate like that again. Had my human thought about her and our pups, none of this would have happened. I respect you as our Alpha, but you will not speak badly about my mate," Arol says, taking control. I know he won't attack Robert, so I don't fight against him.

"Arol, I apologize for talking badly about Miranda, but she is hurting Cain. She is hurting you. Mates are meant to love unconditionally, and she left without speaking to Cain. She gave us no opportunity to make things right." Robert starts to move toward me but stops abruptly. His eyes glaze over, and I realize that he is linking with someone.

"Cain, I have to go. Maureen is looking for me and she sounds upset. We will continue this conversation later, but know I will do everything in my power to bring your family home," he says. I nod and watch him leave the office. After a few minutes sitting alone in his office, I head out of the pack house without stopping to speak to anyone.

When I reach the house and step inside, I want to cry. Arol and I are both weak, suffering from our broken bond. I look around this place that has held so much happiness, and it is nothing more than an empty shell. A shell I've created by putting my own wants and needs above my family, above my mate. I head upstairs to the room I have shared with Miranda all these years and slide into our bed. Pulling her pillow into my arms, I press my nose against it, taking in her scent that clings to it.

Goddess, I wish I could go back and do things differently. I can't live without Miranda. Hearing my pup say she hated me nearly gutted me. The thought of never holding Miranda again is worse than death. If we ever find her, I will do whatever I have to gain her forgiveness and trust. I'll leave this pack, my title, and Robert behind for her.