Chapter 12 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Reese POV

As soon as training is over, I link my father. As much as I don't even want to look at him right now, I need answers. "I'm with your mom right now Reese. She is hearing rumors and is upset." "Rumors about what I've done or what you've done." There is a long silence before he finally speaks again. "Meet me in my office" he says, cutting the link. As I make my way across the field Bryce steps in front of me.

"Bryce, I don't have time to talk right now." He looks around before he drops his voice to a whisper. "Reese, I'm still here. She left you, and you're treating me like the enemy. Please, I need you," he starts to say, but I cut him off. "Bryce, you and I are the reason she left. It's our fault and I intend to make things right with her." I move past him without another word.

When I reach my father's office, I take in a deep breath before I push the door open. I'm glad to see Cain isn't with him. I want answers and, though I know I will control myself when it comes to my father, I can't say the same for Cain. "Have a seat, Reese," he says, pointing to the chair in front of his desk. I recognize his stance of authority as he stares at me.

"I'd prefer to stand" I say making no move to follow his order. I can see he doesn't like my refusal to follow his orders, but he doesn't force the issue. "Reese, I'm not sure what rumors you're talking about. I've done nothing to warrant rumors being spread throughout the pack about me, however your mother has gotten wind that Rosie rejected you, and she wants answers," he says.

"Tell me how you did it, dad. Tell me how you have cheated on your mate for twenty years and haven't been caught. How hasn't she felt the pain of your betrayal?" My father growls in warning. "Reese, you need to tread very carefully right now. I love your mother. I have made mistakes, but that has never changed. I have given her a good life, and she is happy."

I throw my head back and laugh. "They do say ignorance is bliss. I guess I'm as f**ked up as you wanting more than the goddess gifted me. The difference is, I'm sorry dad, are you?" "Reese" he starts to say, but I cut him off. "I want to know how you did it. How the two of you kept this from your mates all these years."

My father's shoulders sag, and he sits down in his chair. "You have to understand that Cain and I grew up together. We both knew we were attracted to women and each other from a young age. I never touched another woman, but after time, desire won out between us. Your grandfather was a ba**ard, and he would never accept Cain as my chosen mate. He made me travel to find my fated one. He even threatened to kill Cain if I didn't."

"I prayed each time I went to another pack to come back empty-handed, but then I found your mother. She was so beautiful, and I knew I would never love anyone, even Cain, as much as I loved her, but I couldn't turn off my feelings for him. When we returned, he was devastated, and we didn't speak for almost six months."

"The night of our ceremony, my father called me in and sat me down in this office. He was never faithful to my mother, but he would f**k anyone. It didn't matter how much it hurt my mother until one day she was going to reject him for his philandering ways. He groveled and swore to the goddess he would never touch another woman again. She forgave him, and she never felt the pain of infidelity again."

My father takes a deep breath and I can see the pain and regret in his eyes. "My father had many friends that weren't exactly what we would refer to as savory people. One of them told my father there was a way to continue to cheat but keep his mate from feeling it. So on the night of my marking ceremony he sat me down and explained how he had dosed my mother with a tiny dose of wolfsbane every day."

"It was not enough to do any real damage, but just enough to dull her wolf's senses. She would feel what would be equivalent to a stomach ache or indigestion, but after time she wouldn't feel anything at all as long as the wolfsbane was used every day."

I'm across the office before I can even think and pinning my father to the wall. "You and that ba**ard have been poisoning your mates just so you two could f**k. How could you do that to mom?" "Reese, I would never hurt your mom and this was a way to ensure that I never did. She is perfectly healthy. What do you think would have happened if she felt it the first time Cain and I gave into our desire for each other," he says, like it makes perfect sense.

"You wouldn't be here, Reese, and neither would Addie. I have been a good mate to your mother and I love her. I'm the one that carries the guilt, but the pain doesn't touch her" he says. I release him and run my hands through my hair. "Reese, you can never tell your mother, I'm begging you. She doesn't deserve to live with the pain of what I've done," he pleads.

"So you want to continue to basically drug and cheat on my mother, and you want me to keep it a secret from her. From the woman who gave life to me and has taken care of me." "Reese, please" he says. "No, you either stop doing everything or I'll tell her. We were both wrong about what we have done. I may never have the chance to have my mate and that's on me. You have a choice to make, and it's mom or Cain. I won't keep your disgusting secret," I say. I don't give him a chance to respond because I can't continue to look at this man that I have idolized all my life.

Beckham POV

I knock lightly on the door of the apartment. It takes a few moments before the door swings open and a beautiful woman who is very much a wolf smiles at me. She is around my mother's age. "Can I help you" she asks. "Miranda, I'm Beckham Forester. I'm sorry about our meeting yesterday and I wanted to stop by and introduce myself." She moves to the side and I step inside. "Can I get you anything to drink?" "No, thank you, I can't stay long. I need to pick Lily up from daycare."

"Daughters are very special. How old is Lily," she asks. "She is three, but she has a birthday coming up." "I miss having little ones. My three are all grown up." Something flashes in her eyes but it's gone as quickly as it came. "Stacey mentioned that you had a daughter and a son. I didn't realize you had another child."

"My oldest son stayed with his father. We separated and it was a bit messy." "I'm sorry to hear that. If there is anything you need, please don't hesitate to give me a call." "I will, thank you. I wish that Rosalyn and Emmett were here to meet you, but unfortunately, Rosalyn started her new job today and Emmett is out searching for one." Rosalyn, Gideon says her name in my head over and over like it's a Mantra. I put up a block making a note to ask him what the hell is going on with him lately.

"Well, I really should get going. It was nice to meet you in person, Miranda." As I reach the door I think about Stacey and how hard it must be for her not to see Emmett. I turn to Miranda and smile. "I'm always looking for workers for construction if your son is interested, have him give me a call." A genuine smile spreads across her face and, despite my fear of wolves just appearing in town, I'm not worried. "Thank you, I'll let him know Mr. Forester." "Just call me Beck."