Chapter 20 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Reese POV

I make my way to the dining room after meeting with the trackers. It's like Rosalyn disappeared. They have only been able to determine they headed north and haven't made any stops in nearby packs. We assumed that they would seek asylum in a neighboring pack but none of them have welcomed any new pack members recently.

I know my father is getting desperate because my mother is demanding to speak with Miranda and he is running out of excuses. In his desperation he has contacted my uncle who is part of the Werewolf Council. He is supposed to be her tonight. He has assured my father he has a way to locate her.

I only make it a few feet toward the buffet when I notice Logan and Addie sitting in the far corner. I decide to have lunch in my room since I know Addie is going to demand answers when she sees me. Before I can turn to leave, I notice he motions toward me. Addie's head whips in my direction. I almost make it out of the dining room before Addie catches up to me. "Don't even try it Reese. I know you're not telling me something about Rose. I want to know what the hell is going on and don't give me some bullsh*t story about her visiting her aunt, I called her," she says.

I notice we are getting looks from other pack members so I lead her out of the dining room and into a large conference room. "Addie, I know you miss Rose. I miss her too but there are things I just can't tell you." "Bullsh*t, I have a right to know what is going on with my best friend. She isn't just your godd*mn mate" her voice is rising with every word.

I hate the pain I see in my sister's eyes. Just another way I have f**ked things up. "You know I've heard things Reese and I didn't want to believe them because you're my brother and I love you but all this secret bullsh*t has me wondering if there isn't some truth to the rumors" she says. I feel bile rise in my throat.

"You know how the pack members love to gossip. What have you heard Addie?" "I heard that you cheated on Rosie with one of the pack skanks and she left because of it. I always respected you because you insisted you were going to wait for your mate. Tell me you wouldn't do that to your mate Reese. Tell me you wouldn't do that to Rosie" she demands. I'm not sure what she sees in my eyes but she turns to leave.

I rush and grab her arm before she can leave the room. "Addie, I never touched one of the pack skanks, I swear to you." Her shoulders sag and I hate myself when I see relief flash in her eyes. She wraps her arms around my middle and I rub my hand in circles on her back. "I knew you would never do such a thing. I'm sorry I even doubted you for a second, Reese" she says. I can't keep lying to her. I know my father is going to be pissed but I can't lie to Addie or my mother anymore.

I have to tell them what I've done and beg their forgiveness. If I have any hope of becoming the man that Rosie deserves, I need to own my mistakes. "Addie," I start to say before the door to the room bangs open. My eyes meet a pissed off Logan's. "You might want to do something with your future Beta. He is sh*tfaced and running his mouth about his sister." What the hell?

Rosalyn POV

I've tried to focus on baking and decorating cupcakes all day, but I can't stop thinking about Beck. Why the hell was he here this morning? If he wants to reject me it wouldn't be smart to do it where humans could hear. We both will suffer from the denied bond. My heart aches thinking about how horrified he looked when he realized I was his destined mate. I'm still not sure why I couldn't sense his wolf until I felt the tingles but there was no mistaking the feeling of connection when our fingers touched.

Why did the goddess choose another man who doesn't want me for their mate? What the hell is wrong with me? "There is not a damn thing wrong with you. It's those two that are the problem. Reese is just a greedy selfish pr*ck who despite being given the perfect mate thought he deserved more. As far as Beck I have a feeling he is going to realize what an id*ot he is soon. When he does Rose, he'll want to make things right with you," Zora says.

Part of me wishes she was right but after everything that's happened, I won't let myself hope. I hate the thought of never knowing what it feels like to be bonded to the other half of our soul. My name being called breaks me out of my thoughts. I turn around and Holly is standing in the doorway, irritation clearly on her face. My first thought is Beck came back to talk to me and she isn't happy. I'm not sure how I feel about that but I don't have time to really decide.

"There is a man who says he's your brother in the front of the store. He said he's here to take you home. I see your done cleaning so I guess it's alright for you to leave," she says. "Holly, its five o'clock. My shift is over and I would never leave a mess." She turns without another word, heading down the hallway toward her office. Goddess, I don't get why she is such a b**ch. "I do she wants our mate" Zora says with a growl.

I grab my things and head out front to meet Emmett. He has a huge smile on his face. I can't help but smile back at him. "I guess you had a good first day at the new job." I'm startled when he pulls me in for a hug. "You could say that" he says when he finally releases me. "You ready to go. I have a surprise for you" he says. "What kind of surprise?" "A good one, now let's go" he says leading me out of the shop.

I slide into the passenger seat of the car. As I buckle my seat belt I notice movement in the review mirror. I almost scream until I realize its' Stacey. "Hi Rose, didn't mean to scare you" she says. Emmett slides in next to me and I look between them. I'm not sure what the hell is happening but I don't want to be rude. Emmett shifts the car into gear and pulls out into traffic.

As he moves away from town, I realize we are traveling in the direction of Beck's house. My heart starts to pound against my chest. I glimpse the mirror and my eyes meet Stacey's. I see a silent plea in her eyes but I'm not sure exactly what she is asking of me. "Emmett, I'm not trying to ruin your plans." Before I can ask him to take me home, he pulls off to the side of the road.

He turns in his seat to face me. "Rose, I found my mate." That was the last thing I expected for him to say. I look between the two of them as he reaches his hand back and takes Stacey's. "Oh, my goddess, you're mates. Is this the surprise because that's amazing."

"Yes, were mates and I'm so happy. The goddess has truly blessed me," he says smiling at Stacey. He turns back to me. "That's not why I brought you out here. I know what happened with Beckham when he realized you were mates" he says and the ache from earlier returns to my chest. I do my best to fight the tears that want to fall. Emmett takes my hand in his.

"Believe me, I'm not happy he hurt you. I almost beat the sh*t out of him for it. Now, I would never tell him what happened with Reese but I think you owe it to yourself to hear his story. I think it will help you understand his reaction wasn't about you. In case you didn't know sis men aren't exactly the smartest of our species. I could tell when I talked to him, he regrets hurting you. I won't force you to talk to him Rose. So, you get to decide whether we turn around and go home or if we keep driving. So, what's it going to be?"