Chapter 19 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Stacey POV

I can't believe that I'm standing here wrapped in my mate's arms. I always worried living with the humans, I wouldn't find my mate. I'm not sure how long we hold each other before Emmett finally pulls back to look into my eyes. He reaches his hand up and places it on my cheek. His eyes darken and I can feel Calista pushing to the surface.

"Hello little mate, my name is Brayer. I'm so glad we found you. You are the most beautiful woman we've ever seen," he says. His wolf's rich deep voice washes over us making me shiver. I give Calista control to talk to her wolf mate.

"Hello handsome, my name is Calista. If you are as hot as your human, we are very lucky the goddess chose you as our mates" she says. "Calista" I say in warning. "What, I'm just repaying the compliment. You and I both know our mate is smoking hot. You can't wait to see how he looks out of these clothes as much as I can't." Before she can embarrass me further, I take back control. "You're no fun" she says as she sits back on her haunches. Emmett touches my reddened cheek with his fingertips. He leans in so his mouth is near my ear.

"Don't be embarrassed Stacey. I'm glad that you and Calista think we are hot. Brayer and I are doing all we can to control ourselves around you, beautiful. We want nothing more than to throw you over our shoulder and take you some place private to strip." I place my hand over his mouth before I burst into flame. I can feel his smile under my hand. "Are you going to behave if I move my hand? My wolf doesn't need to be encouraged right now mister. We need to talk before any mating happens."

He chuckles before he finally nods, so I move my hand. I watch something pass over his features and his expression becomes serious. He leads me over to a small loveseat that sits in the corner of my office. I know what's coming and I'm not sure what I'm going to say. "He is our mate. You need to tell him everything" Calista says. "I know Cali, but what about Beck. Shouldn't we talk to him first. It's not only our story." She whimpers because she knows I'm right.

Emmett squeezes my hand bringing my eyes back to meet his. "Emmett, I want to tell you everything about my past but I need to talk to Beck first." His eyes darken and a low growl escapes his lips. "Hey, don't do that. Beck and I are family. There is nothing romantic about our relationship." His eyes return to the beautiful chocolate brown color. "I'm sorry, Stacey. I'm not trying to be a jealous a**," he says.

I smile and squeeze his hand. "I saved myself for you, Emmett. I understand why you would get upset at the thought of me being with Beck. Look how I acted when that b**ch Belinda was propositioning you. We are both jealous and possessive. It's in our nature." He smiles like he just won the lottery. "So, we will be each other's firsts." I swear if this was a cartoon my eyes would be bugging out of my head. Did he just say he has never been with another she-wolf?

Before I can stop myself, I wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips against his. I've never kissed someone, but that doesn't seem to matter as our lips begin to move against each other. He runs his tongue against my bottom lip, and I open for him. His tongue tangles with mine, and I swear I feel heat in my lower belly.

The banging of my office door makes us jump apart. I look toward the door and Beck has the good sense to look embarrassed for barging in. He runs his hand through his hair and rubs the back of his neck. It's his tell when he doesn't know what to say. "Come in and close the door, Beck. We need to talk." "I'm sorry for not knocking" he says. Beck takes the chair across from us and I take Emmett's hand in mine.

Beckham POV

I feel like an a** when I see Stacey and Emmett jump apart. "At least somebody isn't afraid to claim their mate" Gideon says. "You just couldn't resist, could you?" He chuckles before he goes quiet again. "Beck, I want to tell Emmett about our past but I needed to talk to you first since it not just my story" Stacey says. I nod my head and I sit back watching different emotions play out on Emmett's face as Stacey retells the worst day of our lives.

When Stacey finishes Emmett pulls her onto his lap and holds her close. I may never have this with Rosalyn because I let my fear and guilt rule my actions. I'm ready to stand and give them some privacy when Stacey lifts her head and her eyes meet mine. I know what she is silently encouraging me to do. I don't know if talking to her brother before I speak to her is a good idea, but honestly, I might not get the chance to talk to her without his help.

"Emmett, losing Deborah broke me in ways that most wolves can't even imagine. A part of me died with her that day. If it hadn't been for Lily and Stacey, I probably wouldn't have survived the loss of my mate." I see pain and sympathy in his eyes. "I never wanted to have another mate. Part of it was because I felt like I would be betraying Deborh but part of it was I felt like a failure for not protecting her. My own father was the reason that Lily was going to grow up without her mother. I should have been able to protect her" I say fighting back the tears that want to fall.

I take a deep breath. "Emmett, I've met my second chance mate but instead of embracing her for the gift she is, I acted like a coward. I ran away from her." I notice his body language change and I wonder if he has figured out why I'm telling him all of this. "Beck, I'm really hoping that you're not telling me this because my little sister is your mate. Please tell me you didn't reject my sister," he says his voice laced with anger and sadness.

I drop my gaze to the ground. Before I realize what's happening I'm on my back on the ground and Emmett is looming over me. My eyes meet Stacey's and she looks panicked. I raise my hand to stop her from interfering. Emmett has my shirt twisted in his fists. "Do you know what she has been through? The pain she has endured? How the f**k could you hurt her after all the pain she has already survived?"

"Who hurt my mate?" I growl even though I know part of the answer is me. Something flashes in his eyes before he finally scrambles off me. He looks between me and Stacey, before he settles on me. "Tell me what happened between you and Rose" he demands. I explain everything that happened at dinner last night and the bakery today. His shoulders relax and a hint of smile crosses his face. "So do you really want my sister as your mate or were you butt hurt another male might be interested," he says.

It's my turn to lose my shit. In two steps I'm in his face. "She is mine. I may have been a coward because of my past but me wanting her was never the problem. She is perfect. She is my mate and I will spend the rest of my life trying to convince her that I'm worthy to stand by her side, if I can get her to forgive me for being an id*ot."

"I can't tell you everything that happened to Rose before we left our pack because it's not my story to tell. I will help you talk to her if you intend to claim her and love her the way she deserves to be loved," he says, Hope blooms in my chest. "You are worthy of this second chance Beck. Rosalyn is meant to be ours, so don't f**k it up again" Gideon says.