Chapter 18 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Stacey POV

Watching Beck's reaction to Rosalyn's touch, I know immediately that she is his second chance mate. I have prayed to the goddess every day since we escaped that awful f**king pack that he would find peace and happiness. That the goddess would bless him with a second chance to love and be loved. I know that is what Debbie would have wanted. She would never want him to feel guilty about sharing the mating bond with Rose.

The day that Beck claimed Debbie was the happiest day of her life. Despite the a**holes in our pack Beck never wavered in his love for her. Watching my sister love and be loved is a gift that I wouldn't change for anything. Seeing her with Lily for those few fleeting moments was worth the pain of losing her. She always dreamed of having her mate and a pup when we were little girls.

That day in the hospital before I ran with Lily, she made me promise to make sure Beck didn't let the loss consume him. She knew she wasn't going to make it out of that room alive. It killed me to hide but I had promised her that I would protect Lily. I know my sister and she has been watching over the three of us since the day she went to meet the goddess.

Hell, if I know her, she probably picked Rosalyn for Beck. "Auntie is daddy mad? Why did Rose leave? Did I do something wrong?" Lily's questions bring me out of my thoughts. I stare across the table at my beautiful niece. "No sweet girl, daddy isn't mad. Rose just wasn't feeling well. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Let's get you cleaned up and auntie will read you two books." I lead Lily to the bathroom and set her on the counter. While the tub fills with warm water I pull my phone from my pocket. I dial Beck but the call goes right to voicemail. Despite my irritation I don't leave him a message. I pour the lavender bubble bath in the tub and help Lily out of her clothes. "Auntie I really like Rose. Do you think she will come play with me again" she asks and my chest aches.

Lily doesn't realize it but if Rosalyn is Beck's second chance, she is meant to be Lily's mother. That doesn't take anything away from Debbie but Lily deserves to have love from both the woman the goddess chose to be in her life. "I hope so Lily. Now let's get you in your unicorn pajamas so I can read you those stories."

Once she is dressed, I tuck her into her princess bed and lay down beside her. She snuggles into my side as I read about unicorns and happily ever after's. I smile when she only makes it half way through the second book. I slide out of her bed and press a kiss on her forehead. Once I'm in the hallway I try to call Beck again but it goes right to voicemail. When he doesn't answer again, I say a silent pray to the goddess that Beck doesn't do anything that can't be undone.

The Next Day

Emmett POV

After breakfast I make my way out of the apartment and down to the car. Thankfully Rose can walk to the Bakery because the job for the Forester company is ten miles from the center of town. I pull into the parking lot of a small brick building where I'm supposed to meet Stacey to fill out paperwork. Not that I would ever act on it but I feel drawn to Stacey. Even Brayer wants to be around her which is strange because we have only spent a little time with her.

I promised myself after my father taught us about mates before I got my wolf that I would save all my firsts for my mate. I think that's why it destroyed me when my mother told me what my father had done to Rosalyn. He was my hero all my life and he destroyed that by supporting my id*ot brother and Reese. I knew I would never hold the Beta title because of Bryce but I was proud to be his son and a warrior before all this happened. I lost all respect I had for the man that put his title before his daughter.

I push thoughts of my father and Bryce out of my mind as I make my way up the stairs. I step inside the building which has the same decor as the apartment building. A young woman with blonde hair and a bright red blouse is sitting behind a large wooden desk. As soon as she sees me, she smiles. "Can I help you" she asks twirling a piece of her long blonde hair while looking me up and down.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Hi, my name is Emmett Myers. I'm here to meet with Stacey." "Hi Emmett, my name is Belinda. Unfortunately, Stacey is running behind because of Lily but she should be here soon. That's why I'm glad I don't have any kids or a boyfriend." I bristle at her comment and ignore her flirting. I take seat on a plush gray couch sitting under a large window. I pick up a magazine hoping she will take the hint and let the conversation end but I'm not that lucky.

"Since your new around here I would love to show you around town," she says. Before I can turn her down the door opens and Stacey steps inside. She smiles when she sees me. "Sorry for being late, Emmett. Come with me and we can get all your paperwork done." I stand and follow her toward a dark blue door.

As I pass Belinda's desk she reaches out and gently grabs my hand. "Call me if you're interested in that tour, Emmett," she says with a wink. I'm startled by a low growl from behind me. I whirl to face Stacey and she reaches for the paper that Belinda pressed into the palm of my hand.

"Belinda, this is a place of business not a club to meet guys. Emmett is going to be a member of the team and doesn't need you hitting on him his first day." She turns without another word and I follow her into a small office. She takes her place behind her desk and begins to shuffle through papers. I can tell she is nervous by the increase in her heart rate. She definitely growled and there is no way I'm letting what I heard go. I can't sense her wolf but I know what an angry wolf sounds like when I hear one. She was pissed at Belinda's flirting.

She pulls a folder off her desk and hands it to me. "Once you fill this out, I will escort you over to the house that Beck wants you to work on first." I set the folder down on the desk without a word and cross my arms over my chest. Her body stiffens but she makes no move to look at me. I take the three steps around her desk until I'm standing directly in front of her. Her eyes darken but it only lasts a few second. I reach out my hand placing two fingers under her chin and immediately pull my hand back when tingles erupt on my fingertips.

"Mate" Brayer says and I can't breathe. When I look in her eyes again, I see fear. "Emmett" she says and I can tell she is afraid. I don't know what has my mate so afraid but I'll be damned if I don't protect her. Without another thought I pull her into my arms. I'm confused I can't scent her but the tingles are unmistakable. "Mate" she whispers and my body relaxes. Now I just need her to tell me why the hell she is hiding herself from other wolves.