Chapter 17 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Rosalyn POV

The alarm on my nightstand wakes me from sleep. I know my mom checked on me last night at some point, but I was so exhausted after everything that happened with Beck, I barely responded. Unlike my normal nightmares of walking in on Reese and Bryce, my dreams were plagued by Beck. His beautiful blue eyes were looking at me with disgust. My second chance mate doesn't want me. "Don't you dare," Zora says.

"Zora, you saw his reaction last night. I wasn't enough for Reese and now my second chance at having a mate ran out of his house like his a** was on fire when he realized who I was to him." "First, Reese was an id*ot who didn't deserve you. I'm glad you rejected him. He wasn't worthy of being our mate. Second, I know that Beck hurt us last night, but I think there is more that we don't know. The fact that he and Stacey are hiding their wolves has to mean something," she says.

"Zora, I don't know if I have it in me to give him a chance to explain or even if he wants to. My heart feels like its shattered Zora. I feel like I can't breathe without the ache in my chest. Maybe it's better to just reject him and move on. Find love the way the humans do. It may not be what the goddess had planned, but I'm sure at this point she will forgive me, since both men meant to love me have done nothing but cause me pain."

"Rose, I still think we should talk to Beck, but I will support whatever decision you make. I know you want our mate as much as I do, but it will always be you and me, Rose. No matter what you decide, you will never be alone." "Thank you, Zora. Right now, I just want to get ready for work and not think about Reese or Beck." I throw the blankets off and grab my uniform off the chair that sits in the corner of my room.

I smile at the shirt that looks like a baseball jersey with a cupcake on the left breast. I step into the bathroom and strip out of my clothes from yesterday. I step under the hot spray and let the wash the tension from my muscles. Once I'm dressed, I grab my purse and make my way out to the kitchen. "Good morning, sweetie. How was your dinner last night" my mom asks. "It was fine. I loved spending time with Lily. She is a sweet little girl," I say which is true.

I'm not ready to tell her about Beck. I grab an apple and Emmett looks at me like I'm crazy as he stuffs a forkful of pancakes in his mouth. "That can't be all you're having for breakfast. Do you feel alright" he asks, and I smile. "I'm fine, just figured I would grab a muffin at work. Besides, not all of us need to eat their weight at every meal." He throws his napkin at me acting offended, and my mother laughs.

"I'm a growing boy. I also start work today for Beckham Forester. I'm sure I'll need all the fuel I can get because construction is hard work. I have to meet with Stacey this morning," he says. I hug my mother and kiss Emmett on the cheek before I head out of the apartment. Once I'm outside, I make the left that will lead me to the bakery.

As I make my way down the street, I feel like I'm being watched. My heart starts to race with fear that they have found us. It doesn't make sense, but could it be true? Could it be Reese or Bryce? Did they send Cain? Will they force me back to the pack in front of humans?

I look around, and I don't notice anything out of place. I take some deep breaths trying to get my nerves under control. The door to the bakery is just a few yards away when I notice a truck with a familiar logo on it pull up next to the sidewalk.

My eyes meet Beck's for a brief moment before I turn away from him. I make my way to the back entrance of the bakery and I don't stop even when I hear him call my name. I push open the door, quickly closing it behind me. Charlie looks startled when he sees me. He moves toward me like he's approaching a wounded animal. "Rose, what happened? Are you alright" he says, looking me over.

"Sorry, I'm fine. I didn't mean to scare you." I can see he wants to press the issue, but I'm grateful when he doesn't. A few minutes later, Holly steps into the room and she looks pissed. "Rosalyn, Beckham Forester just walked in. He is asking to speak with you. This is a place of business, not a place for you to socialize with customers."

"I'm not sure why you're saying that to me. I didn't ask him to come here nor do I want to speak with him. I know this is a job and that's what I am here for, so you are welcome to tell him I won't be speaking with him today or any other day," I say.

"Good, I'll let him know you are busy and that you aren't interested," she says. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. She turns leaving me and Charlie alone. "He wouldn't have anything to do with how panicked you looked when you got here earlier, would he?"

"No, I swear I'm fine Charlie. I think I'm going to make the cupcakes into dogs today." "Nice try to change the subject. I'll let it go for now, but if you need to talk, I'm here. I think the customers will love dog cupcakes," he says with a warm smile. I pick up the piping bag and start to swirl brown icing on the cupcakes.

I try to focus on what I'm doing, but my mind keeps wandering back to what Beck wanted. Did he come here to reject me? Does he want to apologize? Does he want to be mates? As much as I wish the latter was true, I'm sure it's not. I can't keep doing this to myself. The more I think about it, the more I think rejecting the bond and finding someone that I love and that loves me is what I need to do.

Beckham POV

I watch her step out of the apartment building and my breath catches in my throat. She is so beautiful. I follow her at a distance and notice her looking around. Does she know I'm watching her? Can she feel me like I can feel her? I need to talk to her. I need her to understand that she is perfect. I am not able to be the mate she deserves. Pain blooms in my chest at the thought of another man touching her, loving her.

"That's because she is meant to be ours. You are going to be sorry if you don't get your head on straight," Gideon says with a growl. I pull up to the sidewalk and her head turns in my direction. Our eyes meet, and I feel like I can't breathe. She is suffering because of me. As soon as she starts to rush toward the bakery, I jump out of the truck and call her name. She doesn't even turn to acknowledge me before she ducks inside the back door.

I debate knocking on the back door, but decide to head through the front and ask to speak with her. When I step inside, I hold back a curse when I see Holly standing behind the counter. Her face lights up when she sees me. "Beck, what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you," she asks. "Hi Holly, I was wondering if I could speak with Rosalyn?" Her smile quickly fades, and she looks like she sucked on a lemon.

She heads to the back but returns quickly. "Sorry, Beck, she is busy and doesn't want to speak with you. Just between us, I think she has the hots for my cousin, so you're out of luck if you're interested in her, but I'm very interested in you." Gideon is ready to lose his sh*t, and I'm not far behind him. No f**king way will she be with Charlie. She is ours. Gideon sits back on his haunches and I swear he is smirking. "She is ours. Now the question is what are you going to do about it," he says smugly.