Chapter 21 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Reese POV

I rush through the pack house, and follow Bryce's scent to the large living room that is just off the foyer. My body stiffens when I hear Bryce spewing nothing, but hatred for my mate. "My sister is too weak to be the Luna of this pack. She isn't worthy of being with our future Alpha. I'm glad she's gone. She is nothing but a wh*re," he says slurring his words.

I can't imagine how much he must have consumed to be this intoxicated. A small group has gathered to listen to his bullsh*t. I notice several she-wolves who look thrilled to hear the Rose is gone. I wouldn't touch one of them so they can wipe the smug looks right off their faces. In fact, I'll never touch another person that isn't my mate again. "If only you had listened to that advice before you f**ked everything up," Fallon says and blocks me.

I growl and everyone quiets down. Bryce's eyes meet mine and he drops his gaze to the floor. "Beta Myers, I'm not sure what you were thinking but everything you just said is a f**king lie. Rosalyn, is strong and capable. She is going to be an amazing Luna. If anyone isn't worthy of the other it's me. I will do everything in my power to try to be the man that she deserves."

I stalk forward until I'm standing right in front of him as the rage at his words start to boil over. Fallon is clawing to take control after hearing him call Rose a wh*re but I'm able to maintain control. He lifts his gaze and the eyes I once loved to look into make me feel nothing. "If I ever hear you speak in such away about my Luna again, I will strip you of your title. Do I make myself clear, Beta?"

"Of course, Alpha, crystal," he says. "What the f**k is wrong with you Bryce? You've turned into such a pr*ck. You are so jealous that your sister found her mate before you. After the way you've treated Rose, you don't deserve to find your mate at all," Addie screams at him from behind me. Bryce's eyes darken before a sinister smile spreads across his face. "Oh Addie, I'm not jealous of my b**ch of a sister. I have everything that was meant to be hers" he says.

Before he can say anymore, I haul back and punch him square in the face. He stumbles back falling on his ass. Blood pours from his nose. I turn and growl at everyone in the room. "Get out" I say using my Alpha command. Everyone scatters until only Addie and Logan are left. I turn back to Bryce who is holding his nose and glaring at me. "In my office, now." He gets to his feet and moves around me. When he passes Addie and Logan she growls at him.

Her eyes meet mine and I can see disappointment. "I would like you and Logan to come to my office too." Once we are all in my office Addie turns to me. I notice that Bryce is across the room glaring at Logan. "Reese, tell me what the hell is going on?" "I wasn't exactly honest with you earlier. I hurt Rose. That's why she left the pack."

She raises her hand and I make no attempt to stop her. My cheek stings from the slap. "How could you betray Rose? Which one of the disgusting women in this pack was worth losing your fated mate for? Was getting your dick wet worth that" she screams at me and I flinch. Bryce growls and takes a step toward Addie. Logan immediately steps in front of her. "Back off Bryce. This is between Reese and Addie" Logan says. "F**k you, Logan. I don't even know why your here. You are not even part of this" Bryce says.

"Yes, he is. So, sit the f**k down until I get this out." I'm glad when he listens and I look back at Addie. "Addie, I've never slept with a she-wolf in our pack or otherwise." She looks at me clearly confused. "I really intended to save all my first for my mate, Addie." Realization flashes in her eyes and she looks between me and Bryce. "How could you? How could you with her brother after you found out you two were mates?"

She whirls on Bryce but before she can get close Logan wraps his arm around her waist. "You f**king disgusting pr*ck. You f**ked your sister's mate after they found each other and then treated her like sh*t." She turns back to me. "You need to tell mom and dad what you've done" she says and Bryce laughs. I growl but it doesn't stop his vicious words. "You think your father doesn't know, he does. Hell, he's the real reason Rose left," Bryce says triumphantly.

Addie looks at me with devastation in her eyes. She has always been a daddy's girl. "What is he talking about Reese? What did dad do?" "Addie, it's my fault that Rose left. I love her and I'll do anything to gain her forgiveness." "No more secrets or lies, Reese. What did dad do to, Rosie" she demands. "He insisted that she would share me with Bryce just as twins do." I watch the color drain from her face before she runs for the trash can. She bends purging everything from her stomach.

I make my way over trying to move her hair but she pushes me away. Once she has righted herself, she turns to look at me. "You have till the end of the day to tell mom exactly what happened or I will. I never thought I would be ashamed to be your sister Reese, but I am." She reaches out her hand to Logan and they leave without another word. Bryce starts to speak but I silence him with a growl. "Dad, I need you and Cain to come to my office now."

Rosalyn POV

I know what Zora and Emmett want me to do but what do I want. Am I willing to give him a chance to explain why he was such an a** to me? Am I willing to tell him about Reese? What if I do and he decides he doesn't want me? I don't know if I'll leave through another rejection. "There is no wrong answer, Rose. I know you're scared, but you are the strongest wolf I know. You owe it to yourself to have all the information before you make a decision," Emmett says.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. When I open my eyes, I look between Stacey and Emmett. "Drive, but the minute I say I'm done Emmett you will come get me and take me home." "Absolutely" he says and presses a kiss on my forehead. I swear my heart is going to beat out of my chest the closer we get to Beck's house. When Emmett pulls into the driveway, I see Beck is sitting on the steps of the porch. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you Rose," Emmett asks. "No, just make sure you answer your phone."

I push open the door, but before I can get out Stacey grabs my hand. "I promise you he knows what an id*ot he's been. We are going to get Lily and take her for ice-cream." My heart squeezes in my chest when I think about Lily. She is meant to be mine. I nod and get out. I stand staring at the man that is meant to be my second chance. I feel like I'm rooted to the spot. Like my legs are too heavy to move. After a few seconds he starts to move toward me.

When he's a few feet away he stops. The scent of sandalwood and leather that was faint before is now heavy around me. Zora purrs and my eyes never leave Beck's. "Rosalyn, thank you for coming here. I know I don't deserve the chance to apologize for my actions but I would like too. I would also like to spend some time with you. Would you go for a walk with me?"

He offers me his hand but I don't take it. "I agreed to come here because I want to know why you don't want to be mates. I think you owe me that much. I don't think we should touch. It will just reinforce a bond that may never happen." He lowers his hand by his side and I see regret in his eyes. "I'm hoping that after we talk Rosalyn, you'll give me a second chance to show you that I do want to be mates" he says.

My belly flips but I keep my face impassive. I won't allow myself to give into hope until I hear what he has to say. Goddess, I pray that he means what he just said. I don't think my heart can take another rejection.