Chapter 23 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Reese POV

"Reese, please talk to me" Bryce pleads once were alone again. "I think you have run your mouth enough Bryce. Whatever we had between us is well over. You are not the man I once thought you were. You have caused your sister, my mate, nothing but pain and you show no remorse. At least I'm sorry for what I've done." Pain and anger flash in his eyes. He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it quickly when both our father's step into the office.

"What's going on Reese? You sounded like it was urgent in the link" my father says, his voice laced with concern. "Do you want to tell our father's what you've done" I ask Bryce. He drops his gaze to the floor like the coward he is. "Bryce, apparently thought it was a good idea to get drunk on werewolf whiskey and run his mouth." My father growls and steps toward him only to be stopped by Cain.

"What have you done Bryce" Cain asks his son. Bryce finally lifts his head and his eyes meet Cain's. "I told the pack the truth. Rosie isn't good enough to be Luna or Reese's mate. I'm glad she's gone. I hope she never comes back. Hell, I hope she gets herself killed so Reese doesn't want her anymore" he says.

Fallon pushes to the surface and instead of stopping him, I offer him control. He wishes my mate dead then he deserves what he gets. Bryce tries to escape me but between the alcohol still coursing through his veins and our rage, he can't. The first punch we land knocks him off his feet. We straddle him and reign down punch after punch. The sound of crunching when I break his nose pleases Fallon. He attempts to protect his face but with every punch he weakens more.

"Enough" my father growls and his Alpha aura washes over Fallon. As much as he fights against it, he finally gives in to the command. We stand over Bryce looking down at a man we don't even recognize anymore. "Bryce Myers, as of this moment you are no longer the future Beta of the Black Rose Pack." There is a growl from behind me and I know immediately that its Cain. "You have no right to take his title. It is his birthright" he says.

I whirl on the man I have thought of as a second father. "I have every right. I am the next Alpha of this pack. He wished harm to my future Luna and your daughter. Did you forget that she is your daughter Cain? Does it mean nothing to you he wished her dead?" He shoulders sag and he drops his gaze to the ground. "Son, are you sure about your decision? I'm sure Bryce didn't really mean what he said" my father says.

I throw my head back and laugh. "You are as delusional as he is if you think he didn't mean every word he just said. He has been nothing but cruel to his sister since I announced her as my mate and Luna. Since you want to defend him ask him what he told Addie." My father's eyes get big and he stalks toward Bryce grabbing him by the throat. "I told her Rose was gone. He's the one that told her about us" Bryce says as he tries to free himself from my father's grip. "You left me no choice you pr*ck."

"What the f**k have you two done" my father growls dropping Bryce to the floor. "Addie is giving us till the end of the day to tell mom everything or she will. It's time to come clean and ask for forgiveness. Everything is a f**king mess. F**k dad you threatened that I was going to forcibly mate and mark her. How could you even suggest such a thing. I'm ashamed that I didn't refuse the moment you said it even though I knew I would never do that to Rosie."

"I need to talk to your sister. I can't lose your mother over this. I need to make your sister understand I was doing it for your happiness," he says. His eyes glaze over. "Addie is on her way. Cain, take your son and sober him up. Keep your f**king mouth shut from now on Bryce or you won't like the consequences" my dad says. Cain grabs Bryce leading him out of the office. It feels like forever before the office door pushes open and Addie steps inside.

My sister looks destroyed as she stares at our father. "Addie, I know your upset about Rose" my father starts to say but she cuts him off. "Upset doesn't even begin to cover how I feel. How could you suggest such a despicable thing? I feel like you're a stranger because the father that raised me would never have entertained hurting Rose the way you all have done."

"Sweetheart" he tries again. "Don't call me that. After everything I learned today you've lost the right to call me that. I've lost all respect for you and Reese. I meant what I said to Reese earlier. You have till the end of the day to tell mom about this f**ked up situation or I will." She turns without another word leaving my father with a choice that could very well cost him his mate.

Beckham POV

I manage to get myself under control but I make no move to take Rosalyn off my lap. "Beck, there is one more thing I need to tell you. My father is the pack's Beta. My mother rejected her bond with him because he supported the Alpha and Reese." I can't help the growl that escapes me when she says her former mate's name. That pr*ck had the most precious gift and threw it away for f**k buddy.

"Beck, when they had me in the cells because I refused to accept the f**ked up idea of sharing my mate. Alpha Robert made it clear that I was going to become Luna willing or not." I stiffen at her words. She can't mean that they would force her. I look into her eyes and I immediately know that's exactly what she meant. I'm going to rip that f**king ba**ard apart. My vision is narrowing and I'm panting.

Rosalyn is saying my name but she sounds far away. I didn't even realize I'm starting to shift because of the rage flowing through my body. Arms wrap around my neck and soft lips press against mine. I stiffen for a moment before my body relaxes and I give into the kiss. Her lips feel like nothing I've ever felt. I thread my fingers in the hair at the nape of her neck as I deepen the kiss. I'm not sure how long it lasts before we break apart both needing to pull air into our lungs.

I look into the beautiful face of this woman the goddess chose for me. Her face is flushed and her lips are swollen. I rest my forehead against hers. "Rosalyn what is your full name?" I can hear her heart rate speed up at my question. "Rosalyn Rain Myers" she whispers. "I, Beckham Lance Forester, accept you, Rosalyn Rain Myers as my mate and Luna." I feel the first tether of the bond snap into place.

Rosalyn places her hand on my cheek and I watch a single tear run down hers. "I, Rosalyn Rain Myers, accept you, Beckham Lance Forester, as my mate and Alpha." The bond strengthens with her words. It won't be complete until we mate and mark but I won't rush her. Not after all she has been through. The sounds of giggles getting closer causes us to both lift our head.

Lily comes bounding through the trees and squeals when she sees us. "Rose" she yells as we both get to our feet. When she finally reaches us, she throws her arms around Rose's waist. "I missed you" she says as Rose rubs her hand through my daughter's hair. Our daughter's hair. "I missed you too Lily bear." "Lily" Stacey calls out and I can't help but chuckle. "I'm sorry she took off once I mentioned that Rose was here." I smile because not only am I getting a second chance but so is my pup. This time I will protect my mate or die trying.