Chapter 15 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Rosalyn POV

Heading to my first day of work I won't lie and say I'm not nervous. I've never spent much time around humans, and I'm afraid I'll slip and say something I shouldn't. I push open the back door to the bakery and a man I've never met is kneading dough. He is handsome and looks to be in his early thirties. He looks up when he hears the door and offers me a warm smile. "You must be Rosalyn" he says, extending his dough-covered hand.

We both laugh as he pulls his hand back. "Please call me Rose." "It's a pleasure to meet you Rose. My name is Charlie. I'm Holly's cousin. She isn't here this morning, but she told me you would be coming." "It's nice to meet you, Charlie. Well, I guess I'm yours to teach the ways of the bake goods." He chuckles, and I head to the sink to wash my hands.

"I like him," Zora says and I smile. He does seem like a really nice guy. We spend the morning making muffins, Danish, and cookies. Once the cases in the front of the store are full, we make two dozen cupcakes. He leaves me to decorate them while he helps customers. I never realized how much I would enjoy baking. Once I put the finishing touches on the last cupcake, I grab the tray and carry it to the front of the shop.

Charlie smiles when he sees me. "You made them look like unicorns. Lily is going to lose her mind if Beck brings her in today. Unicorns are her favorite. I thought you said you had never done this kind of work before. They look like a professional decorated them," Charlie says. "I swear I haven't. I used to help my mom when she would bake for the" I catch myself before I say pack. "She would bake for big parties."

"Well, she must be one hell of a baker because they are amazing" he says, and I smile. The bell dings above the door and Holly strolls inside. She walks over as I'm placing the cupcakes in the case. "Charlie, these are so cute. I saw Beck this morning and told him to bring Lily in. If I can get the brat to like me, then maybe I'll get a shot at her hot father." Zora growls and I cough to cover the sound.

"Are you alright, Rosie," Holly asks. "Yes, I'm fine. Please just call me Rose, Holly. I'm glad you like the cupcakes." Holly looks between us. "You made these" she asks, pointing at me. "Yes, I did." "They're cute but don't forget you work for me. You need to ask permission before you do things like that. It worked out this time, but if things don't sell that I haven't approved, the cost will come out of your check."

I bite my cheek hard enough to draw blood and nod. "Holly, there is no reason to be a b**ch. You know as well as I do those cupcakes are amazing." She glares at Charlie before she heads to the back of the store. "Don't let her bother you Rose. She's hot for Beckham Forester, and he won't give her the time of day."

"If she ever tries to pull that bulls*t about docking your pay you let me know. The shop is three quarters mine. She doesn't have that kind of power," he says. "As far as Beckham goes, he doesn't give any woman in town a second look. I've often wondered if he played for the other team. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Then I saw Stacey and figured they were in a relationship but Holly insists they aren't," Charlie says.

"I met Stacey when she showed us apartments. She seems lovely" I say trying to keep the ire out of my voice. What the hell is wrong with me? I don't know the man and Stacey really does seem nice, but thinking about him with her upsets me.

The afternoon is spent refilling the cases twice with more cupcakes and muffins. When there are only three of the cupcakes left in the case, the bell above the door dings again. A beautiful little girl comes bounding in, followed by Stacey. She has long dark hair and big green eyes. She offers me a smile which I return. "Hi, Rosalyn. It's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you too, Stacey." "How are you enjoying working here," she asks. "It's great, I'm really enjoying it." "Who is the pretty lady auntie" the little girls asks, and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. "Lily bear, this is Rosalyn. Her family just moved here" Stacey says. "Hi Rosalyn" she tries to say. "You and your auntie can just call me Rose, like the flower. Do you like cupcakes, Lily?" "You can call me Lily bear, like auntie and daddy do."

Something flashes in Stacey's eyes before I hear the door open behind me. I turn to see Holly stepping behind the counter, her face marred with disappointment when she sees Stacey. "Hey Holly, Beck said you had the pink cupcakes that Lily would like. He asked me to bring her by to pick out one." "Why couldn't he bring her" she asks rudely.

Gosh, she really is a b**ch. "He is busy Holly. He's also not interested," she says bluntly. Holly huffs before she turns, heading to the back. Charlie bursts out laughing as soon as she is gone. "Sorry, I'm not usually so harsh but nothing else seems to get through to her" Stacey says to me. "Can I get my cupcake now," Lily asks, effectively stopping the conversation about Holly's attitude.

"How would you like a unicorn cupcake, Lily bear." Her eyes light up, and I pull one of the cupcakes from the case to show her. She is practically bouncing up and down like I was offering her a million dollars. "Those are awesome. Did you make these, Rose," Stacey asks. "I did, Charlie thought she would like them." "Like them, she loves them. They look amazing. Can you box up three of them?" "Absolutely," I say and set to work.

Once they are boxed up, I hand them to Stacey. "What do we say Lily bear?" "Thank you, Rose. Rose, can we be friends?" "I would love to be friends" I say. "Auntie, can we invite my new friend over for dinner" she asks, batting her big eyes at Stacey. I stifle my chuckle at the little girls' antics. Stacey looks between us. "I think that's a great idea, Lily bear. Can you come over around five tonight, Rose? It will give you a chance to meet Beck," she asks.

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea. We don't really know each other that well," I start to say, but Lily cuts me off. "You said we're friends and friends go to each other's houses. Please, Rose" she says, and I swear I can't say no as she bats her eyes at me. "I want to go. I think we should go. I want to spend time with the pup," Zora says.

I smile down at Lily. "I guess your right Lily bear. I would love to come to your house for dinner." Lily rushes behind the counter and wraps her arms around my waist. I swear I hear Zora whisper the word mine but I can't exactly talk to her in front of humans. I grab a pen and paper off the counter, handing it to Stacey. She looks at me like I have ten heads.

"They are so you can write your address down for me." "If you give me your number I can just text the address to you" she says. "I lost my phone. I haven't had time to get a new one." She writes the address down, handing the paper and pen back to me. "We will see you later Rose," she says, before they leave the bakery.

No sooner are they gone than Holly steps out of the office and walks toward me. "Rose, I like you and I would hate to have to fire you if you do something stupid like go after Beckham Forester."

"That is enough Holly. You will not be firing anyone. If Beck wants to date her, that's between them. He is not your boyfriend. Now stop acting like a b**ch in heat and finish working on the books," Charlie says. I fight the smile that wants to break free when she stomps her foot before she heads back to her office.

"I'm sorry Rose. My aunt spoiled her, and she never grew out of it. I promise you that you will not get fired if you decide to date Beck. Honestly, I'm glad you're here. Holly is useless as far as baking. She manages the money and orders supplies. It's nice to have help, and maybe we can come up with different cupcake designs like you did today."

"I would like that, Charlie." For the first time since we ran from the pack, I feel like we could be happy here. I'm hopeful that Reese and Robert won't find us. I'm even looking forward to meeting the man responsible for our amazing apartment and that sweet little girl.