Chapter 27 - My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Reese POV

"Mom, do you think there is any chance she will reject her second chance mate and come back to me if I can prove to her how sorry I am?" I hate the sympathy I see in her eyes. "No, Reese, I don't. I know I wouldn't. Betrayal is one of the worst things a person can experience. Besides the pain of infidelity, the feeling of not being good enough can tear a person apart," she says.

Her words feel like she is speaking from experience, but I know there is no way she knows about all my father has done. Guilt bubbles up inside me. Here she is comforting me after all I've done, and I'm keeping my father's dirty secrets. Mom is right. It's time I start doing the right thing. "My sister's first mate betrayed her with her best friend right after I mated with your father."

"Aunt Gwen had a mate before Michael" I say but it's a question. "She did and he nearly destroyed her. I watched my sister become someone I didn't know. She was a shell of the beautiful, happy girl I grew up with. Her first mate was a warrior in our pack. The idi*t had a girlfriend when he realized Gwen was his mate. Instead of breaking it off with the girl, he thought he could have them both. My father banished the two of them after Gwen rejected him," she says.

A soft smile spreads across her face. "She came to stay with me and met Michael. He became Alpha of my old pack, and he treats my sister like a Queen. I know letting her go is going to be hard, Reese, but she deserves to be happy even if it's not with you. You will find your happiness and be a better man because you've learned from all of this" she says.

"I'll try, mom. I really will try to let her go. Mom, I need to tell you something, but I know it's going to hurt you." Her body stiffens and her eyes darken. "Is it about your father?" Before I can answer her, the door to my room opens. My father steps inside his eyes never leaving my mother.

When he reaches the side of my bed, he gives me a tight smile. "I'm so glad to see you're awake Reese. I want you to rest because I'm taking care of everything. We have already found her location. We will have her back in the pack within the week," he says. "No, it's over. She has a new mate. Mom's right, she deserves to be happy after all the pain I've caused her."

His eyes darken, and he looks between the two of us before they land on me. "Are you out of your f**king mind? She is meant to be your Luna and gave herself to another man like a wh*re. That will not go unpunished. She will return and once she is here you will put a pup in her belly. She will do her duty to you and this pack."

Fallon growls in my mind and a sense of relief washes over me. I thought I had lost Rosie and Fallon. "As upset as I am about what you did, Reese, I've forgiven you. I see the man I always knew you were. You are trying to do what's right no matter how much it hurts you. I hate that we have lost Rosalyn but your mother's right" he says.

"What you really mean is I'll force myself on her, isn't it, dad? The only person out of their mind is you. I'm finally acting the way a man that loves a woman should act. You know nothing about that." "Reese," he says my name in warning. "Don't, secrets are what has destroyed my mate bond. I refuse to continue to live with all these secrets surrounding the people I love."

"You have no right to speak about things that don't concern you. Now sh*t your mouth. The decision about whether to bring Rosalyn back to the pack is one that will be made by the Alpha. I am the Alpha and you would do well to remember that, or I won't be handing over my title anytime soon. In fact, maybe I'll give the pack to your sister's mate since you aren't acting like an Alpha."

"When did you become such a ba**ard? Oh, that's right, you've always been a ba**ard. You just hid it well. I won't allow you to hurt Rosalyn, no matter if she is my mate or not. I also won't allow you to keep hurting my mother. Mom, dad has been betraying you since the day you became his mate." This is not how I wanted her to find out, but nothing will stop the pain she is about to feel.

His growl shakes the wall and he takes a step toward me. "What is he talking about, Robert" my mother asks, her voice laced with pain and anger. He stops moving and looks at my mother. "Maureen, how could you even question me? Reese isn't thinking properly. I would never betray you. I love you, Maureen. Have you ever felt the pain of betrayal in all the time we have been mated," he asks.

I can see she is torn because she knows she hasn't. Despite the d*ck he has become, he has always treated my mother well. "Reese, what makes you think your father is being unfaithful to me? He's right. I have never felt the pain of him f**king someone else." My heart sinks hearing her question if I'm telling the truth.

She takes my hand and squeezes it. "Make no mistake Reese, I believe you. I know he's lying. His heart is ready to pound out of his chest because he knows he can't weasel his way out of it. I simply want to know how you found out," she says, her eyes never leaving mine.

"He has been dulling your wolf's senses every day using a small amount of wolfsbane so you won't feel it when he is f**king Cain. I heard them in his office. I didn't know how to tell you, and I'm sorry it took me this long." She gasps her hand covering her mouth. I know her heart is breaking, but more than pain, rage is swimming in her eyes.

"Maureen, do you really believe that I've been dosing you with wolfsbane every day? Reese isn't thinking properly since his bond is broken. We have to help our son. He needs his mate," he pleads.

"You rotten ba**ard. You and that pr*ck have been betraying me and Miranda since we mated. You are disgusting. How could you be so selfish and cruel? How could you lie to my face every day telling me how much you loved me. I hate you. I can't stand the sight of you" she says.

"You don't deserve to be Alpha of this pack or any pack for that matter." A sinister smile spreads across his face. "Well, isn't that too f**king bad, because I am the Alpha of this pack. You are my mate, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that it stays that way. So, I would be careful what you say to me next because it's your pups that will suffer for your disrespect," he says, and bile rises in my throat. He knows I can't fight him right now because of the broken bond. This man is no longer the man that raised me. He is a monster.

Rosalyn POV

As I lay in Beck's arms, I can't help but think about everything that happened to bring me to this moment. Despite being mated to Reese first, we were never meant to be. I know that in my heart now. I hope they have stopped looking for me. I truly hope he and Bryce are happy together even after all the pain they caused me. I don't want to hold all that anger and hate inside me. I've been given a second chance.

"What are you thinking about, beautiful?" I smile and turn in Beck's arms, so I'm facing him. Goddess, he is so handsome. "I was just thinking that Reese and I were never really meant to be. It was always you. I was always meant to be yours." He growls and pulls me closer, so my body is flush with his

. "I don't like you thinking about that pr*ck but I'm happy you know you were never meant to be his. I love you, Rosalyn." He presses his lips against mine and I can feel his c*ck hardening against my stomach. His hand starts to move down my body and over the swell of my a**. I moan into his mouth. After the number of times we have been together in the last two hours, I can't believe he is ready again.

I start to move, hoping he'll slide inside me when we hear a door banging in the distance. Beck groans before he presses his forehead against mine. "Already our daughter is being a c**kblock." He stiffens realizing what he just said. His eyes meet mine and I smile. "She is my daughter, Beck, as much as you are my mate. I may be her mother now, but I will never let her forget the woman that gave her life." Tears run down his cheeks and I wipe them away with my thumbs.

He presses a soft kiss on my lips before a bang on the bedroom door makes us both jump. "Daddy, where's Rose? I want to show her my new doll," she says through the door. Beck chuckles as he slides out of bed and offers me his hand. "Give me a minute, Lily bear. We will be right out" he says.